
383.At the request of a user, you issue the following command to restore a dropped table: flashback table

"BIN$F2JFfMq8Q5unbC0ceE9eJg==$0" to before drop; Later, the user notifies you that the data in the

table seems to be very old and out of date.

What might be the problem?

A. Because a proper range of SCNs was not specified, the wrong data was restored.

B. A proper range of timestamps was not specified, so the wrong data was restored.

C. A previous Flashback Drop operation had been performed, resulting in multiple versions of the table

being stored in the Recycle Bin.

D. Either option A or B could be correct. Not enough information was provided to determine which.

E. None of the above.

Answer: C




使用FLASHBACK TABLE ... TO BEFORE DROP命令从回收站恢复表及其所有可能的从属对象。

但有可能在回收站里表有多个版本。如题,用户使用flashback table

"BIN$F2JFfMq8Q5unbC0ceE9eJg==$0" to before drop;来恢复表,但数据太旧,即恢复了旧版本的数据。

如果要恢复最新数据的,则 dba_recyclebin表的droptime来确定需要恢复的时间点。
