
write by 九天雁翎(JTianLing) -- blog.csdn.net/vagrxie


    其实早就看到了(很老了,写于Sunday, December 9, 2007),最近写Bullet相关文章的时候又翻看到了,想到常常有人会问到底哪个开源引擎比较好,这里就顺面简单的翻译一下吧。虽然是一家之言,而且Wolfgang Engel这个大牛(不了解有多牛可以参考这里 )的话是针对移动平台的,但是还是有一些普遍的参考价值的。来源 。这也是Wolfgang写乌龙引擎(oolongengine )的初衷。





Ogre:架构和设计不太关注效率。其C++的用法导致使用和重新设计都比较困难。一个例子:每个材质都有它自己的一个C++文件并且这里还有一个复杂的继承链.... (现在Ogre已经官方支持iPhone了,也不需要Wolfgang来移植了,但是效率的确是个问题)

Irrlicht:我尝试的Mac OS X版本看起来像Quake 3引擎。它看起来缺少很多现代3D引擎设计的元素,除了看起来非常适合移动设备。因此,你可能也就想使用原来的Quake3引擎..... (的确很适合移动设备)

Quake 3:这是个很显然有很多优秀工具,非常有效率的引擎,我以前开发荣誉勋章系列的时候就使用了这个引擎,但是我想要更加灵活一些,并且我想以更加高级的硬件为目标。 (Quake 3实在也太老了点,现在也支持iPhone了)

Crystal Space:为什么每个东西都是一个插件?想不通。

C4:这是我最习惯的引擎之一,但是它是闭源的:-(  (对开源引擎的评价怎么会加上这个闭源引擎?-_-!)




Evaluated several open source engines:

  • Ogre: the architecture and design is not very performance friendly. The usage of C++ makes the usage and re-design here quite difficult. An example: each material has its own C++ file and there is an inheritance chain from a base class ...
  • Irrlicht: the Mac OS X version I tried looks like a Quake 3 engine. It also seems to lack lots of design elements of a modern 3D engine. Other than this it looks quite good for a portable device. You might also use the original Quake 3 engine then ...
  • Quake 3: this is obviously a very efficient game engine with rock-solid tools, I worked with this engine in the Medal of Honor series before, but I wanted a bit more flexibility and I wanted to target more advanced hardware.
  • Crystal Space: why is everything a plug-in? Can't get my head around this.
  • C4: this is one of my favourite engines, but it is closed source :-(

So I want to write my own based on the low-level framework I have in place now.


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write by 九天雁翎(JTianLing) -- blog.csdn.net/vagrxie

