MIT JOS lab4
写在前面的碎碎念~ :
经历了LAB 3的洗礼,死磕到了lab 4. 这里还是首先向各位为JOS 实验做过笔记,写过博客,把自己实验代码托管到JOS上面的先行者们致敬! 如果没有这么好的开源环境, 这么好的东西学不来. 珍惜, 不用嘴. Doing is better than saying!
LAB 4 : Preemptive Multitasking
对于多核CPU, JOS对其进行了抽象. 具体在./kern/cpu.h
我们可以看到CPU最大数目是支持8个... 呵呵,就是一个宏定义
然后具体的,对CPU利用结构体进行抽象--struct CpuInfo.
而多核处理器我们用 struct mp来进行描述
其中的成员 mp.physaddr指向结构体 struct mpconfig
他这里为什么sum(mp, sizeof(*mp))要等于0我不怎么理解
这里前面一堆的if判断条件就是为了最后 *pmp = mp 和 return conf做准备.
OK,铺垫都做好了,可以看mp_init()了 (如果看不懂就反复看看前面的mp_init()调用的函数)
先通过调用mpconfig()找到struct mpconf然后根据这个结构体内的entries信息对各个CPU结构体进行配置.
那个ismp是个全局变量,默认的初始值为0, 但是我们进行mp_init()的时候,就把这个全局变量置为1了,如果出现任何entries匹配错误(switch找不到对应项,跳进default),这个时候我们多可处理器的初始化就失败了,不能用多核处理器进行机器的运行,于是ismp置为0
Part A: Multiprocessor Support and Cooperative Multitasking
In the first part of this lab, you will first extend JOS to run on a multiprocessor system, and then implement some new JOS kernel system calls to allow userlevel environments to create additional new environments.
Multiprocessor Support
We are going to make JOS support "symmetric multiprocessing" (SMP), a multiprocessor model in which all CPUs have equivalent access to system resources such as memory and I/O buses. While all CPUs are functionally identical in SMP, during the boot process they can be classified into two types: the bootstrap processor (BSP) is responsible for initializing the system and for booting the operating system; and the application processors (APs) are activated by the BSP only after the operating system is up and running. Which processor is the BSP is determined by the hardware and the BIOS. Up to this point, all your existing JOS code has been running on the BSP.
// // Reserve size bytes in the MMIO region and map [pa,pa+size) at this // location. Return the base of the reserved region. size does *not* // have to be multiple of PGSIZE. // void * mmio_map_region(physaddr_t pa, size_t size) { void * ret = (void *)base; size = ROUNDUP(size, PGSIZE); if (base + size > MMIOLIM || base + size < base) { panic("mmio_map_region : reservation overflow\n"); } boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, base, size, pa, (PTE_P | PTE_PCD | PTE_PWT)); // never try to give a PTE_U base += size; return ret; //panic("mmio_map_region not implemented"); }
Application Processor Bootstrap
Before booting up APs, the BSP should first collect information about the multiprocessor system, such
as the total number of CPUs, their APIC IDs and the MMIO address of the LAPIC unit. The mp_init()
function in kern/mpconfig.c retrieves this information by reading the MP configuration table that resides
in the BIOS's region of memory.
对于SMP, 一开始系统是单核启动的(BSP), 而后完成启动后, 才会是APs. 就是启动APs的入口函数---- boot_aps()
memmove会把几乎整个./kern/mpentry.S 文件从mpentry_start 到mpentry_end. 部分的汇编代码copy到指针code指向的地址处.
对于page_init()只要添加一个 else if (i == MPENTRY_PADDR/PGSIZE)判断条件
#define MPBOOTPHYS(s) ((s) - mpentry_start + MPENTRY_PADDR))))
MPBOOTPHYS is to calculate symobl address relative to MPENTRY_PADDR. The ASM is executed in the load address above KERNBASE, but JOS need to run mp_main at 0x7000 address! Of course 0x7000's page is reserved at pmap.c.
CSDNer SunnyBeiKe 的解答:
Per-CPU current environment pointer.
Since each CPU can run different user process simultaneously, we redefined the symbol curenv to refer to cpus[cpunum()].cpu_env (or thiscpu->cpu_env ), which points to the environment currently executing on the current CPU (the CPU on which the code is running).
// Modify mappings in kern_pgdir to support SMP // - Map the per-CPU stacks in the region [KSTACKTOP-PTSIZE, KSTACKTOP) // static void mem_init_mp(void) { int i = 0; uintptr_t kstacktop_i; for (i = 0; i < NCPU; i++) { kstacktop_i = KSTACKTOP - i * (KSTKSIZE + KSTKGAP); boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, kstacktop_i - KSTKSIZE, ROUNDUP(KSTKSIZE, PGSIZE), PADDR(&percpu_kstacks[i]), (PTE_W) | (PTE_P)); } }
在 i386_init() , mp_main() , trap() , 这几个函数中添加lock_kernel(),在env_run() 中添加unlock_kernel();
If it leaves future-needed data in the single kernel stack, It will have the re-entrant problem.
RoundRobin Scheduling
// Choose a user environment to run and run it. void sched_yield(void) { struct Env *idle; // Implement simple round-robin scheduling. // // Search through 'envs' for an ENV_RUNNABLE environment in // circular fashion starting just after the env this CPU was // last running. Switch to the first such environment found. // // If no envs are runnable, but the environment previously // running on this CPU is still ENV_RUNNING, it's okay to // choose that environment. // // Never choose an environment that's currently running on // another CPU (env_status == ENV_RUNNING). If there are // no runnable environments, simply drop through to the code // below to halt the cpu. // LAB 4: Your code here. idle = thiscpu->cpu_env; uint32_t start = (idle != NULL) ? ENVX( idle->env_id) : 0; uint32_t i = start; bool first = true; for (; i != start || first; i = (i+1) % NENV, first = false) { if(envs[i].env_status == ENV_RUNNABLE) { env_run(&envs[i]); return ; } } if (idle && idle->env_status == ENV_RUNNING) { env_run(idle); return ; } // sched_halt never returns sched_halt(); }
还可以去这里看看关于JOS 里的Round robin:
记得把kern/init.c里面的 ENV_CREAT()
System Calls for Environment Creation
Although your kernel is now capable of running and switching between multiple user level environments, it is still limited to running environments that the kernel initially set up. You will now implement the necessary JOS system calls to allow user environments to create and start other new user environments.
Unix provides the fork() system call as its process creation primitive. Unix fork() copies the entire address
space of calling process (the parent) to create a new process (the child). The only differences between the two observable from user space are their process IDs and parent process IDs (as returned by getpid and getppid). In the parent, fork() returns the child's process ID, while in the child, fork() returns 0. By default, each process gets its own private address space, and neither process's modifications to memory are visible to the other.
You will provide a different, more primitive set of JOS system calls for creating new usermode environments. With these system calls you will be able to implement a Unixlike fork() entirely in user space, in addition to other styles of environment creation. The new system calls you will write for JOS are as follows
We have provided a very primitive implementation of a Unixlike fork() in the test program user/dumbfork.c. This test program uses the above system calls to create and run a child environment with a copy of its own address space. The two environments then switch back and forth using sys_yield as in the previous exercise. The parent exits after 10 iterations, whereas the child exits after 20.
Part B: Copy on Write Fork
xv6 Unix implements fork() by copying all data from the parent's pages into new pages allocated for the
child. This is essentially the same approach that dumbfork() takes. The copying of the parent's address space into the child is the most expensive part of the fork() operation.
However, a call to fork() is frequently followed almost immediately by a call to exec() in the child process, which replaces the child's memory with a new program. This is what the the shell typically does, for example. In this case,the time spent copying the parent's address space is largely wasted, because the child process will use very little of its memory before calling exec() .
之前见过struct Trapframe,这个结构体是用于用户态切换到内核态保存进程状态的结构体.
而如果这里通过fork()去触发一个page fault 这时候就需要用户态去处理这个异常
During normal execution, a user environment in JOS will run on the normal user stack: its ESP register
starts out pointing at USTACKTOP , and the stack data it pushes resides on the page between USTACKTOP-
PGSIZE and USTACKTOP-1 inclusive. When a page fault occurs in user mode, however, the kernel will
restart the user environment running a designated userlevel page fault handler on a different stack,
namely the user exception stack.
下面是User exception stack的栈帧描述
Exercise 11. Finish set_pgfault_handler() in lib/pgfault.c
这里要在用户态的程序设置好page fault的handler,调用下面这个函数.如果没有设置好,会进而调用内核的page fault handler!! 虽然一直panic,但是搞明白了真的很好玩!少年,因为这就是我们常见的core dump的实现机制啊!
这里有一个已经写好的用户程序在 user/faultdie.c
// test user-level fault handler -- just exit when we fault #include <inc/lib.h> void handler(struct UTrapframe *utf) { void *addr = (void*)utf->utf_fault_va; uint32_t err = utf->utf_err; cprintf("i faulted at va %x, err %x\n", addr, err & 7); sys_env_destroy(sys_getenvid()); } void umain(int argc, char **argv) { set_pgfault_handler(handler); *(int*)0xDeadBeef = 0; }
我们调用这个程序就可以了 make run-faultdie
我们在 umain处设置断点,即 0x800033
(gdb调试的时候可能寄存器会有点不一样) 但是我们还是会发现执行movl指令之后会触发page fault
这里引用了这个非法地址,尝试写入0,触发page fault.
*(int*)0xDeadBeef = 0;
这个时候我们会先进入 TRAPTHANDLER(page_fault, T_PGFLT)处理程序.
后续会调用trap()函数,并进一步调用trap_dispatch() ,再调用page_fault_handler()
handler(struct UTrapframe *utf) { void *addr = (void*)utf->utf_fault_va; uint32_t err = utf->utf_err; cprintf("i faulted at va %x, err %x\n", addr, err & 7); sys_env_destroy(sys_getenvid()); }
所以你才能看到 i faulted at va deadbeef err 6这个在屏幕上通过cprintf的输出信息
这种机制非常棒!你会发现,它保护了系统!!!用户是可以触发page fault但是用户的page fault不会导致系统挂掉.不会panic,只是返回给用户信息就好.这和我们常常写的普通C 程序防止页面非法读写的原理是一样的,
我们常常遇到的"core dump""段错误" (给非法的地址写入值),就是这种防范机制.
比较左右两个用户程序,不同的就是左边调用的cprintf而右边调用的是 sys_cputs
结果是左边正常触发用户态的page fault handler,而右边的会被断言挂掉
Implementing CopyonWrite Fork
You now have the kernel facilities to implement copyonwrite fork() entirely in user space.
// Fork a binary tree of processes and display their structure. #include <inc/lib.h> #define DEPTH 3 void forktree(const char *cur); void forkchild(const char *cur, char branch) { char nxt[DEPTH+1]; if (strlen(cur) >= DEPTH) return; snprintf(nxt, DEPTH+1, "%s%c", cur, branch); if (fork() == 0) { forktree(nxt); exit(); } } void forktree(const char *cur) { cprintf("%04x: I am '%s'\n", sys_getenvid(), cur); forkchild(cur, '0'); forkchild(cur, '1'); } void umain(int argc, char **argv) { forktree(""); }
copy on write技术的核心思想就是先不要拷贝进程的进程空间到子进程中,如果一旦子进程尝试写入操作,那么再触发用户态的page fault,进而调用trap_dispatch(),会有配置好的用户态page fault handler去处理这个错误,这个handler实质上就是lib/fork.c里面的pgfault()函数.这个函数会把父进程的东东拷贝到子进程
Part C: Preemptive Multitasking and InterProcess communication (IPC)
InterProcess communication (IPC)
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