VHDL编译+仿真工具(Which free VHDL simulator can I use)

Which free VHDL simulator can I use?

If you don't have a VHDL simulator yet, we would recommend the following simulators. You can download them free of charge.

Simulator Download from Windows Linux Mac OSX
Aldec Active-HDL, Student Edition Aldec Download page Yes No No
ModelSim Altera Starter Edition Altera Quartus Web Edition Yes Yes No
ISim Xilinx Webpack Yes Yes No
Simili SymphonyEDA website Yes Yes No
GHDL GHDL website Yes Yes Yes

We have not had great results with FreeHDL or with Green Mountain VHDL. It seems that these projects may have been terminated.
GHDL on Mac OSX uses Wine, but works without problems.
