
        在CloudStack建立zone的时候,经常遇到SSVM不启动,或者根本就没有SSVM的情况,分析CloudStack日志,会发现有“Zone 1 is not ready to launch secondary storage VM yet”打印,意思是zone还未准备好启动SSVM。



        select a.* from vm_template a, host h where h.type = 'Routing' and h.data_center_id = 1 and a.type = 'System' and a.hypervisor_type = h.hypervisor_type limit 1;   


        Warn: Zone host is ready, but secondary storage vm template  3 is not ready on secondary storage: 1

        解决办法:检查system template是否已经下载完成(注意,要下载自己环境的hypervisor的system template)。

        select * from host where type = 'SecondaryStorage' and data_center_id = 1;  # host id is 3


        Warn: No secondary storage available in zone 1, wait until it is ready to launch secondary storage vm

        解决办法:为zone 1建立secondary storage pool。


        select * from template_host_ref where host_id = 3 and template_id = 1 and download_state = 'DOWNLOADED'; # host id and template id is query by before.


        Warn: Zone host is ready, but secondary storage vm template  3 is not ready on secondary storage: 1

        如果secondary storage是NFS,可以通过mount来检查secondary storage是否能够正常工作,如果secondary storage没有问题,则只能等待CloudStack自动关联上。

        SELECT p.data_center_id,  count(ph.host_id) count  FROM storage_pool p, storage_pool_host_ref ph WHERE = ph.pool_id AND p.data_center_id = 1 GROUP by p.data_center_id;

        Warn: Primary storage is not ready, wait until it is ready to launch secondary storage vm

没有问题后,CS会打印:Zone  1 is ready to launch secondary storage VM。 CS将会启动 start secondary storage VM工作。



