STATUS msgQSend(MSG_Q_ID msgQId, char * buffer, UNIT nBytes, int timeout, int priority) // 当有任务正在等待某个消息的到来,则被发送的消息立即提交给第一个等待的任务;否则,消息插入消息队列,当消息队列满时,任务被阻塞 int msgQReceive(MSG_Q_ID msgQId, char * buffer, UNIT maxNBytes, int timeout) // 当有消息在消息队列上,第一个消息被接受;否则调用者被阻塞,进入目标队列的任务队列排队(基于优先级/FIFO)
程序设计很简单,但是在设计程序的时候还要明确:Wind内核默认采用基于优先级的抢占式调度(Priority-based preemptive scheduling)。
#include "vxWorks.h" #include "taskLib.h" #include "msgQLib.h" #include "sysLib.h" #include "stdio.h" #define CLIENT_TASK_PRI 100 #define SERVER_TASK_PRI 101 #define TASK_STACK_SIZE 5000 #define MSG_NUM 3 LOCAL MSG_Q_ID requestQId; LOCAL MSG_Q_ID response1QId; LOCAL MSG_Q_ID response2QId; LOCAL int notDone; typedef struct msg { int tid; int what; }MSG; LOCAL STATUS serverTask(); LOCAL STATUS clientTask(int cid,int value); STATUS mMain() { notDone = 1; /* create request Queue */ if((requestQId = msgQCreate(MSG_NUM * 2 + 1, sizeof(MSG), MSG_Q_FIFO)) == NULL) { perror("Error on creating requestQ"); } /* create response Queue */ if((response1QId = msgQCreate(MSG_NUM + 1, sizeof(MSG), MSG_Q_FIFO)) == NULL) { perror("Error on creating responseQ1"); } if ((response2QId = msgQCreate(MSG_NUM + 1, sizeof(MSG), MSG_Q_FIFO)) == NULL) { perror("Error on creating responseQ2"); } /* spawn server task */ if(taskSpawn("tServerTask", SERVER_TASK_PRI, 0, TASK_STACK_SIZE, (FUNCPTR)serverTask,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) == ERROR) { perror("Error on spawning tServerTask"); return (ERROR); } /* spawn client task */ if(taskSpawn("tClientTask_1", CLIENT_TASK_PRI, 0, TASK_STACK_SIZE, (FUNCPTR)clientTask,1,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) == ERROR) { perror("Error on spawning tClientTask_1"); return (ERROR); } if(taskSpawn("tClientTask_2", CLIENT_TASK_PRI, 0, TASK_STACK_SIZE, (FUNCPTR)clientTask,2,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) == ERROR) { perror("Error on spawning tClientTask_2"); return (ERROR); } /* wait tasks*/ while(notDone) { taskDelay(sysClkRateGet()); } if(msgQDelete(requestQId) == ERROR || msgQDelete(response1QId) == ERROR || msgQDelete(response2QId) == ERROR) { perror("Error in deleting msgQ"); return (ERROR); } return (OK); } /* server Task */ STATUS serverTask() { int num = 0; MSG msg; printf("\n\nI'm server task, my task id = %d.\n",taskIdSelf()); /* read message from request Queue */ while(num++ < MSG_NUM * 2) { printf("-->Num of request Queue:%d\n", msgQNumMsgs(requestQId)); if((msgQReceive(requestQId, (char *)&msg, sizeof(MSG), WAIT_FOREVER)) == ERROR){ perror("serverTask Error on receiving the msg"); return (ERROR); } /* print and add 1 to msg.what */ else { printf("serverTask receive msg from %d, msg.what = %d\n", msg.tid, msg.what++); } /* response to the client */ switch(msg.tid) { case 1: if((msgQSend(response1QId, (char *)&msg, sizeof(MSG), WAIT_FOREVER, MSG_PRI_NORMAL)) == ERROR) { perror("Error in sending the message to responsQ1."); return(ERROR); } else { printf("serverTask sending to responsQ1 with value %d.\n", msg.what); } break; case 2: if((msgQSend(response2QId, (char *)&msg, sizeof(MSG), WAIT_FOREVER, MSG_PRI_NORMAL)) == ERROR) { perror("Error in sending the message to responsQ2."); return(ERROR); } else { printf("serverTask sending to responsQ2 with value %d.\n", msg.what); } break; default: perror("Error when response to the msg."); } } return (OK); } /* client Task */ STATUS clientTask(int cid,int value) { int num = 0; MSG msg; printf("I am client task%d, my task id = %d.\n", cid, taskIdSelf()); /* sending message to request Queue. */ while (num++ < MSG_NUM) { msg.tid = cid; msg.what = value; if((msgQSend(requestQId, (char *)&msg, sizeof(MSG), WAIT_FOREVER, MSG_PRI_NORMAL)) == ERROR) { perror("Error on sending the message."); return(ERROR); } else { printf("clientTask%d sending to requestQ with value%d.\n", msg.tid, msg.what); } } num = 0; /* receiving message from its response Queue own. */ switch(cid) { case 1: while(num++ < MSG_NUM) { if((msgQReceive(response1QId,(char *)&msg, sizeof(MSG), WAIT_FOREVER)) == ERROR) { perror("Error on receiving the message from respons1Q."); return (ERROR); } else { printf("clientTask%d receiving msg from respons1Q with value%d.\n", msg.tid, msg.what); } } break; case 2: while(num++ < MSG_NUM) { if((msgQReceive(response2QId,(char *)&msg, sizeof(MSG), WAIT_FOREVER)) == ERROR) { perror("Error on receiving the message from respons2Q."); return (ERROR); } else { printf("clientTask%d receiving msg from respons2Q with value%d.\n", msg.tid, msg.what); } } break; default: perror("Error when receive message from response Queue."); } notDone = 0; return(OK); }