一 环境简要说明
1.1Python 下载官网www.python.org.有2.x和3.x版本。自己选择,语法上略有差异。
1.2eclipse eclipse-jee-kepler-SR2-win32-x86_64或者eclipse-jee-luna-SR2-win32-x86_64版本。
1.3 Oracle 官网下载jdk jre
1.4 http://www.pydev.org/ 下载插件
二 辅助工具说明。
本人在win8 64位系统所用python3.4和Eclipse pydev插件搭建构成编辑运行环境。
C:\Python34\Scripts>pythoncxfreeze -h
Usage: cxfreeze[options] [SCRIPT]
Freeze a Pythonscript and all of its referenced modules to a base
executable which canthen be distributed without requiring a Python
--version show program's version number andexit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-O optimize generated bytecodeas per PYTHONOPTIMIZE; use
-OO in order to removedoc strings
-c, --compress compress byte code in zip files
-s, --silent suppress all output except warningsand errors
--base-name=NAME file on which to base the target file; ifthe name of
the file is not anabsolute file name, the
subdirectory bases(rooted in the directory in which
the freezer is found)will be searched for a file
matching the name
--init-script=NAME script which will be executed upon startup;if the
name of the file is notan absolute file name, the
subdirectoryinitscripts (rooted in the directory in
which the cx_Freezepackage is found) will be searched
for a file matching thename
--target-dir=DIR, --install-dir=DIR
the directory in whichto place the target file and
any dependent files
--target-name=NAME the name of the file to create instead ofthe base
name of the script andthe extension of the base
--no-copy-deps do not copy the dependent files(extensions, shared
libraries, etc.) to thetarget directory; this also
modifies the defaultinit script to ConsoleKeepPath.py
and means that thetarget executable requires a Python
installation to executeproperly
--default-path=DIRS list of paths separated by the standard pathseparator
for the platform whichwill be used to initialize
sys.path prior to running themodule finder
--include-path=DIRS list of paths separated by the standard pathseparator
for the platform whichwill be used to modify sys.path
prior to running themodule finder
replace all the pathsin modules found in the given
paths with the givenreplacement string; multiple
values are separated bythe standard path separator
and each value is ofthe form path=replacement_string;
path can be * whichmeans all paths not already
comma separated list ofmodules to include
comma separated list ofmodules to exclude
--ext-list-file=NAME name of file in which to place the list ofdependent
files which were copied into the targetdirectory
-z SPEC, --zip-include=SPEC
name of file to add tothe zip file or a specification
of the formname=arcname which will specify the
archive name to use; multiple --zip-includearguments
can be used
--icon=ICON name of the icon file for theapplication
python cxfreezehello.py --target-dir DESTDIR //将hello.py文件转化成pe文件。
import sys from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable # Dependencies are automatically detected,but it might need fine tuning. build_exe_options = {"packages":["os"], "excludes": ["tkinter"]} # GUI applications require a different baseon Windows (the default is for a # console application). base = None if sys.platform == "win32": base = "console" setup( name = "hello", version = "0.1", description = "My GUI application!", options = {"build_exe": build_exe_options}, executables = [Executable("hello.py", base=base)])
三 代码测试
print ("HELLO WORLD") //单双引号都行
3.2 输入
iNum = int(input()) //转化
3.3 循环
for i in range(n): //0-----n-1范围
3.4 函数定义
3.5 类定义
四 说明