需要 jadoc.jar 下载有些慢 是倒计时下载 大概5秒后开始下载.
下载完后 需要把 jacob-1.16-M1-x86.dll 放在system32/下面
因为doc文件不开放 java不可以直接操作.
package com.mybook.demo;
import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
import com.jacob.com.Dispatch;
import com.jacob.com.Variant;
public class Words {
public static void main(String[] args){
// 代表一个word 程序
private ActiveXComponent MsWordApp = null;
// 代表进行处理的word 文档
private Dispatch document = null;
public Words() {
// Open Word if we/'ve not done it already
if (MsWordApp == null) {
MsWordApp = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");
* 设置是否在前台打开 word 程序 ,
* @param visible
public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
MsWordApp.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(visible));
// 这一句作用相同
// Dispatch.put(MsWordApp, "Visible", new Variant(visible));
* 创建一个新文档
public void createNewDocument() {
// Find the Documents collection object maintained by Word
// documents表示word的所有文档窗口,(word是多文档应用程序)
Dispatch documents = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Documents").toDispatch();
// Call the Add method of the Documents collection to create
// a new document to edit
document = Dispatch.call(documents, "Add").toDispatch();
* 打开一个存在的word文档,并用document 引用 引用它
* @param wordFilePath
public void openFile(String wordFilePath) {
// Find the Documents collection object maintained by Word
// documents表示word的所有文档窗口,(word是多文档应用程序)
Dispatch documents = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Documents").toDispatch();
document = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", wordFilePath,
new Variant(true)/* 是否进行转换ConfirmConversions */,
new Variant(false)/* 是否只读 */).toDispatch();
// document = Dispatch.invoke(documents, "Open", Dispatch.Method,
// new Object[] { wordFilePath, new Variant(true),
// new Variant(false)
// }, new int[1]).toDispatch();
* 向 document 中插入文本内容
* @param textToInsert
public void insertText(String textToInsert) {
// Get the current selection within Word at the moment.
// a new document has just been created then this will be at
// the top of the new doc 获得选 中的内容,如果是一个新创建的文件,因里面无内容,则光标应处于文件开头处
Dispatch selection = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Selection").toDispatch();
// 取消选中,应该就是移动光标 ,否则 新添加的内容会覆盖选中的内容
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight", new Variant(1), new Variant(1));
// Put the specified text at the insertion point
Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", textToInsert);
// 取消选中,应该就是移动光标
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveRight", new Variant(1), new Variant(1));
// 向文档中添加 一个图片,
public void insertJpeg(String jpegFilePath) {
Dispatch selection = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Selection").toDispatch();
Dispatch image = Dispatch.get(selection, "InLineShapes").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(image, "AddPicture", jpegFilePath);
// 段落的处理,插入格式化的文本
public void insertFormatStr(String text) {
Dispatch wordContent = Dispatch.get(document, "Content").toDispatch(); // 取得word文件的内容
Dispatch.call(wordContent, "InsertAfter", text);// 插入一个段落到最后
Dispatch paragraphs = Dispatch.get(wordContent, "Paragraphs")
.toDispatch(); // 所有段落
int paragraphCount = Dispatch.get(paragraphs, "Count").changeType(
Variant.VariantInt).getInt();// 一共的段落数
// 找到刚输入的段落,设置格式
Dispatch lastParagraph = Dispatch.call(paragraphs, "Item",
new Variant(paragraphCount)).toDispatch(); // 最后一段(也就是刚插入的)
// Range 对象表示文档中的一个连续范围,由一个起始字符位置和一个终止字符位置定义
Dispatch lastParagraphRange = Dispatch.get(lastParagraph, "Range")
Dispatch font = Dispatch.get(lastParagraphRange, "Font").toDispatch();
Dispatch.put(font, "Bold", new Variant(true)); // 设置为黑体
Dispatch.put(font, "Italic", new Variant(true)); // 设置为斜体
Dispatch.put(font, "Name", new Variant("宋体")); //
Dispatch.put(font, "Size", new Variant(12)); // 小四
Dispatch selection = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Selection").toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(selection, "TypeParagraph");// 插入一个空行
Dispatch alignment = Dispatch.get(selection, "ParagraphFormat")
.toDispatch();// 段落格式
Dispatch.put(alignment, "Alignment", "2"); // (1:置中 2:靠右 3:靠左)
// word 中在对表格进行遍历的时候 ,是先列后行 先column 后cell
// 另外下标从1开始
public void insertTable(String tableTitle, int row, int column) {
Dispatch selection = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Selection").toDispatch(); // 输入内容需要的对象
Dispatch.call(selection, "TypeText", tableTitle); // 写入标题内容 // 标题格行
Dispatch.call(selection, "TypeParagraph"); // 空一行段落
Dispatch.call(selection, "TypeParagraph"); // 空一行段落
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveDown"); // 游标往下一行
// 建立表格
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(document, "Tables").toDispatch();
// int count = Dispatch.get(tables,
// "Count").changeType(Variant.VariantInt).getInt(); // document中的表格数量
// Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(
// 1)).toDispatch();//文档中第一个表格
Dispatch range = Dispatch.get(selection, "Range").toDispatch();// /当前光标位置或者选中的区域
Dispatch newTable = Dispatch.call(tables, "Add", range,
new Variant(row), new Variant(column), new Variant(1))
.toDispatch(); // 设置row,column,表格外框宽度
Dispatch cols = Dispatch.get(newTable, "Columns").toDispatch(); // 此表的所有列,
int colCount = Dispatch.get(cols, "Count").changeType(
Variant.VariantInt).getInt();// 一共有多少列 实际上这个数==column
System.out.println(colCount + "列");
for (int i = 1; i <= colCount; i++) { // 循环取出每一列
Dispatch col = Dispatch.call(cols, "Item", new Variant(i))
Dispatch cells = Dispatch.get(col, "Cells").toDispatch();// 当前列中单元格
int cellCount = Dispatch.get(cells, "Count").changeType(
Variant.VariantInt).getInt();// 当前列中单元格数 实际上这个数等于row
for (int j = 1; j <= cellCount; j++) {// 每一列中的单元格数
// Dispatch cell = Dispatch.call(cells, "Item", new
// Variant(j)).toDispatch(); //当前单元格
// Dispatch cell = Dispatch.call(newTable, "Cell", new
// Variant(j) , new Variant(i) ).toDispatch(); //取单元格的另一种方法
// Dispatch.call(cell, "Select");//选中当前单元格
// Dispatch.put(selection, "Text",
// "第"+j+"行,第"+i+"列");//往选中的区域中填值,也就是往当前单元格填值
putTxtToCell(newTable, j, i, "第" + j + "行,第" + i + "列");// 与上面四句的作用相同
/** */
* 在指定的单元格里填写数据
* @param tableIndex
* @param cellRowIdx
* @param cellColIdx
* @param txt
public void putTxtToCell(Dispatch table, int cellRowIdx, int cellColIdx,
String txt) {
Dispatch cell = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell", new Variant(cellRowIdx),
new Variant(cellColIdx)).toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(cell, "Select");
Dispatch selection = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Selection").toDispatch(); // 输入内容需要的对象
Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", txt);
/** */
* 在指定的单元格里填写数据
* @param tableIndex
* @param cellRowIdx
* @param cellColIdx
* @param txt
public void putTxtToCell(int tableIndex, int cellRowIdx, int cellColIdx,
String txt) {
// 所有表格
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(document, "Tables").toDispatch();
// 要填充的表格
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableIndex))
Dispatch cell = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell", new Variant(cellRowIdx),
new Variant(cellColIdx)).toDispatch();
Dispatch.call(cell, "Select");
Dispatch selection = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Selection").toDispatch(); // 输入内容需要的对象
Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", txt);
// 合并两个单元格
public void mergeCell(Dispatch cell1, Dispatch cell2) {
Dispatch.call(cell1, "Merge", cell2);
public void mergeCell(Dispatch table, int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2) {
Dispatch cell1 = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell", new Variant(row1),
new Variant(col1)).toDispatch();
Dispatch cell2 = Dispatch.call(table, "Cell", new Variant(row2),
new Variant(col2)).toDispatch();
mergeCell(cell1, cell2);
public void mergeCellTest() {
Dispatch tables = Dispatch.get(document, "Tables").toDispatch();
int tableCount = Dispatch.get(tables, "Count").changeType(
Variant.VariantInt).getInt(); // document中的表格数量
Dispatch table = Dispatch.call(tables, "Item", new Variant(tableCount))
.toDispatch();// 文档中最后一个table
mergeCell(table, 1, 1, 1, 2);// 将table 中x=1,y=1 与x=1,y=2的两个单元格合并
// ========================================================
/** */
* 把选定的内容或光标插入点向上移动
* @param pos
* 移动的距离
public void moveUp(int pos) {
Dispatch selection = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Selection").toDispatch(); // 输入内容需要的对象
for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) {
// MoveDown MoveLeft moveRight
// moveStart ( Dispatch.call(selection, "HomeKey", new Variant(6));
// )
// moveEnd Dispatch.call(selection, "EndKey", new Variant(6));
Dispatch.call(selection, "MoveUp");
/** */
* 从选定内容或插入点开始查找文本
* @param toFindText
* 要查找的文本
* @return boolean true-查找到并选中该文本,false-未查找到文本
public boolean find(String toFindText) {
if (toFindText == null || toFindText.equals(""))
return false;
Dispatch selection = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Selection").toDispatch(); // 输入内容需要的对象
// 从selection所在位置开始查询
Dispatch find = Dispatch.call(selection, "Find").toDispatch();
// 设置要查找的内容
Dispatch.put(find, "Text", toFindText);
// 向前查找
Dispatch.put(find, "Forward", "True");
// 设置格式
Dispatch.put(find, "Format", "True");
// 大小写匹配
Dispatch.put(find, "MatchCase", "True");
// 全字匹配
Dispatch.put(find, "MatchWholeWord", "True");
// 查找并选中
return Dispatch.call(find, "Execute").getBoolean();
/** */
* 把选定选定内容设定为替换文本
* @param toFindText
* 查找字符串
* @param newText
* 要替换的内容
* @return
public boolean replaceText(String toFindText, String newText) {
if (!find(toFindText))
return false;
Dispatch selection = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Selection").toDispatch(); // 输入内容需要的对象
Dispatch.put(selection, "Text", newText);
return true;
public void printFile() {
// Just print the current document to the default printer
Dispatch.call(document, "PrintOut");
// 保存文档的更改
public void save() {
Dispatch.call(document, "Save");
public void saveFileAs(String filename) {
Dispatch.call(document, "SaveAs", filename);
public void closeDocument() {
// Close the document without saving changes
// 0 = wdDoNotSaveChanges
// -1 = wdSaveChanges
// -2 = wdPromptToSaveChanges
Dispatch.call(document, "Close", new Variant(0));
document = null;
public void closeWord() {
Dispatch.call(MsWordApp, "Quit");
MsWordApp = null;
document = null;
// 设置wordApp打开后窗口的位置
public void setLocation() {
Dispatch activeWindow = Dispatch.get(MsWordApp, "Application")
Dispatch.put(activeWindow, "WindowState", new Variant(1)); // 0=default
// 1=maximize
// 2=minimize
Dispatch.put(activeWindow, "Top", new Variant(0));
Dispatch.put(activeWindow, "Left", new Variant(0));
Dispatch.put(activeWindow, "Height", new Variant(600));
Dispatch.put(activeWindow, "width", new Variant(800));
package com.mybook.demo;
import java.io.File;
import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
import com.jacob.com.Dispatch;
import com.jacob.com.Variant;
class TestWords {
* 创建一个新的word 文件
public static void createANewFileTest() {
Words wordBean = new Words();
// word.openWord(true);// 打开 word 程序
wordBean.createNewDocument();// 创建一个新文档
wordBean.setLocation();// 设置打开后窗口的位置
wordBean.insertText("你好");// 向文档中插入字符
wordBean.insertJpeg("D:\\work\\mybook\\Files" + File.separator + "a.jpg"); // 插入图片
// 如果 ,想保存文件,下面三句
* 打开一个存在的文件
* 文件需要存在
public static void openAnExistsFileTest() {
Words wordBean = new Words();
wordBean.setVisible(false); // 是否前台打开word 程序,或者后台运行
wordBean.insertJpeg("D:\\work\\mybook\\Files" + File.separator + "a.jpg"); // 插入图片(注意刚打开的word
// ,光标处于开头,故,图片在最前方插入)
* 设置format
* @param str
public static void insertFormatStr(String str) {
Words wordBean = new Words();
wordBean.setVisible(false); // 是否前台打开word 程序,或者后台运行
wordBean.createNewDocument();// 创建一个新文档
wordBean.insertFormatStr(str);// 插入一个段落,对其中的字体进行了设置
* 插入表格
public static void insertTableTest() {
Words wordBean = new Words();
wordBean.setVisible(false); // 是否前台打开word 程序,或者后台运行
wordBean.createNewDocument();// 创建一个新文档
wordBean.insertTable("表名", 3, 2);
* 合并表格
public static void mergeTableCellTest() {
Words wordBean = new Words();
wordBean.setVisible(false); // 是否前台打开word 程序,或者后台运行
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 进行测试前要保证d://a.jpg 图片文件存在
openAnExistsFileTest();// 打开一个存在 的文件
insertFormatStr("格式 化字符串");//对字符串进行一定的修饰
insertTableTest();// 创建一个表格
mergeTableCellTest();// 对表格中的单元格进行合并