bool OatFile::Setup() { if (!GetOatHeader().IsValid()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid oat magic for " << GetLocation(); return false; } ......GetOatHeader?这是什么东东?接下来看看OatFile::GetOatHeader的实现:
const OatHeader& OatFile::GetOatHeader() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const OatHeader*>(Begin()); }很简单,就是将前面设置的begin_指向的内存,强制转换成OatHeader。OatHeader又是什么东西?翻出定义看看,只看成员变量定义:
private: uint8_t magic_[4]; uint8_t version_[4]; uint32_t adler32_checksum_; InstructionSet instruction_set_; uint32_t dex_file_count_; uint32_t executable_offset_; uint32_t interpreter_to_interpreter_bridge_offset_; uint32_t interpreter_to_compiled_code_bridge_offset_; uint32_t jni_dlsym_lookup_offset_; uint32_t portable_resolution_trampoline_offset_; uint32_t portable_to_interpreter_bridge_offset_; uint32_t quick_resolution_trampoline_offset_; uint32_t quick_to_interpreter_bridge_offset_; uint32_t image_file_location_oat_checksum_; uint32_t image_file_location_oat_data_begin_; uint32_t image_file_location_size_; uint8_t image_file_location_data_[0]; // note variable width data at end DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(OatHeader); };我们也对照着把文件中的内容拿出来看看,还是以系统的Boot Oat(system@[email protected])为例, oatdata值为0x60a9d000,而通过看Program Header,可以知道elf文件起始被指定映射到了0x60a9c000:
1)首先是oat文件的magic code:
const uint8_t OatHeader::kOatMagic[] = { 'o', 'a', 't', '\n' };
const uint8_t OatHeader::kOatVersion[] = { '0', '0', '7', '\0' };
enum InstructionSet { kNone, kArm, kThumb2, kX86, kMips };
而这个虚拟地址0x6236B000,正好是Program Header第三项指定段的起始地址,该段的属性是可读可执行(RE)。真好,全都对应上了。
const byte* oat = Begin(); oat += sizeof(OatHeader); if (oat > End()) { LOG(ERROR) << "In oat file " << GetLocation() << " found truncated OatHeader"; return false; } oat += GetOatHeader().GetImageFileLocationSize(); if (oat > End()) { LOG(ERROR) << "In oat file " << GetLocation() << " found truncated image file location: " << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(Begin()) << "+" << sizeof(OatHeader) << "+" << GetOatHeader().GetImageFileLocationSize() << "<=" << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(End()); return false; } ......这段代码比较容易理解,局部变量oat先获得Oat文件头的位置,然后加上OatHeader结构体的大小,最后还要加上记录Image文件位置的字符串的长度。这时oat变量指向的内存地址刚好就是跳过OatHeader后的位置,应该就是数据区了。好,接着看:
for (size_t i = 0; i < GetOatHeader().GetDexFileCount(); i++) { size_t dex_file_location_size = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(oat); if (dex_file_location_size == 0U) { LOG(ERROR) << "In oat file " << GetLocation() << " found OatDexFile # " << i << " with empty location name"; return false; } oat += sizeof(dex_file_location_size); if (oat > End()) { LOG(ERROR) << "In oat file " << GetLocation() << " found OatDexFile # " << i << " truncated after dex file location size"; return false; } const char* dex_file_location_data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(oat); oat += dex_file_location_size; if (oat > End()) { LOG(ERROR) << "In oat file " << GetLocation() << " found OatDexFile # " << i << " with truncated dex file location"; return false; } std::string dex_file_location(dex_file_location_data, dex_file_location_size); uint32_t dex_file_checksum = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(oat); oat += sizeof(dex_file_checksum); if (oat > End()) { LOG(ERROR) << "In oat file " << GetLocation() << " found OatDexFile # " << i << " for "<< dex_file_location << " truncated after dex file checksum"; return false; } uint32_t dex_file_offset = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(oat); if (dex_file_offset == 0U) { LOG(ERROR) << "In oat file " << GetLocation() << " found OatDexFile # " << i << " for "<< dex_file_location << " with zero dex file offset"; return false; } if (dex_file_offset > Size()) { LOG(ERROR) << "In oat file " << GetLocation() << " found OatDexFile # " << i << " for "<< dex_file_location << " with dex file offset" << dex_file_offset << " > " << Size(); return false; } oat += sizeof(dex_file_offset); if (oat > End()) { LOG(ERROR) << "In oat file " << GetLocation() << " found OatDexFile # " << i << " for "<< dex_file_location << " truncated after dex file offset"; return false; } ...... }
const uint8_t* dex_file_pointer = Begin() + dex_file_offset; if (!DexFile::IsMagicValid(dex_file_pointer)) { LOG(ERROR) << "In oat file " << GetLocation() << " found OatDexFile # " << i << " for "<< dex_file_location << " with invalid dex file magic: " << dex_file_pointer; return false; } if (!DexFile::IsVersionValid(dex_file_pointer)) { LOG(ERROR) << "In oat file " << GetLocation() << " found OatDexFile # " << i << " for "<< dex_file_location << " with invalid dex file version: " << dex_file_pointer; return false; } const DexFile::Header* header = reinterpret_cast<const DexFile::Header*>(dex_file_pointer); const uint32_t* methods_offsets_pointer = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(oat); oat += (sizeof(*methods_offsets_pointer) * header->class_defs_size_); if (oat > End()) { LOG(ERROR) << "In oat file " << GetLocation() << " found OatDexFile # " << i << " for "<< dex_file_location << " with truncated method offsets"; return false; } oat_dex_files_.Put(dex_file_location, new OatDexFile(this, dex_file_location, dex_file_checksum, dex_file_pointer, methods_offsets_pointer)); }此时,局部变量dex_file_pointer已经指向了dex文件的位置。代码会先验证一下该dex文件的magic code和版本号。接着局部变量header被强制类型转换成DexFile::Header类型,表示dex的文件头位置。而另一个局部变量methods_offsets_pointer指向了前面dex文件偏移的后4个字节,局部变量名的意思是指向一个什么方法偏移指针数组,而且这个数组成员的个数,似乎还跟dex文件头中的class_defs_size_有联系。很奇怪是吧,这是什么东西呢?那么 class_defs_size_代表什么意思?熟悉dex文件格式的人应该都知道,这里稍微提一下,它其实就表示dex文件中共包含了几个类。再结合变量名联想一下,猜测这个指针指向的是一个数组,元素个数就是dex文件中定义的类的个数,数组内的元素都是一些偏移,指向的是一组方法,这些方法我猜测就对应的是各个类内部定义的方法。空口无凭,我们来简单验证一下,首先看看对应的dex文件中有几个类:
oat_dex_files_.Put(dex_file_location, new OatDexFile(this, dex_file_location, dex_file_checksum, dex_file_pointer, methods_offsets_pointer)); } return true; }往自己的内部变量oat_dex_files_中插入一项,插入的是什么呢?创建了一个OatDexFile的对象,这又是什么?从中能不能知道前面问题的答案呢,让我们来看看OatFile::OatDexFile::GetOatClass函数:
const OatFile::OatClass* OatFile::OatDexFile::GetOatClass(uint16_t class_def_index) const { uint32_t oat_class_offset = oat_class_offsets_pointer_[class_def_index]; const byte* oat_class_pointer = oat_file_->Begin() + oat_class_offset; CHECK_LT(oat_class_pointer, oat_file_->End()) << oat_file_->GetLocation(); mirror::Class::Status status = *reinterpret_cast<const mirror::Class::Status*>(oat_class_pointer); const byte* methods_pointer = oat_class_pointer + sizeof(status); CHECK_LT(methods_pointer, oat_file_->End()) << oat_file_->GetLocation(); return new OatClass(oat_file_, status, reinterpret_cast<const OatMethodOffsets*>(methods_pointer)); }这个函数是用来在Oat文件中找所谓OatClass的。其中oat_class_offsets_pointer_是前面提到的那个偏移数组,从中我们大致可以了解到底这些偏移指向的东西是什么。首先,根据传入的类定义序号找到相应的偏移,然后加上oat文件头地址,得到绝对地址,付给变量oat_class_pointer,从字面来看是所谓的oat类指针,这又是什么呢?接着强制转换成mirror::Class::Status,这是一个枚举值:
enum Status { kStatusError = -1, kStatusNotReady = 0, kStatusIdx = 1, // Loaded, DEX idx in super_class_type_idx_ and interfaces_type_idx_. kStatusLoaded = 2, // DEX idx values resolved. kStatusResolved = 3, // Part of linking. kStatusVerifying = 4, // In the process of being verified. kStatusRetryVerificationAtRuntime = 5, // Compile time verification failed, retry at runtime. kStatusVerifyingAtRuntime = 6, // Retrying verification at runtime. kStatusVerified = 7, // Logically part of linking; done pre-init. kStatusInitializing = 8, // Class init in progress. kStatusInitialized = 9, // Ready to go. };这些应该表明该类的当前状态。除去 mirror::Class::Status枚举的长度后,接下来指向的是OatMethodOffsets结构体数组,定义如下:
class PACKED(4) OatMethodOffsets { public: ...... uint32_t code_offset_; uint32_t frame_size_in_bytes_; uint32_t core_spill_mask_; uint32_t fp_spill_mask_; uint32_t mapping_table_offset_; uint32_t vmap_table_offset_; uint32_t gc_map_offset_; };
2)对于包含oat的elf文件来说,如果是Boot Oat,则其是要被加载到一个固定的地址上的,具体来说是紧接着Image文件之后。而对于普通应用程序的oat文件来说,可以被加载到内存中的任何位置;