这些函数因为不是十分安全的,对于内存不够的时候处理并不完善,所以建议使用 更为安全的函数版本
errno_t getenv_s( size_t *pReturnValue, char* buffer, size_t numberOfElements, const char *varname ); errno_t _wgetenv_s( size_t *pReturnValue, wchar_t *buffer, size_t numberOfElements, const wchar_t *varname ); template <size_t size> errno_t getenv_s( size_t *pReturnValue, char (&buffer)[size], const char *varname ); // C++ only template <size_t size> errno_t _wgetenv_s( size_t *pReturnValue, wchar_t (&buffer)[size], const wchar_t *varname ); // C++ only
TCHAR *querystringvar; size_t requiredsize; _tgetenv_s(&requiredsize,NULL,0,_T("QUERY_STRING")); querystringvar = (TCHAR *)malloc(requiredsize * sizeof(TCHAR)); if(!querystringvar) { fprintf(stdout, "Content-Type:text/html;charset=gbk;"); fprintf(stdout, "/n/n"); printf("获取QUERY_STRING时内存分配失败!/n"); exit(1); } _tgetenv_s( &requiredsize, querystringvar, requiredsize, _T("QUERY_STRING") ); CString strdata(querystringvar); free(querystringvar); querystringvar = NULL;
_setmode() ,如_setmode(_fileno(stdout),_O_BINARY);需要的头文件为
#include <io.h>//_setmode()需要
#include <fcntl.h>//_O_BINARY 需要
#include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <io.h> int main( void ) { int result; // Set "stdin" to have binary mode: result = _setmode( _fileno( stdin ), _O_BINARY ); if( result == -1 ) perror( "Cannot set mode" ); else printf( "'stdin' successfully changed to binary mode/n" ); }
对于 _tcscat_s() MSDN上如下声明:
errno_t strcat_s( char *strDestination, size_t numberOfElements, const char *strSource ); errno_t wcscat_s( wchar_t *strDestination, size_t numberOfElements, const wchar_t *strSource ); errno_t _mbscat_s( unsigned char *strDestination, size_t numberOfElements, const unsigned char *strSource ); template <size_t size> errno_t strcat_s( char (&strDestination)[size], const char *strSource ); // C++ only template <size_t size> errno_t wcscat_s( wchar_t (&strDestination)[size], const wchar_t *strSource ); // C++ only template <size_t size> errno_t _mbscat_s( unsigned char (&strDestination)[size], const unsigned char *strSource ); // C++ only
if(_tcscat_s(drivename,dirname) != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Content-Type:text/html;charset=gbk;"); fprintf(stdout, "/n/n"); printf("瓦片库路径过长,程序将退出/n"); exit(1); }
_tsplitpath_s() 声明如下:
errno_t _splitpath_s( const char * path, char * drive, size_t driveSizeInCharacters, char * dir, size_t dirSizeInCharacters, char * fname, size_t nameSizeInCharacters, char * ext, size_t extSizeInBytes ); errno_t _wsplitpath_s( const wchar_t * path, wchar_t * drive, size_t driveSizeInCharacters, wchar_t *dir, size_t dirSizeInCharacters, wchar_t * fname, size_t nameSizeInCharacters, wchar_t * ext, size_t extSizeInCharacters ); template <size_t drivesize, size_t dirsize, size_t fnamesize, size_t extsize> errno_t _splitpath_s( const char *path, char (&drive)[drivesize], char (&dir)[dirsize], char (&fname)[fnamesize], char (&ext)[extsize] ); // C++ only template <size_t drivesize, size_t dirsize, size_t fnamesize, size_t extsize> errno_t _wsplitpath_s( const wchar_t *path, wchar_t (&drive)[size], wchar_t (&dir)[size], wchar_t (&fname)[size], wchar_t (&ext)[size] ); // C++ only
if(_wsplitpath_s(apppath,drivename,dirname,filename,extname) != 0) { // fprintf(stdout, "Content-Type:text/html;charset=gbk;"); fprintf(stdout, "/n/n"); printf("瓦片库路径过长,程序将退出/n"); exit(1); }