Recent plans

Recently, I'm stuck with three project.

The first is course project for P523, Compiler. This one uses scheme to write a compiler for sub-scheme and run on AMD-x86 platform. Scheme is astonishing wield and painful. It took me a long time to get started and the worst thing is that I can't find a good enough IDE for that. Maybe I will list some skills and interesting things in projects.

The second is course project for B534, Distributed System. We are building an online-bidding system with webservice, specifically, AXIS2. Now, it's in phase 2, transfering the code into Amazon EC2 and S3. There are not much literature about that. I will take some time to write a summary for that project and I think it might be useful for webservice related projects.

The third is my research project. I'm working on writing a firefox extension that track all the DOM access and do analysis work. I've hacked SecurityManager and replaced my own one with that. To work with Mozilla is really painful, the document is so scarce that the best way to find a reference is to check their code, in mxr of firefox. My extension involves developping XPCOM and calling it from javascript side. I'll show my experiences and important things for developping firefox extension. Hope that will help.


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