

  使用WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation),您可以创建两种主要类型的应用程序:安装应用程序和 Web 浏览器的应用程序。两者之间的主要区别在于它们的托管方式,以及是否支持页面到页面之间的导航。Microsoft Visual Studio 2008为这两种应用都提供了模板。



  (1)启动Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

  (2)使用C# “WPF Application”模板创建一个新项目。将其命名为’AddressBook’。这一步将搭建应用程序的基本骨架。

  (3)地址簿应用程序会帮助您管理您的联系人。在项目中添加一个新的C#类。您可以通过Solution Explorer,在’AddressBook’项目上点击右键,选择Add?New Item,然后在对话框中选择'Class‘。我们将它命名为Contact.cs,并在文件里建立我们的数据模型:

using  System;
using  System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace  AddressBook
///   <summary>
///  Contact value object
///   </summary>
     public   class  Contact
///   <summary>
///  First name of contact
///   </summary>
         public  String FirstName
get ;
set ;
///   <summary>
///  Last name of contact
///   </summary>
         public  String LastName
get ;
set ;
///   <summary>
///  Email address of contact
///   </summary>
         public  String EmailAddress
get ;
set ;

///   <summary>
///  Home page
///   </summary>
         public  Uri HomePage
get ;
set ;

///   <summary>
///  Home address
///   </summary>
         public   string  HomeAddress
get ;
set ;

///   <summary>
///  Business address
///   </summary>
         public   string  BusinessAddress
get ;
set ;



///   <summary>
///  This collection will hold all of our contacts in the 
///  address book
///   </summary>
     public   class  ContactList : ObservableCollection < Contact >
public  ContactList()
base ()


  您会注意到ContactList这个类继承了ObservableCollection ,因此为数据上下文提供了可绑定的数据集合。DataContext属性用来指定绑定的数据源。使用WPF数据集合特性,您的应用程序可以自动对集合中单一数据项的更新做出反应,也可以自动对整个集合的更新做出反应。数据集合也可以支持在不修改集合中数据的情况下进行排序、过滤和浏览。ObservableCollection 是WPF对数据集合的内置实现。在任务2里我们会集中于数据绑定的实现。

  (4)现在让我们定义联系人的集合。您需要在项目中添加一个新的文本文件contacts.txt。您可以通过Solution Explorer,右键点击项目,选择Add?New Item随后在对话框中选择’Text File‘。将以下内容复制到文件里:

Joe;Developer;[email protected];http: // spaces.msn.com;1 North First St, Redmond, WA 98052; 2 South First St, Redmond, WA 98052
Jane;Tester;[email protected];http: // spaces.msn.com;101 Baker St, Bellevue, WA 98055; 202 Smith St, Redmond, WA 98052

   每行都是一个联系人的信息。一旦contacts.txt文件被创建,在Solution Explorer里选中它。文件的属性会出现在下方的Properties窗口。如果这个窗口没有出现,请右键点击这个文件,选择Properties。

  ·请注意Build Action这个属性的值是’Content’。这个值告诉WPF的MSBuild系统,把这个文件作为伴随应用程序的松散内容。

  ·Copy to Output Directory这个属性的值是’Do not copy‘,请把它改成’Copy if newer’。这一步确保一旦contacts.txt文件被修改了,新的版本会被复制到版本的输出目录里。


  (5)为了控制应用程序启动和退出时的操作,我们下面要处理Application Startup和Exit事件。请在App.xaml.cs中添加下面的代码:

public  App()

void  AppStartup( object  sender, StartupEventArgs args)
    MainWindow mainWindow 
=   new  MainWindow();
=  WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;


private   void  AppExit(Object sender, ExitEventArgs e)



< Application 
x:Class ="AddressBook.App"
="AppExit"   >
< Application .Resources >
</ Application.Resources >
</ Application >




< Window  x:Class ="AddressBook.MainWindow"
="480" >

< Grid  Background ="White"  Name ="DocumentRoot" >
< Grid .ColumnDefinitions >
< ColumnDefinition  Width ="200" />
< ColumnDefinition  Width ="*" />
</ Grid.ColumnDefinitions >
< Grid .RowDefinitions >
< RowDefinition  Height ="Auto" />
<!--  Menu  -->
< RowDefinition  Height ="Auto" />
<!--  Tool Bar  -->
< RowDefinition  Height ="*" />
<!--  Content Area  -->
< RowDefinition  Height ="Auto" />
<!--  Status Bar  -->
</ Grid.RowDefinitions >

</ Grid >
</ Window >



<! —Menu Bar-- >
< DockPanel
Name ="DockPanel_Menu"  
="0" >
< Menu  Background ="White" >
< MenuItem  Header ="File" >
< MenuItem  Header ="New Contact"  Click ="LaunchNewContactWizard" />
< MenuItem  Header ="New Group"  Click ="NotImplementedMsg" />
< Separator  />
< MenuItem  Header ="Properties"  Click ="NotImplementedMsg" />
< MenuItem  Header ="Delete"  Click ="NotImplementedMsg" />
< MenuItem  Header ="Import" >
< MenuItem  Header ="Address book (WAB)..."  
="NotImplementedMsg" />
< MenuItem  Header ="Business card vCard)..."  
="NotImplementedMsg" />
</ MenuItem >
< Separator  />
< MenuItem  Header ="Exit"  InputGestureText ="Alt-F4"  
="ExitApplication" >
< MenuItem .ToolTip >
< ToolTip >
            Click here to exit
</ ToolTip >
</ MenuItem.ToolTip >
</ MenuItem >
</ MenuItem >
</ Menu >
< Menu  Background ="White" >
< MenuItem  Header ="Edit" >
< MenuItem  Command ="ApplicationCommands.Copy" />
< MenuItem  Command ="ApplicationCommands.Paste" />
</ MenuItem >
</ Menu >
</ DockPanel >



<!--  Tool Bar  -->
< DockPanel
Name ="DockPanel_Toolbar"  
="1" >
< ToolBar >
< Button  Click ="LaunchNewContactWizard"  ToolTip ="Add Contact" >
</ Button >
< Button  Click ="NotImplementedMsg"  ToolTip ="Delete Contact" >
</ Button >
</ ToolBar >
</ DockPanel >




<!--  Left Pane for contact list view  -->
< DockPanel
Name ="DockPanel_LeftPane"  
="2" >
< ListBox  Name ="allContacts"  SelectionChanged ="ListItemSelected" >
< ListBox .ContextMenu >
< ContextMenu >
< MenuItem  Header ="Add a Contact"  Click ="LaunchNewContactWizard" />
< MenuItem  Header ="Add a Group"  Click ="NotImplementedMsg" />
</ ContextMenu >
</ ListBox.ContextMenu >
</ ListBox >
</ DockPanel >



<!--  Status Bar  -->
< DockPanel
Name ="DockPanel_Statusbar"  
="3" >
< StatusBar
BorderBrush ="Black"  
="1" >
< TextBlock  Name ="tb"  Foreground ="Black" >
      Status bar
</ TextBlock >
</ StatusBar >
</ DockPanel >


<!--  RightPanel  -->
< Frame  Name ="Frame_RightPane"  
="2" />



//  Triggered on Window load. Sets the ContactList collection
//  as the Data Context.
         private   void  WindowLoaded( object  sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//  Triggers application shutdown 
         void  ExitApplication( object  sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this .Close();
//  Shows a message box informing user that a feature 
//  hasn't been implemented. 
         void  NotImplementedMsg( object  sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
" This feature has not been implemented. "
" Not Implemented " );
//  Triggered when an item in the Contacts list is selected
         void  ListItemSelected( object  sender, 
                                    SelectionChangedEventArgs args)
//  Triggered when context menu or other toolbar option 
//  is clicked to launch
//  'Create a new contact' dialog
         private   void  LaunchNewContactWizard( object  sender, 
                                                   RoutedEventArgs e)




  2. 使用Property Bag来存储联系人的集合


//  Reads contact information from file
         private  ContactList ReadContactsFromFile()
            ContactList contactList 
=   new  ContactList();

//  Create an instance of StreamReader to read from a file.
//  The using statement also closes the StreamReader.
             using  (StreamReader sr  =   new  StreamReader( " contacts.txt " ))
                String line;
//  Read and display lines from the file until the 
//  end of the file is reached.
                 while  ((line  =  sr.ReadLine())  !=   null )

return  contactList;
//  De-tokenize one line of contact information and 
//  hydrate a Contact object
         private  Contact CreateContactFromLine( string  line)
string [] tokens  =  line.Split( new   char [] {  ' ; '  });

if  (tokens.Length  !=   6 )
throw   new  ApplicationException(
" Input contact file format.  "   +  
" Expected tokens {0}; Actual tokens {1} " 6

            Contact contact 
=   new  Contact();
=  tokens[ 0 ];
=  tokens[ 1 ];
=  tokens[ 2 ];
=  (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tokens[ 3 ])  ?  
null  : 
new  Uri(tokens[ 3 ], UriKind.Absolute));
=  tokens[ 4 ];
=  tokens[ 5 ];

return  contact;



  using System.IO;

  (2)下面我们把ReadContactsFromFile方法返回的ContactList数据,添加到应用程序Property Bag里面。如下修改AppStartup方法:

//  Triggered on application startup. Positions the window,
//  Initializes the contact list model and adds it to the
//  Property Bag.
         void  AppStartup( object  sender, StartupEventArgs args)
//  initialize the Contacts collection using data from file
           ContactList contactList  =  ReadContactsFromFile();

//  add it to the Property Bag
            this .Properties[ " ContactList " =  contactList; 

            MainWindow mainWindow 
=   new  MainWindow();
//  make sure the window appears in the center of the screen
            mainWindow.WindowStartupLocation  =  



//  Persists changes from ContactList object in Property Bag 
//  to file.
         private   void  SaveContactsToFile( string  fileName)


  (4) 生成并运行应用程序。此时的UI看上去应该和上一个任务结束时没什么不同,看上去我们好像没有什么进展。别着急!

