Magento RMA API for openErp module - XmlRpc call

1. here is the model define:



2. here is the resource api define:

    plese look at <model> node

    it is important

 <sales_rma translate="title" module="Openlabs_OpenERPConnector">
                <title>Custom Sales RMA API</title>
                    <search translate="title" module="Openlabs_OpenERPConnector">
                        <title>Return the list of products ids that match with the filter</title>
                    <info translate="title" module="Openlabs_OpenERPConnector">
                        <title>Return the rma and detail items and history info</title>
                     <list translate="title" module="Openlabs_OpenERPConnector">
                        <title>Return the rma list info by filter data</title>
                    <update translate="title" module="Openlabs_OpenERPConnector">
                        <title>update rma and rma items status by rma id and status data</title>
                    <delete translate="title" module="Openlabs_OpenERPConnector">
                        <title>delete rma and rma items status and histories by rma incremnt id</title>

 3. Api.php


 * @author     Mohammed NAHHAS
 * @package Openlabs_OpenERPConnector

class Openlabs_OpenERPConnector_Model_Sales_Rma_Api extends Mage_Sales_Model_Api_Resource {

     * Return the list of products ids that match with the filter
     * The filter imported is required
     * @param  array
     * @return array
    public function search($data) {

        $result = array();
       $collection = Mage::getModel("enterprise_rma/rma")->getCollection();
                //->addAttributeToFilter('imported', array('eq' => $data['imported']));

            if(isset($data['limit'])) {
                $collection->setOrder('entity_id', 'ASC');

            if(isset($data['filters']) && is_array($data['filters'])) {
                $filters = $data['filters'];
                foreach($filters as $field => $value) {
                    $collection->addFieldToFilter($field, $value);

            foreach ($collection as $order) {
                $result[] =  $order['increment_id'];
            return $result;
     * Retrieve full order information
     * @param string $orderIncrementId
     * @return array
    public function info($increment_id)
    	$rma = null;
    	$collection =  Mage::getModel("enterprise_rma/rma")->getCollection()
                ->addFieldToFilter('increment_id', array('eq' => $increment_id));
    	foreach ($collection as $rma) {
    		$rma = $rma;
    	$result = $this->_getAttributes($rma, 'rma');
    	$result['items'] = array();
    	$item_collection = Mage::getModel("enterprise_rma/item")->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter(
    		'rma_entity_id', $rma->getId()
    	foreach ($item_collection as $item) {
    		$result['items'][] = $this->_getAttributes($item, 'item');
    	$result['status_history'] = array();
    	$history_collection =  Mage::getModel('enterprise_rma/rma_status_history')->getCollection()
    	foreach ($history_collection as $history) {
    		$result['status_history'][] = $this->_getAttributes($history, 'rma_status_history');
    	return $result;
    public function retrieveRmas($data) {
    	$result = array();
    		$collection = Mage::getModel("enterprise_rma/rma")->getCollection();
    		if(isset($data['limit'])) {
    			$collection->setOrder('entity_id', 'ASC');
    		if(isset($data['filters']) && is_array($data['filters'])) {
    			$filters = $data['filters'];
    			foreach($filters as $field => $value) {
    				$collection->addFieldToFilter($field, $value);
    		foreach ($collection as $rma) {
    			$tmp = $this->_getAttributes($rma, 'rma');
    			$result[] = $tmp;
    		return $result;
     public function update($rma_id, $data) {
    	$collection =  Mage::getModel("enterprise_rma/rma")->getCollection()
    	->addFieldToFilter('increment_id', array('eq' => $rma_id));
    	foreach ($collection as $rma) {
    		$rma = $rma;
    	$rma_items = Mage::getModel("enterprise_rma/item")->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter(
    		'rma_entity_id', $rma->getId()
    	if (isset ($data['status']) && !empty($data['status'])) {
    		$status = $data['status'];
	    	//update items status
	    	foreach ($rma_items as $item) {
	    		$qty_requested = $item->getData('qty_requested');
	    		if ($status == Enterprise_Rma_Model_Rma_Source_Status::STATE_AUTHORIZED) {
	    			$item->setData('qty_authorized' , $qty_requested);
	    		} else if ($status == Enterprise_Rma_Model_Rma_Source_Status::STATE_APPROVED) {
	    			$item->setData('qty_approved' , $qty_requested);
	    		} else if ($status == Enterprise_Rma_Model_Rma_Source_Status::STATE_RECEIVED) {
	    			$item->setData('qty_returned' , $qty_requested);
	    		if ($status == Enterprise_Rma_Model_Rma_Source_Status::STATE_CLOSED) {
	    		} else {
	    	if ($status == Enterprise_Rma_Model_Rma_Source_Status::STATE_APPROVED) {
	    		$rma->setData('status', Enterprise_Rma_Model_Rma_Source_Status::STATE_PROCESSED_CLOSED);
	    	} elseif ($status == Enterprise_Rma_Model_Rma_Source_Status::STATE_REJECTED) {
	    		$rma->setData('status', Enterprise_Rma_Model_Rma_Source_Status::STATE_CLOSED);
	    	} else {
	    		$rma->setData('status', $status);
	    	return true;
	    } else {
	    		$this->_fault('data_invalid', "Error, the attribut 'status' need to be specified");
    public function delete($increment_id) {
    	try {
	    	// get rma entity
	    	$collection =  Mage::getModel("enterprise_rma/rma")->getCollection()
	    	->addFieldToFilter('increment_id', array('eq' => $increment_id));
	    	foreach ($collection as $rma) {
	    		$rma = $rma;
	    	//get grid entity
	    	$collection_grid =  Mage::getModel("enterprise_rma/grid")->getCollection()
	    	->addFieldToFilter('increment_id', array('eq' => $increment_id)); 
	    	foreach ($collection_grid as $rma_grid) {
	    		$grid = $rma_grid;
	    	// get history entity
	    	$history_collection =  Mage::getModel('enterprise_rma/rma_status_history')->getCollection()
	    	foreach ($history_collection as $hc) {
	    		$hc = $hc;
	    	//get rma_shipping_label
	    	$shipping_collection =  Mage::getModel('enterprise_rma/shipping')->getCollection()
	    	foreach ($shipping_collection as $sc) {
	    	//get items
	    	$rma_items = Mage::getModel("enterprise_rma/item")->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter(
	    			'rma_entity_id', $rma->getId()
	    	foreach ($rma_items as $item) {
	    	return true;
    	} catch (Exception $e) {
    		$this->_fault('data_invalid', $e->getMessage());
    protected function _getAttributes($object, $type, array $attributes = null)
    	$result = array();
    	if (!is_object($object)) {
    		return $result;
    	foreach ($object->getData() as $attribute=>$value) {
    		$result[$attribute] = $value;
    	if (isset($this->_attributesMap['global'])) {
    		foreach ($this->_attributesMap['global'] as $alias=>$attributeCode) {
    			$result[$alias] = $object->getData($attributeCode);
    	if (isset($this->_attributesMap[$type])) {
    		foreach ($this->_attributesMap[$type] as $alias=>$attributeCode) {
    			$result[$alias] = $object->getData($attributeCode);
    	return $result;


4. call example:

require_once 'abstract.php';

 * Magento Compiler Shell Script
 * @category    Mage
 * @package     Mage_Shell
 * @author      Magento Core Team <>
class Mage_Shell_Test extends Mage_Shell_Abstract

     * Run script
    public function run()
    	$client = new Zend_XmlRpc_Client('');
    	$api_user = 'uername';
    	$api_password = '******';
    	$session = $client->call('login', array($api_user, $api_password));

    	$params = array(array('filters'=>array('increment_id'=>array('eq'=>'300000005'))));
    	$r = $client->call('call', array($session, '',$params));

$shell = new Mage_Shell_Test();


