Oracle分析函数总结(2) - 排序 - rank,dense_rank,row_number,first,first_value,last,last_value,lag,lead

分析函数的基本概念和语法 ->

1) rank(),dense_rank(),row_number()


tony@ORCL1> select ename, sal, deptno,
  2  rank() over(partition by deptno order by sal) rank,
  3  dense_rank() over(partition by deptno order by sal) dense_rank,
  4  row_number() over(partition by deptno order by sal) row_number
  5   from emp;

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
MILLER       $1300.00         10          1          1          1
CLARK        $2450.00         10          2          2          2
KING         $5000.00         10          3          3          3
SMITH         $800.00         20          1          1          1
ADAMS        $1100.00         20          2          2          2
JONES        $2975.00         20          3          3          3
SCOTT        $3000.00         20          4          4          4
FORD         $3000.00         20          4          4          5
JAMES         $950.00         30          1          1          1
MARTIN       $1250.00         30          2          2          2
WARD         $1250.00         30          2          2          3
TURNER       $1500.00         30          4          3          4
ALLEN        $1600.00         30          5          4          5
BLAKE        $2850.00         30          6          5          6

14 rows selected.

2) first(), last()
aggregate_function KEEP (dense_rank first|last order by ...) [over([partition_clause])]

例如,查询各部门薪水最高和最低的人名。不带over子句, 作为聚合函数使用。

tony@ORCL1> column first format a20
tony@ORCL1> column last format a20
tony@ORCL1> select deptno,
  2  wm_concat(ename) keep (dense_rank first order by sal desc) first,
  3  wm_concat(ename) keep (dense_rank last order by sal desc) last
  4  from emp group by deptno;

    DEPTNO FIRST                LAST
---------- -------------------- --------------------
        10 KING                 MILLER
        20 SCOTT,FORD           SMITH
        30 BLAKE                JAMES

查询各部门薪水最高和最低的人名。带over子句, 作为分析函数使用。

tony@ORCL1> select ename, sal, deptno,
  2  wm_concat(ename) keep (dense_rank first order by sal desc)
  3      over(partition by deptno) first,
  4  wm_concat(ename) keep (dense_rank last order by sal desc)
  5      over(partition by deptno) last
  6  from emp;

ENAME             SAL     DEPTNO FIRST                LAST
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------
CLARK        $2450.00         10 KING                 MILLER
KING         $5000.00         10 KING                 MILLER
MILLER       $1300.00         10 KING                 MILLER
JONES        $2975.00         20 FORD,SCOTT           SMITH
FORD         $3000.00         20 FORD,SCOTT           SMITH
ADAMS        $1100.00         20 FORD,SCOTT           SMITH
SMITH         $800.00         20 FORD,SCOTT           SMITH
SCOTT        $3000.00         20 FORD,SCOTT           SMITH
WARD         $1250.00         30 BLAKE                JAMES
TURNER       $1500.00         30 BLAKE                JAMES
ALLEN        $1600.00         30 BLAKE                JAMES
JAMES         $950.00         30 BLAKE                JAMES
BLAKE        $2850.00         30 BLAKE                JAMES
MARTIN       $1250.00         30 BLAKE                JAMES

14 rows selected.

3) first_value(), last_value()


tony@ORCL1> select ename, sal, deptno,
  2  first_value(ename) over (partition by deptno order by sal desc) first,
  3  last_value(ename) over (partition by deptno order by sal desc) last
  4  from emp;

ENAME             SAL     DEPTNO FIRST                LAST
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- --------------------
KING         $5000.00         10 KING                 KING
CLARK        $2450.00         10 KING                 CLARK
MILLER       $1300.00         10 KING                 MILLER
FORD         $3000.00         20 FORD                 SCOTT
SCOTT        $3000.00         20 FORD                 SCOTT
JONES        $2975.00         20 FORD                 JONES
ADAMS        $1100.00         20 FORD                 ADAMS
SMITH         $800.00         20 FORD                 SMITH
BLAKE        $2850.00         30 BLAKE                BLAKE
ALLEN        $1600.00         30 BLAKE                ALLEN
TURNER       $1500.00         30 BLAKE                TURNER
MARTIN       $1250.00         30 BLAKE                WARD
WARD         $1250.00         30 BLAKE                WARD
JAMES         $950.00         30 BLAKE                JAMES

14 rows selected.


tony@ORCL1> select ename, sal, deptno,
  2  first_value(ename) over (partition by deptno order by sal desc
  3      rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) first,
  4  last_value(ename) over (partition by deptno order by sal desc
  5      rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) last
  6  from emp;

ENAME             SAL     DEPTNO FIRST                LAST
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- --------------------
KING         $5000.00         10 KING                 MILLER
CLARK        $2450.00         10 KING                 MILLER
MILLER       $1300.00         10 KING                 MILLER
SCOTT        $3000.00         20 SCOTT                SMITH
FORD         $3000.00         20 SCOTT                SMITH
JONES        $2975.00         20 SCOTT                SMITH
ADAMS        $1100.00         20 SCOTT                SMITH
SMITH         $800.00         20 SCOTT                SMITH
BLAKE        $2850.00         30 BLAKE                JAMES
ALLEN        $1600.00         30 BLAKE                JAMES
TURNER       $1500.00         30 BLAKE                JAMES
MARTIN       $1250.00         30 BLAKE                JAMES
WARD         $1250.00         30 BLAKE                JAMES
JAMES         $950.00         30 BLAKE                JAMES

14 rows selected.

4) lag(), lead()

lag(value_expr[,offset[,default]]) over ([partition_clause] order_by_clause)
lead(value_expr[,offset[,default]]) over ([partition_clause] order_by_clause)
a) value_expr是想要返回的数据列;
b) offset是偏移位置,如果省略默认为1;
c) default是当偏移位置超出了组内的数据窗口的时候的返回值,如果省略默认为null。

tony@ORCL1> select ename, sal, deptno,
  2  lag(sal, 2) over(partition by deptno order by sal) lag,
  3  lead(sal, 2) over(partition by deptno order by sal) lead
  4  from emp;

ENAME             SAL     DEPTNO        LAG       LEAD
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
MILLER       $1300.00         10                  5000
CLARK        $2450.00         10
KING         $5000.00         10       1300
SMITH         $800.00         20                  2975
ADAMS        $1100.00         20                  3000
JONES        $2975.00         20        800       3000
SCOTT        $3000.00         20       1100
FORD         $3000.00         20       2975
JAMES         $950.00         30                  1250
MARTIN       $1250.00         30                  1500
WARD         $1250.00         30        950       1600
TURNER       $1500.00         30       1250       2850
ALLEN        $1600.00         30       1250
BLAKE        $2850.00         30       1500

14 rows selected.
