Microsoft® Translator Interactive SDK (微软翻译插件)




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Microsoft® Translator Interactive SDK (微软翻译插件)_第1张图片


Microsoft® Translator Interactive SDK (微软翻译插件)_第2张图片

SDK代码很简单,支持多种方式 Web Widget,AJAX Interface,Http Interface,Soap Interface

View Code
< fieldset >
< legend > Translate this SDK </ legend >
< div id = " MicrosoftTranslatorWidget " style = " width: 100%; min-height: 57px; border-color: #170D07;
background - color: #362F2A; " >
< noscript >
< a href = " " > Translate
this page </ a >
< br />
Powered by
< a href = " " > Microsoft® Translator </ a >
</ noscript >
</ div >

< script type = " text/javascript " >
/* <![CDATA[ */ setTimeout(function() {
var s
= document.createElement( " script " );
= " text/javascript " ;
= " UTF-8 " ;
= " "
+ " ?mode=auto "
+ " &from=en "
+ " &layout=ts "
+ " &appId=<%= InteractiveSDK.Properties.Settings.Default.WidgetAppId %> " ;
var p
= document.getElementsByTagName( ' head ' )[ 0 ] || document.documentElement; p.insertBefore(s, p.firstChild);
0 );
/* ]]> */
</ script >

</ fieldset >
< fieldset >
< legend > Results </ legend >
< table >
< tr >
< td >
Easily use the Microsoft Translator Web Widget
for basic website translation scenarios.
Simply copy and paste a HTML snippet to your web page and customize the resulting
translator box with different colors, sizes, and translation behaviors. Visitors
to your site can now view the the page with the embeded widget
in any language supported
by the The Microsoft Translator service. Furthur when hovering over any parts of
a translated page, visitors can view the source text from which the translation
was derived.
</ td >
< td >
The Web Widget also takes full advantage of Microsoft Translator
' s Collaborative
Translation functionality, which is used to submit, match and retrieve human translations.
This means visitors can suggest alternate translations to any translated text
they believe they are incorrect and flag inappropriate translations. The webmaster
can also sign
in and approve the most appropriate translation for their site. With
new translations being displayed instead of the automatic machine translation.
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ fieldset >

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