ovs-vswitchd.conf.db: A database with this schemaholds the configurationfor one Open vSwitchdaemon.
ovs-vswitchd:Open vSwitch daemon
ovs−vswitchd [database]
A daemon that manages and controls any number of Open vSwitch switches on the local machine.
The database argument specifies how ovs-switchd connects to ovsdb-server. The default is unix:/usr/local/var/run/db.sock.
ovs-vsctl : utility for querying and configuringovs-vswitchd.The ovs-vsctl program configuresovs-vswitchd by providing a high.level interface to its configuration database. ovs-vsctlconnects to anovsdb-server processthat maintains an Open vSwitchconfiguration database.
Sets server as the database server that ovs-vsctl contacts to query or modify configuration. The default isunix:/usr/local/var/run/db.sock.
Connect to the Unix domain server socket named file.
ovsdb-server: The program provides RPC interfaces to one or more open vswitch databases(OVSDBS).It supports JSON-RPC client connections over active or passive TCP/IP or Unix domain sockets.
Each OVSDB file may be specified on the commamd line asdatabase. If none is specified,the default is/usr/local/etc/openvswitch/conf.db. The database files must already have been created and initialized using, for example,ovsdb-tool create.
Adds remote as a connection method used by ovsdb-server.
Listen on the Unix domain server socket named file for a connection. For example:ovsdb-server --remote=punix:/usr/local/var/run/opnvswich/db.sock
ovsdb-client: command-line interface to ovsdb-server.
ovs-ofctl:administer OpenFlow switches.
The ovs-ofctl program is a command line tool for monitoring and administering OpenFlow switches. It can also show the current state of an OpenFlow switch, including features, configuration, and table entries.
It should work with any OpenFlow switch, not just Open vSwitch.
ovs-controller:simple OpenFlow controller reference implementation
ovs-controller manages any number of remote switches over OpenFlow protocol, causing them to function as L2 MAC-learning switches or hub.