

本记得删除了。幸好有 服务器备份,招起来挺麻烦的。 

236 wait_resp_mon(Node, Mref, Timeout) ->
237     receive
238         {Mref, Reply} ->
239             erlang:demonitor(Mref, [flush]),
240             {ok, Reply};
241         {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, noconnection} ->
242             exit({nodedown, Node});
243         {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
244             exit(Reason)
245     after Timeout ->
246             erlang:demonitor(Mref),
247             receive
248                 {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, _} -> true
249             after 0 -> true
250             end,
251             exit(timeoutmon)
252     end.
254 wait_resp(Node, Tag, Timeout) ->
255     receive
256         {Tag, Reply} ->
257             monitor_node(Node, false),
258             {ok, Reply};
259         {nodedown, Node} ->
260             monitor_node(Node, false),
261             exit({nodedown, Node})
262     after Timeout ->
263             monitor_node(Node, false),
264             exit(timeoutresp)
265     end.
267 %%
268 %% Send a reply to the client.
269 %%
