Ludwig Nastansky

Ludwig教授是Lotus Notes的狂热爱好者,他自称从没有使用过Microsoft Office, 所有的文档全部使用Lotus Notes撰写. 这需要相当大的耐心:) Ludwig教授自己创办了两家公司,从事基于Notes的应用软件开发和服务, 他本人以及他的公司和IBM Lotus保持着良好的关系. 教授的主要创意是一套基于Notes的个人Activity管理工具,通过Activity概念,按照个人的偏好,把邮件,文档,chat,等等东西有效的组织起来. 并且完全给予Lotus Notes进行2次开发来实现. 使用Notes完成activity的一个很大好处是支持offline应用. IBM Lotus自己也有一套基于Activity的应用, 现在命名为Lotus Connections, 但是是基于Web的, 带来的一个问题就是无法支持offline.

教授有一个年轻美丽的华人妻子:) 并在Developerworks上开了一个blog:


Prof. Dr. Ludwig Nastansky is regarded as one of the first Notes users and developers in Europe starting with Lotus Notes Rel.-1. He is Professor of Business Computing and Director of the Groupware Competence Center at the University of Paderborn, Germany. He has founded two companies centering on services and products with focus on the people, collaboration and process management in modern enterprise solutions. He is chairman of the supervisory board of Pavone AG. His current research and project activities are centered around technology oriented collaborative EAI-environments and exploit the Lotus technology. The current focus is limited to the five following areas of technology: N/D-based core services collaborative e-Business, J2EE/Websphere integrated portal environments, human workflow within business process management, integrated process and project control in collaborative solutions, people driven knowledge management applications.

Dr. Ludwig Nastansky is the Professor of Business Computing and Director of Groupware Competence Center at the University of Paderborn and Chairman of the supervisory board of Pavone AG which is one IBM Premier BP. He is one of the first Notes users and developers in Europe (1989).
