用ajax与VML画实时曲线图 ( by quqi99 )

                        用ajax与VML画实时曲线图 ( by quqi99 )

作者:张华 发表于:2007-07-04 ( http://blog.csdn.net/quqi99 )




<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=gb2312"%>

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 <script language="JavaScript" src="<%=request.getContextPath() %>/js/ajax_func.js">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
   function reload()
  refreshData(); //调用Ajax方法异步更新数据
  setInterval('reload()', 5*1000);

function VMLCurve(objDiv){
 this.shrinkFactorY = 1;      //Y轴的缩小因子
 this.benchmarkDate = null;   //基准时间
 this.objDiv = objDiv;    // obj
 this.toolTips    = "";    // 提示信息
 this.configXPerValue = 0;
    this.configYPerValue = 0;
    this.configXMinValue = 0;
    this.configYMinValue = 0;
 this.OriginXValue = "";    // 圆点坐标
 this.OriginYValue = "";
 this.group    = null;  // v:group
 this.n      = 1   // 倍数
 this.gpWidth   = 700;  // Width
 this.gpHeight   = 350;  // Height
 this.configXTextLeft = -25;  // 定义 X轴坐标值左边离坐标距离,即坐标值左端相对于当前坐标点的偏移
 this.configXTextTop  = 10;  // 定义 X轴坐标值上方离X轴的距离
 this.configYLeft   = 60;  // 定义 Y轴距对象(group)左边的距离
 this.configYTextRight = 40;  // 定义 Y轴坐标值离Y轴右边的距离
 this.configYTextBottom  = 5;  // 定义 Y轴坐标值离坐标下边距离
 this.configXValue = new Array('一月','二月','三月','四月','五月','六月','七月','八月','九月','十月');
 this.configYValue = new Array('100','200','300','400','500','600','700','800','900','1000');
 // Init BackGround
 this.Background  = null; 
 this.bgColor  = "#C4E1FF";  // BackGround Color
 // Init ToolTip
 this.configToolLeft    = 15;
 this.configToolTop    = 15;
 this.ToolTip      = document.createElement("DIV");
 this.ToolTip.className    = "ToolTip";
 this.ToolTip.id     = "ToolTip";
 this.ToolTip.style.zIndex   = "100";
 this.ToolTip.style.position  = "absolute";
 this.ToolTip.style.display  = "none";
 this.ToolTip.innerHTML   = "";
 this.PointRadius = 2;      //圆点的半径大小
 this.LineSize    = 1;                   //线的大小
 this.PointColor  = "#FF6600";   //点的颜色
 this.LineColor   = "#FF6600";   //线的颜色
 this.Points = "";
 this.PreviousPointY = 0;
 this.PointsYCount   = 0;

// Init
VMLCurve.prototype.init = function(strObj,strTitle){
 this.gpcX   = this.gpWidth/this.n;   // coordsize X
 this.gpcY   = this.gpHeight/this.n;   // coordsize Y
 this.configXLen    = this.gpWidth - this.configYLeft*2+20; // 定义 X轴长度(600)
 this.configYLen    = this.gpHeight- 100;   // 定义 Y 轴长度(250)
 this.configXNum  = this.configXValue.length;  // X轴刻度数
 this.configYNum  = this.configYValue.length;  // Y轴刻度数
    this.configXTop  = this.configYLen+20;   //定义 X轴距对象上边的距离
 this.configXPerLen = str2Float((this.configXLen-20)/this.configXNum,2); //定义 X轴每刻度长度
 this.configYPerLen = str2Float((this.configYLen-20)/this.configYNum,2); //定义 Y轴每刻度长度

 this.bgWidth  = this.gpWidth;  // Height
 this.bgHeight  = this.gpHeight; // Width
        var tempArr = new Array(this.configYNum);
        for(var i=0;i<this.configYNum;i++){
         tempArr[i] = str2Float(this.configYMinValue+this.configYPerValue*i,0);
        this.configYValue = tempArr;
    else {
        this.configYPerValue = str2Float((this.configYValue(this.configYNum)-this.configYMinValue)/this.configYNum,2);
        var tempArr = new Array(this.configXNum);
        for(var i=0;i<this.configXNum;i++){
         tempArr[i] = str2Float(this.configXMinValue+this.configXPerValue*i,2);
        this.configXValue = tempArr; 
         //this.configXPerValue = str2Float((this.configXValue(this.configXNum)-this.configXMinValue)/this.configXNum,2);
        var tempArr = new Array(this.configXNum);
        for(var i=0;i<this.configXNum;i++){
            //var time = str2Float(this.configXMinValue+this.configXPerValue*i,2);
            var time = new Date(this.configXMinValue+this.configXPerValue*i);
            tempArr[i] = formatDate(time);  //格式化时间
        this.configXValue = tempArr; 
         //this.configXPerValue = str2Float((this.configXValue(this.configXNum)-this.configXMinValue)/this.configXNum,2);
    this.configYValue  = this.configYValue.reverse(); //倒序数组
 this.createCoordinate();  //建横纵两坐标(此时只有两根线)
 this.createXTableLine();  //建横坐标及平行于Y轴的网格线
 this.createYTableLine();  //建纵坐标及平行于X轴的网格线
 this.createToolTip();     //插入用于提示的DIV
 this.setTitle(strTitle);  //插入DIV设置标题
 this.strObj = strObj;

VMLCurve.prototype.createGroup = function() {
 this.group = document.createElement("<v:group ID=/"group1/" coordsize=/""+this.gpcX+","+this.gpcY+"/" style=/"z-index:-10;width:"+this.gpWidth+"px;height:"+this.gpHeight+"px/">");
 var kids = this.objDiv.childNodes;
 if(kids.length == 0){
 if(kids.length > 0){
    for(var i=kids.length-1;i>=0;i--){
 this.objDiv.innerHTML = "";

VMLCurve.prototype.createBackgroud = function() {
 this.Background = document.createElement("<v:rect fillcolor=/"white/" strokecolor=/"black/" style=/"z-index:-8;width:"+this.bgWidth+"px;height:"+this.bgHeight+"px/" />");
 this.Background.insertBefore(document.createElement("<v:fill rotate=/"t/" type=/"gradient/" color2=/""+this.bgColor+"/" />"));
 this.Background.insertBefore(document.createElement("<v:shadow on=/"t/" type=/"single/" color=/"silver/" offset=/"3pt,3pt/" />"));

VMLCurve.prototype.createCoordinate = function() {
 var pointX1 = this.configYLeft + "," + this.configXTop;                      //X轴起点坐标
 var pointX2 = this.configYLeft+this.configXLen + "," + this.configXTop;      //X轴终点坐标
 var pointY1 = pointX1;                                                       //Y轴起点坐标
 var pointY2 = this.configYLeft + "," + eval(this.configXTop-this.configYLen);//Y轴终点坐标

VMLCurve.prototype.createTableLine = function(xPoint,yPoint,sTableColor){
 var tempLine = document.createElement("<v:line from=/""+xPoint+"/" to=/""+yPoint+"/" strokeColor=/""+sTableColor+"/" style=/"Z-INDEX:8;POSITION:absolute;/>");
 tempLine.insertBefore(document.createElement("<v:stroke dashstyle=/"Solid/" />"));

VMLCurve.prototype.createCoordinateLine = function(xPoint,yPoint){
 var tempLine = document.createElement("<v:line from=/""+xPoint+"/" to=/""+yPoint+"/" strokeColor=/"#FF6600/" strokeweight=/"1px/" style=/"Z-INDEX:8;POSITION:absolute;/"/>");
 tempLine.insertBefore(document.createElement("<v:stroke  EndArrow=/"classic/" />"));  //直线带上剪头

VMLCurve.prototype.createText = function(xLeft,xTop,sText,sClass) {
 var tempObj = document.createElement("<P class=/""+sClass+"/" style=/"Z-INDEX:8;LEFT:"+xLeft+"px;POSITION:absolute;TOP:"+xTop+"px;/"/>");
 tempObj.innerHTML = sText;

// 创建X坐标值
VMLCurve.prototype.createXTableLine = function(){
 var x1,y1,x2,y2,point1,point2,sTableColor;
 sTableColor = "#CCCCCC";
 for(var i=0;i<this.configXValue.length;i++){
  x1 = eval(this.configYLeft + this.configXPerLen*(i+1)); 
  y1 = eval(this.configXTop-this.configYLen)+10;
  x2 = x1;
  y2 = eval(this.configXTop+5);
  point1 = x1 + "," + y1;    //起始点
  point2 = x2 + "," + y2;    //终点

VMLCurve.prototype.createYTableLine = function(){
 var x1,y1,x2,y2,point1,point2,sTableColor;
 for(var i=0;i<this.configYValue.length;i++){
  x1 = eval(this.configYLeft - 5);   //Y轴左边写坐标值的
  y1 = eval(this.configXTop - this.configYPerLen*(i+1));
  x2 = eval(this.configYLeft + this.configXLen - 10);
  y2 = y1;
  point1 = x1 + "," + y1;
  point2 = x2 + "," + y2;
     sTableColor = "#CCCCCC";

VMLCurve.prototype.setTitle = function(strTitle){
 var tempObj = document.createElement("<div class=/"Title/" style=/"POSITION:absolute;Z-INDEX:9;LEFT:"+40+"px;TOP:"+(this.configXTop+40)+"px;width:"+(this.configXLen)+"px;height:"+(this.gpHeight-this.configXTop-20)+";/>");
 tempObj.innerHTML = strTitle;

// 画圆点坐标
VMLCurve.prototype.setOriginValue = function(x,y){

// 设置圆点坐标属性
VMLCurve.prototype.setPointsProp = function(sPointRadius,sLineSize,sPointColor,sLineColor){
 this.PointRadius = sPointRadius;   //圆点的半径大小
 this.LineSize    = sLineSize;           //线的大小
 this.PointColor  = sPointColor;   //点的颜色
 this.LineColor   = sLineColor;   //线的颜色

// 设置纵坐标的值
VMLCurve.prototype.setPointsValue = function(xValueArr,yValueArr){
    var sValue  = "";
    var xValue  = 0;
 var yValue  = 0;
 var tempLen = 0;
 var thisX   = 0;
 var thisY   = 0;
 var tempX   = 0;
    var tempY   = 0;
 for(var i=0;i<xValueArr.length;i++){
        thisX   = str2Float(xValueArr[i],2);
        thisY   = str2Float(yValueArr[i],2);
        //tempX   = str2Float((thisX - this.OriginXValue)/this.configXPerValue,2);
  tempY   = str2Float((thisY - this.OriginYValue)/this.configYPerValue,2);
  xValue  = str2Float(this.configYLeft + str2Float(thisX*this.configXPerLen,2),2);
  yValue  = str2Float(this.configXTop - str2Float(tempY*this.configYPerLen,2),2);
  //横坐标经历了变换: var xValue = (curtime - vc.benchmarkDate.getTime())/configXPerValue; ,再逆变换变回来
  var diplayXValue = formatDate(new Date(((thisY + this.configXPerValue)+vc.benchmarkDate.getTime())));
  sValue  = "坐标:[" + diplayXValue + ", " + thisY + "]";
        //this.PointsYCount  += str2Float(yValueArr[i],2);
  //this.PreviousPointY = yValueArr[i];
  this.Points = this.Points + xValue + "," + yValue + " "; 
 this.PreviousPointY = 0;
 this.Points         = 0;
 this.PointsYCount   = 0;

// create Point
VMLCurve.prototype.createPoint = function(sLeft,sTop,sText){
 var xLeft  = sLeft - this.PointRadius;
 var xTop   = sTop  - this.PointRadius;
 var tempOval = document.createElement("<v:oval style=/"POSITION:absolute;Z-INDEX:12;LEFT:"+xLeft+"px;TOP:"+xTop+"px;width:"+2*this.PointRadius+";height:"+2*this.PointRadius+";cursor:hand;/" stroked=/"f/" fillcolor=/""+this.PointColor+"/" strokeweight=/"1px/" onmousemove=/""+this.strObj+".setToolTip('block','" + sText + "'," + sLeft + "," + sTop + ");/" onmouseout=/""+this.strObj+".setToolTip('none','');/"/>");
 var kids = group1.childNodes;
 if(kids.length > 0){
    for(var i=kids.length-1;i>=0;i--){
      if(kids[i].tagName == "oval"){

VMLCurve.prototype.createCurveLine = function(){
 var tempLine = document.createElement("<v:PolyLine Points=/""+ this.Points +"/" style=/"Z-INDEX:11;POSITION:absolute;/" strokeweight=/"2px/" filled=/"f/" />");
 var newStroke = document.createElement("<v:stroke dashstyle='solid' color='"+this.LineColor+"'/>");

VMLCurve.prototype.createToolTip = function(){

VMLCurve.prototype.setToolTip = function(sVisitable,sContent,x,y){
 this.ToolTip.style.pixelLeft  = x + this.configToolLeft;
 this.ToolTip.style.pixelTop  = y + this.configToolTop;
 this.ToolTip.style.display  = sVisitable;
  this.ToolTip.innerHTML = sContent;
  this.ToolTip.innerHTML = "";

* 字符串转换为数字(""-->0)as_type--str,num
* 参数说明:
* 例如:
* str2float("10.2124568795")返回float类型10.2124568795
* str2float("10.6",0)返回Int类型11(使用四舍五入的方法)
* str2float("10.2",2)返回float类型10.1
* str2float("10.2",2,"str")返回String类型"10.20"(按小数位数格式化字符串)
* str2float("10.216",2)返回float类型10.22
* str2float("10.216",2,"str")返回String类型"10.22"
function str2Float(as_str,ai_digit,as_type)
   var fdb_tmp = 0;
   var fi_digit = 0;
   var fs_digit = "1";
   var fs_str = "" + as_str;
   var fs_tmp1 = "";
   var fs_tmp2 = "";
   var fi_pos = 0;
   var fi_len = 0;
   fdb_tmp = parseFloat(isNaN(parseFloat(fs_str))?0:fs_str);
   switch (true)
   case (ai_digit==null):       //不改变值,只转换为数字
   fdb_tmp = fdb_tmp;
   case (ai_digit==0):          //取得整数
   fdb_tmp = Math.round(fdb_tmp);
   case (ai_digit>0):            //按照传入的小数点位数四舍五入取值
   for (var i=0;i<ai_digit;i++) fs_digit +="0";
   fi_digit = parseInt(fs_digit);
   fdb_tmp = Math.round(fdb_tmp * fi_digit) / fi_digit;
   if (as_type=="str")
   fs_tmp1 = fdb_tmp.toString();
   fs_tmp1 +=((fs_tmp1.indexOf(".")!=-1)?"":".") + fs_digit.substr(1);
   fi_pos = fs_tmp1.indexOf(".") + 1 + ai_digit;
   fdb_tmp = fs_tmp1.substr(0,fi_pos);
   return fdb_tmp;


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body {

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.pRed {

.pMonth {
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<body onload='refreshData();'>
  <!-- 每次添加, 导航条 -->
  <table width="100%" height="30"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="30" align="center" background="images/lanmu-bg1.gif"><img src="/cssweb/images/icon01.gif" width="13" height="14"></td>
    <td background="/cssweb/images/lanmu-bg1.gif" class="font02">系统管理 &gt; 目录监测</td>

 <!-- 每次添加, 外层table -->
  <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
    <td align="center"> 
      <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
          <td width="17%" height="26" align="center" class="font-option">目录文件数目</td>
          <td width="20%" height="20" align="right" class="font-option"><strong>下载目录:</strong></td>
          <td>&nbsp;<label id="catsrcPath">&nbsp;</label> &nbsp;
            <label id="catsrcFileNum">&nbsp;</label></td>
          <td width="20%" height="20" align="right" class="font-option"><strong>索引目录:</strong></td>
            <label id="ftidbsrcPath">&nbsp;</label> &nbsp;
            <label id="ftidbsrcFileNum">&nbsp;</label>
        <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                   <div align="center" id="curve"></div>
<script language="JavaScript">

   function LTrim(str)
    var whitespace = new String(" /t/n/r");
    var s = new String(str);
    if (whitespace.indexOf(s.charAt(0)) != -1)
        var j=0, i = s.length;
        while (j < i && whitespace.indexOf(s.charAt(j)) != -1)
        s = s.substring(j, i);
    return s;
   function RTrim(str)
    var whitespace = new String(" /t/n/r");
    var s = new String(str);
    if (whitespace.indexOf(s.charAt(s.length-1)) != -1)
        var i = s.length - 1;
        while (i >= 0 && whitespace.indexOf(s.charAt(i)) != -1)
        s = s.substring(0, i+1);
    return s;
   function Trim(str)
    return RTrim(LTrim(str));
  function refreshData() {
       document.all.curve.innerHTML = "<fond color='red'> 正在查询目录的文件数目,请稍后... </fond>";
  function populateClass() {            
 if (http_request.readyState == 4) { // 判断对象状态
  if (http_request.status == 200) { // 信息已经成功返回,开始处理信息
   var list = http_request.responseText;
   var dataList = list.split("|");               //最后面的一项应该是空格   
              var configXPerValue = 2.2 *1000;         //横坐标的两点间隔为2秒
              var maxFilenum = 0;                    //最大的文件数
              var arrayLength = str2Float(dataList.length/2,0)-1;
              if(arrayLength < 10)
              var catsrcHengArr = new Array(arrayLength);   //分类曲线的横坐标
        var catsrcZongArr = new Array(arrayLength);
        var ftidbsrcHengArr = new Array(arrayLength); //索引曲线的横坐标
        var ftidbsrcZongArr = new Array(arrayLength);
              var pos1 = 0;
              var pos2 = 0;
              for(var i=0;i < dataList.length - 1;i++) {
           var datas = Trim(dataList[i]).split(","); //这个Trim就是来去上面的空格
           var name = datas[0];     //目录标志
           var path = datas[1];     //目录路径
           var filenum = datas[2];  //目录下的文件数,做纵坐标
           var curtime = datas[3];  //当前时间,实际横坐标
           //filenum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (99999 + 1)) ;  //测试语句
            document.getElementById(name + "FileNum").innerHTML = filenum ;
                 // vc.benchmarkDate = new Date();   
                    // if(vc.benchmarkDate == null)
                       vc.benchmarkDate = new Date(curtime - 0); 
                   //  else{
                   //    if((curtime - vc.benchmarkDate.getTime()) > 0.5 * vc.configXPerValue)
                   //      vc.benchmarkDate = new Date(curtime - 0 );
                   //    }       
                    if((curtime - vc.benchmarkDate.getTime()) > 30*1000)
                        vc.benchmarkDate = new Date(curtime - 0 );
           var xValue = (curtime - vc.benchmarkDate.getTime())/configXPerValue;  //标称横坐标
           //var yValue = (filenum%1000)*10;
           var yValue = filenum;
           if(filenum > maxFilenum){
               maxFilenum = filenum;
                    if("catsrc" == name){
                         catsrcHengArr[pos1] = xValue;
                         catsrcZongArr[pos1] = yValue;
                     if("ftidbsrc" == name){
                         ftidbsrcHengArr[pos2] = xValue;
                         ftidbsrcZongArr[pos2] = yValue;
  } else { //页面不正常

   var vc = new VMLCurve(document.all.curve);
   function curve(maxFilenum,configXPerValue,benchmarkDate,catsrcHengArr,catsrcZongArr,ftidbsrcHengArr,ftidbsrcZongArr){     
     // vc.configXValue = new Array('一月','二月','三月','四月','五月','六月','七月','八月','九月','十月','十一月','十二月');
     vc.configXPerValue = configXPerValue;        //30秒钟
        vc.configXMinValue = benchmarkDate.getTime();  //对横坐标时间的格式化显示在VMLCurve对象中处理
     if(maxFilenum > 1000*10){
       var shrinkFactorY =  maxFilenum/1000;   //Y轴的缩小因子   
       vc.configYPerValue = 1000 * shrinkFactorY / 5;  //大于10000的倍数后,每次Y增长2倍(10/5=2)
          vc.configYMinValue = 1000 * shrinkFactorY / 5;
       vc.configYPerValue = 1000;
          vc.configYMinValue = 1000;
         vc.init("vc","下载目录:暗红色   索引目录:蓝色");
     //vc.configYValue = new Array(100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000);
      // var catsrcHengArr = new Array(0.5,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);   //X轴数据,
      // var catsrcZongArr = new Array(10000,280,420,550,600,700,800,720,190,940); //Y轴数据
        vc.setPointsProp(3,1,'#FF6600','#FF6600');  //设置圆点(参数:圆的半径,线的大小,点的颜色,线的颜色)
       //var ftidbsrcHengArr = new Array(0,9,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);   //X轴数据,
       // var ftidbsrcZongArr = new Array(320,280,700,550,900,700,800,300,190,940); //Y轴数据
       vc.setPointsProp(3,1,'#FF6600','#00FFF');  //设置圆点(参数:圆的半径,线的大小,点的颜色,线的颜色)
   function formatDate(date){
       var hour = date.getHours()+1;
       var minute = date.getMinutes();
       var second = date.getSeconds();
       return hour+":"+minute+":"+second;






package jcss.search.dirWatch.servlet;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import jcss.search.dirWatch.GetFileNumThread;
import jcss.search.dirWatch.model.MyFile;

 * @作者:张华 @日期:2001-4-17 @说明:用于生成图表
public class DirWatchServlet extends HttpServlet {

 private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;

 public static long getSerialVersionUID() {
  return serialVersionUID;

 GetFileNumThread getFileNumThread = null;
  * 用于实例化org.jfree.data.time.Millisecond
 public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {

  getFileNumThread = new GetFileNumThread(10);


  * 关闭线程
 public void destroy() {


  * 当从页面地址栏访问时,直接调用doPost()方法 这样测试时可以不用写JSP页面
 protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest arg0, HttpServletResponse arg1)
   throws ServletException, IOException {
  doPost(arg0, arg1);


 protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

  response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=GB2312"); // 解决返回AJAX时是乱码的问题
  List<MyFile> fileNumList = new ArrayList<MyFile>();

  List catSrcFile = getFileNumThread.getCatsrcStack().getObjList();
  List ftidbsrcFile = getFileNumThread.getFtidbsrcStack().getObjList();

  if (fileNumList != null) {
   Iterator itr = fileNumList.iterator();
   while (itr.hasNext()) {
    MyFile f = (MyFile) itr.next();
    long temp = f.getFilenum();
    String tempStr = new Long(temp).toString();
    String curTime = f.getCurTime().toString();
      f.getName() + "," + f.getPath() + "," + tempStr + "," + curTime + "|"); // 部门之间用|隔开,部门的两个属性之间用,隔开
  // request.setAttribute("fileNumList", fileNumList);
  // request.getSession().setAttribute("fileNumList", fileNumList);




 * Created on 2007-7-3
 * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
 * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
package jcss.search.dirWatch;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.Date;

import jcss.search.base.SearchEngineUtil;
import jcss.search.dirWatch.model.MyFile;
import jcss.search.dirWatch.util.FileUtil;
import jcss.search.dirWatch.util.Stack;

 * @author 张华
 * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
 * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
public class GetFileNumThread extends Thread {
 Stack catsrcStack;
 Stack ftidbsrcStack;
 long catsrcNum = 0;
 long ftidbsrcNum = 0;
 public GetFileNumThread(int stackSize){
  catsrcStack = new Stack(stackSize);
  ftidbsrcStack = new Stack(stackSize);
 public GetFileNumThread(){ 
  catsrcStack = new Stack(200);
  ftidbsrcStack = new Stack(200);
 String catsrc = SearchEngineUtil.getCatSrcRoot(); // 得到下载路径
 String ftidbsrc = SearchEngineUtil.getIndexSrcRoot();// 得到索引路径
 public void run() {
   try {
   FileUtil.reset(); // 先清零
   catsrcNum = FileUtil.listDir(new File(catsrc));
   FileUtil.reset(); // 先清零
   //ftidbsrcNum = FileUtil.listDir(new File(ftidbsrc));
   ftidbsrcNum = FileUtil.listDir(new File(ftidbsrc));
   //String curTime = SystemUtil.GetCurTime();
   Long curTime = new Date().getTime();
   MyFile catSrcFile = new MyFile("catsrc", catsrc, catsrcNum,curTime);
   MyFile ftidbsrcFile = new MyFile("ftidbsrc", ftidbsrc, ftidbsrcNum,curTime);
   if(catsrcStack.getIndex() < catsrcStack.getSize())
   } catch (InterruptedException e) {

 public Stack getCatsrcStack() {
  return catsrcStack;

 public Stack getFtidbsrcStack() {
  return ftidbsrcStack;


package jcss.search.dirWatch.util;

import java.io.File;

 * @作者:张华 @日期:2007-3-13 @说明:
public class FileUtil {
 private static long filenum = 0;
  * 清零,每次调用listDir()时先调用此方法
 public static void reset(){
  FileUtil.filenum = 0 ;

  * 遍历文件目录中文件的数目
  * @param parentDir
  * @return
  * @throws Exception
 public static long listDir(File parentDir) { 
  if (parentDir.isDirectory()) {

   File[] subFiles = parentDir.listFiles();
   for (int i = 0; i < subFiles.length; i++) {
    File f = subFiles[i];
    if (f.isFile()) {
     filenum ++ ;  //是文件就加1

    } else {
     listDir(f); //是目录就递归
  return filenum;

  * 用于测试
  * @param path
  * @return
 public static long listDir3(File parentDir) {

  long result = 0;

  // 根据实际需要在此处加入需要执行的代码,应该用一个目录下的文件数目,我们暂时利用了内存
  long freeMemory = new Double(6 * Math.random()).longValue();

  freeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
  long totalMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();

  // if ("catsrc".equals(path))
  result = freeMemory;
  // else if ("ftidbsrc".equals(path))
  // result = totalMemory;

  return result;
  * 用于测试
  * @param parentDir
  * @return
 public static long listDir2(File parentDir) {

  long result = 0;

  // 根据实际需要在此处加入需要执行的代码,应该用一个目录下的文件数目,我们暂时利用了内存
  long freeMemory = new Double(6 * Math.random()).longValue();

  freeMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
  long totalMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();

  // if ("catsrc".equals(path))
  result = totalMemory;
  // else if ("ftidbsrc".equals(path))
  // result = totalMemory;

  return result;


var http_request = false;
function send_request(method,url,content,responseType,callback) {//????????????????????????????????????
 http_request = false;
 if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { //Mozilla ??????
  http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();
  if (http_request.overrideMimeType) {//????MiME????
 else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE??????
  try {
   http_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
  } catch (e) {
   try {
    http_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
   } catch (e) {}
 if (!http_request) { // ??????????????????????
  return false;
 if(responseType.toLowerCase()=="text") {
  //http_request.onreadystatechange = processTextResponse;
  http_request.onreadystatechange = callback;
 else if(responseType.toLowerCase()=="xml") {
  //http_request.onreadystatechange = processXMLResponse;
  http_request.onreadystatechange = callback;
 else {
  return false;
 // ????????????????????URL????????????????????????
 if(method.toLowerCase()=="get") {
  http_request.open(method, url, true);
 else if(method.toLowerCase()=="post") {
  http_request.open(method, url, true);
 else {
  return false;
// ??????????????????????????
function processTextResponse() {
 if (http_request.readyState == 4) { // ????????????
  if (http_request.status == 200) { // ??????????????????????????????
  } else { //??????????
function processXMLResponse() {
 if (http_request.readyState == 4) { // ????????????
  if (http_request.status == 200) { // ??????????????????????????????
  } else { //??????????
