鉴于csdn的blog的不稳定, 及混乱的编辑器, 和无上传功能, 遂决定彻底投诚javaeye的blog.
数月前整理的一个东西, 作为cache的扫盲文档.参考了它的官方文档.
附件为eclipse项目, 直接导入, 运行test目录下的junit testcase, 可一目了然.
一 ehcache API:
1: Using the CacheManager
1.1所有ehcache的使用, 都是从 CacheManager. 开始的.
//Create a singleton CacheManager using defaults, then list caches. CacheManager.getInstance()
//Create a CacheManager instance using defaults, then list caches. CacheManager manager = new CacheManager(); String[] cacheNames = manager.getCacheNames();
如果需要从指定配置文件创建 CacheManager:
Create two CacheManagers, each with a different configuration, and list the caches in each. CacheManager manager1 = new CacheManager("src/config/ehcache1.xml"); CacheManager manager2 = new CacheManager("src/config/ehcache2.xml"); String[] cacheNamesForManager1 = manager1.getCacheNames(); String[] cacheNamesForManager2 = manager2.getCacheNames();
1.2 Adding and Removing Caches Programmatically
手动创建一个cache, 而不是通过配置文件:
//creates a cache called testCache, which //will be configured using defaultCache from the configuration CacheManager singletonManager = CacheManager.create(); singletonManager.addCache("testCache"); Cache test = singletonManager.getCache("testCache");
//Create a Cache and add it to the CacheManager, then use it. Note that Caches are not usable until they have //been added to a CacheManager. public void testCreatCacheByProgram() { CacheManager singletonManager = CacheManager.create(); Cache memoryOnlyCache = new Cache("testCache", 5000, false, false, 5, 2); singletonManager.addCache(memoryOnlyCache); Cache testCache = singletonManager.getCache("testCache"); assertNotNull(testCache); }
//Remove cache called sampleCache1 CacheManager singletonManager = CacheManager.create(); singletonManager.removeCache("sampleCache1");
1.3 Shutdown the CacheManager
ehcache应该在使用后关闭, 最佳实践是在code中显式调用:
//Shutdown the singleton CacheManager CacheManager.getInstance().shutdown();
2 Using Caches
<cache name="sampleCache1" maxElementsInMemory="10000" maxElementsOnDisk="1000" eternal="false" overflowToDisk="true" diskSpoolBufferSizeMB="20" timeToIdleSeconds="300" timeToLiveSeconds="600" memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LFU" />
2.1 Obtaining a reference to a Cache
String cacheName = "sampleCache1"; CacheManager manager = new CacheManager("src/ehcache1.xml"); Cache cache = manager.getCache(cacheName);
2.2 Performing CRUD operations
public void testCRUD() { String cacheName = "sampleCache1"; CacheManager manager = new CacheManager("src/ehcache1.xml"); Cache cache = manager.getCache(cacheName); //Put an element into a cache Element element = new Element("key1", "value1"); cache.put(element); //This updates the entry for "key1" cache.put(new Element("key1", "value2")); //Get a Serializable value from an element in a cache with a key of "key1". element = cache.get("key1"); Serializable value = element.getValue(); //Get a NonSerializable value from an element in a cache with a key of "key1". element = cache.get("key1"); assertNotNull(element); Object valueObj = element.getObjectValue(); assertNotNull(valueObj); //Remove an element from a cache with a key of "key1". assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); cache.remove("key1"); assertNull(cache.get("key1")); }
2.3 Disk Persistence on demand
//sampleCache1 has a persistent diskStore. We wish to ensure that the data //and index are written immediately. public void testDiskPersistence() { String cacheName = "sampleCache1"; CacheManager manager = new CacheManager("src/ehcache1.xml"); Cache cache = manager.getCache(cacheName); for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++) { Element element = new Element("key" + i, "myvalue" + i); cache.put(element); } cache.flush(); Log.debug("java.io.tmpdir = " + System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")); }
备注: 持久化到硬盘的路径由虚拟机参数"java.io.tmpdir"决定.
例如, 在windows中, 会在此路径下
C:\Documents and Settings\li\Local Settings\Temp
在linux中, 通常会在: /tmp 下
2.4 Obtaining Cache Sizes
public void testCachesizes() { long count = 5; String cacheName = "sampleCache1"; CacheManager manager = new CacheManager("src/ehcache1.xml"); Cache cache = manager.getCache(cacheName); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Element element = new Element("key" + i, "myvalue" + i); cache.put(element); } //Get the number of elements currently in the Cache. int elementsInCache = cache.getSize(); assertTrue(elementsInCache == 5); //Cache cache = manager.getCache("sampleCache1"); long elementsInMemory = cache.getMemoryStoreSize(); //Get the number of elements currently in the DiskStore. long elementsInDiskStore = cache.getDiskStoreSize(); assertTrue(elementsInMemory + elementsInDiskStore == count); }
3: Registering CacheStatistics in an MBeanServer
ehCache 提供jmx支持:
CacheManager manager = new CacheManager(); MBeanServer mBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); ManagementService.registerMBeans(manager, mBeanServer, false, false, false, true);
把该程序打包, 然后:
java -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -jar 程序名.jar
再到javahome/bin中运行jconsole.exe, 便可监控cache.
4. 用户可以自定义处理cacheEventHandler, 处理诸如元素放入cache的各种事件(放入,移除,过期等事件)
4.1 在cache配置中, 增加cacheEventListenerFactory节点.
<cache name="Test" maxElementsInMemory="1" eternal="false" overflowToDisk="true" timeToIdleSeconds="1" timeToLiveSeconds="2" diskPersistent="false" diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds="1" memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LFU"> <cacheEventListenerFactory class="co.ehcache.EventFactory" /> </cache>
4.2: 编写EventFactory, 继承CacheEventListenerFactory:
public class EventFactory extends CacheEventListenerFactory { @Override public CacheEventListener createCacheEventListener(Properties properties) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return new CacheEvent(); } }
4.3 编写 class: CacheEvent, 实现 CacheEventListener 接口:
public class CacheEvent implements CacheEventListener { public void dispose() { log("in dispose"); } public void notifyElementEvicted(Ehcache cache, Element element) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub log("in notifyElementEvicted" + element); } public void notifyElementExpired(Ehcache cache, Element element) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub log("in notifyElementExpired" + element); } public void notifyElementPut(Ehcache cache, Element element) throws CacheException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub log("in notifyElementPut" + element); } public void notifyElementRemoved(Ehcache cache, Element element) throws CacheException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub log("in notifyElementRemoved" + element); } public void notifyElementUpdated(Ehcache cache, Element element) throws CacheException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub log("in notifyElementUpdated" + element); } public void notifyRemoveAll(Ehcache cache) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub log("in notifyRemoveAll"); } public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return super.clone(); } private void log(String s) { Log.debug(s); } }
public void testEventListener() { String key = "person"; Person person = new Person("lcl", 100); MyCacheManager.getInstance().put("Test", key, person); Person p = (Person) MyCacheManager.getInstance().get("Test", key); try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } assertNull(MyCacheManager.getInstance().get("Test", key)); }
根据配置, 该缓存对象生命期只有2分钟, 在Thread.sleep(10000)期间, 该缓存元素将过期被销毁, 在销毁前, 触发notifyElementExpired事件.
二 Ehcache配置文件
<cache name="CACHE_FUNC" maxElementsInMemory="2" eternal="false" timeToIdleSeconds="10" timeToLiveSeconds="20" overflowToDisk="true" diskPersistent="true" diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds="120" />
maxElementsInMemory :cache 中最多可以存放的元素的数量。如果放入cache中的元素超过这个数值,有两种情况:
1. 若overflowToDisk的属性值为true,会将cache中多出的元素放入磁盘文件中。
2. 若overflowToDisk的属性值为false,会根据memoryStoreEvictionPolicy的策略替换cache中原有的元素。
eternal :是否永驻内存。如果值是true,cache中的元素将一直保存在内存中,不会因为时间超时而丢失,所以在这个值为true的时候,timeToIdleSeconds和timeToLiveSeconds两个属性的值就不起作用了。
3. timeToIdleSeconds :访问这个cache中元素的最大间隔时间。如果超过这个时间没有访问这个cache中的某个元素,那么这个元素将被从cache中清除。
4. timeToLiveSeconds : cache中元素的生存时间。意思是从cache中的某个元素从创建到消亡的时间,从创建开始计时,当超过这个时间,这个元素将被从cache中清除。
5. overflowToDisk :溢出是否写入磁盘。系统会根据标签<diskStore path="java.io.tmpdir"/> 中path的值查找对应的属性值,如果系统的java.io.tmpdir的值是 D:\temp,写入磁盘的文件就会放在这个文件夹下。文件的名称是cache的名称,后缀名的data。如:CACHE_FUNC.data。
6. diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds :磁盘缓存的清理线程运行间隔.
7. memoryStoreEvictionPolicy :内存存储与释放策略。有三个值:
LRU -least recently used
LFU -least frequently used
FIFO-first in first out, the oldest element by creation time
diskPersistent : 是否持久化磁盘缓存。当这个属性的值为true时,系统在初始化的时候会在磁盘中查找文件名为cache名称,后缀名为index的的文件,如CACHE_FUNC.index 。这个文件中存放了已经持久化在磁盘中的cache的index,找到后把cache加载到内存。要想把cache真正持久化到磁盘,写程序时必须注意,在是用net.sf.ehcache.Cache的void put (Element element)方法后要使用void flush()方法。