--mongod --shardsvr --replSet rs_a --dbpath /data/db --fork --logpath /data/db/log/rs_a.log --logappend run
mkdir /data/db /data/configdb /data/config /data/log /data/mongodbexe
-- 启动shards
-- Note:
-- shards 是存储实际数据块的地方
-- --shardsvr will default the port to 27018
-- 为了高可用性和性能,可以做成一级 Replica sets
-- In the mongo shell,create the replica set (可以在数据库的命令行中生成集合)
> cfg = {
_id : "rs_a",
members : [
{_id : 0, host : "e1.acme.com:27018", priority : 1},
{_id : 1, host : "e2.acme.com:27018", priority : 1},
{_id : 2, host : "w1.acme.com:27018", priority : 0}
> rs.initiate(cfg)
mongod --shardsvr --dbpath /data/db/a --port 10000 run > /data/log2/sharda.log &
cat /data/log2/sharda.log
mongod --shardsvr --dbpath /data/db/b --port 10001 run > /data/log2/shardb.log &
cat /data/log2/shardb.log
-- 启动Config Servers
-- 用于存储集群的元数据,如分片和块数据信息
-- --configsvr will default the port to 27019
mongod --configsvr --dbpath /data/db/config --port 20000 > /data/log2/configdb.log &
cat /data/log2/configdb.log
--mongos --configdb localhost:20000 > /data/log2/mongos.log &
--mongos --configdb localhost:30000 run > /data/log2/mongos.log &
mongos --port 30000 --configdb > /data/log2/mongos2.log &
cat /data/log2/mongos2.log
-- 启动Routers 路由
-- 用户连接 --> 路由 ---> 依Config Servers的信息 --> 连接实际的服务器(shards server) --> 返回数据到客户端
--configdb 用于指定配置服务器地址,可以多个,用逗号隔开
-- mongos 本身也有端口号, 有时如果不指定port,会启不来
-- --configdb 后面是一串configsvr的ip及端口,用逗号隔开
-- 例子:
mongos --configdb c1.acme.com:27019,c2.acme.com:27019,c3.acme.com:27019
mongos --port 30000 --configdb //--dbpath /data/configdb
--addshard:添加Shard Server, 其它相关命令 listshards 和 removeshard
--enablesharding: 用于设置可以被分布存储的数据库
--shardcollection: 用于设置具体被切块的集合名称,且必须指定Shard Key,系统会自动创建索引
--注: Sharded Collection 只能有一个unique index,且必须是shard key
use admin
-- 也可以如下: --( replicaSetName/<serverhostname>[:port])
-- db.adminCommand( { addShard : "rs_a/e1.acme.com:27018,e2.acme.com:27018,w1.acme.com:27018" } )
db.adminCommand( { addShard : "rs_b/e3.acme.com:27018,e4.acme.com:27018,w2.acme.com:27018" } )
db.adminCommand( { addShard : "rs_c/e5.acme.com:27018,e6.acme.com:27018,w3.acme.com:27018" } )
--use admin
mongos> use admin
switched to db admin
mongos> db.runCommand({addshard:"",name:"shard1",maxSize:40000})
{ "shardAdded" : "shard1", "ok" : 1 }
mongos> db.runCommand({addshard:"",name:"shard2"})
{ "shardAdded" : "shard2", "ok" : 1 }
mongos> db.runCommand( { listshards : 1 } );
"shards" : [
"_id" : "shard1",
"host" : "",
"maxSize" : NumberLong(40000)
"_id" : "shard2",
"host" : ""
"ok" : 1
--enable sharding for any database
mongos> use admin
switched to db admin
--db.runCommand( { enablesharding : "<dbname>" } );
mongos> db.runCommand( { enablesharding : "test" } )
{ "ok" : 1 }
--enable sharding for any collection
--> db.runCommand( { shardcollection : "<namespace>",
-- key : <shardkeypatternobject> });
mongos> db.runCommand( { shardcollection : "test.people", key : {name : 1} } )
{ "collectionsharded" : "test.people", "ok" : 1 }
You can use the {unique: true} option to ensure that the underlying index enforces uniqueness so long as the unique index is a prefix of the shard key. (note: prior to version 2.0 this worked only if the collection is empty).
db.runCommand( { shardcollection : "test.users" , key : { email : 1 } , unique : true } );
If the "unique: true" option is not used, the shard key does not have to be unique.
db.runCommand( { shardcollection : "test.products" , key : { category : 1, _id : 1 } } );
You can shard on multiple fields if you are using a compound index.
In the end, picking the right shard key for your needs is extremely important for successful sharding. Choosing a Shard Key.
> db.fs.chunks.ensureIndex({files_id: 1});
> db.runCommand({ shardcollection : "test.fs.chunks", key : { files_id : 1 }})
{ "collectionsharded" : "test.fs.chunks", "ok" : 1 }
--其它可选参数(Optional Parameters)
The addshard command accepts an optional maxSize parameter. This parameter lets you
tell the system a maximum amount of disk space in megabytes to use on the specified shard.
If unspecified, the system will use the entire disk. maxSize is useful when you have machines
with different disk capacities or when you want to prevent storage of too much data on a particular shard.
--例子: 指定最大可用磁盘空间
--> db.runCommand( { addshard : "sf103", maxSize:100000/*MB*/ } );
-- Listing shards
To see current set of configured shards, run the listshards command:
-- 例子:
db.runCommand( { listshards : 1 } );
--Removing a shard
-- Remove Shards from an Existing Shard Cluster
-- http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/remove-shards-from-cluster/
Remove Chunks from the Shard
db.runCommand( { removeshard: "mongodb0" } )
[mongodb@localhost data]$ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.7
connecting to: test
mongos> db.runCommand( { enablesharding : "test" } )
{ "ok" : 0, "errmsg" : "access denied - use admin db" }
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