图灵社区有一篇: 图说Rabin-Karp字符串查找算法
package main import ( "fmt" "unicode/utf8" ) func main(){ count := Count("9876520210520","520") fmt.Println("count==",count) } // primeRK is the prime base used in Rabin-Karp algorithm. //primeRK相当于进制 //本例中,只用到0-9这10个数字,即所有字符的总个数为10,所以定为10 //源码中是16777619,即相当于16777619进制 //The magic is in the interesting relationship between the special prime //16777619 (2^24 + 403) and 2^32 and 2^8. const primeRK = 10 // 16777619 // hashStr returns the hash and the appropriate multiplicative // factor for use in Rabin-Karp algorithm. func hashStr(sep string) (uint32, uint32) { hash := uint32(0) charcode := [...]uint32{5,2,0} for i := 0; i < len(sep); i++ { //hash = hash*primeRK + uint32(sep[i]) hash = hash*primeRK + charcode[i] } //即相当于千位->百位->十位,得到乘数因子(pow),本例中的520,得到的pow是1000 var pow, sq uint32 = 1, primeRK for i := len(sep); i > 0; i >>= 1 { //len(sep)=3 i>>{1,0} sq:{10,100} if i&1 != 0 { pow *= sq } sq *= sq } /* var pow uint32 = 1 for i := len(sep); i > 0; i-- { pow *= primeRK } */ fmt.Println("hashStr() sep:",sep," hash:",hash," pow:",pow) return hash, pow } // Count counts the number of non-overlapping instances of sep in s. func Count(s, sep string) int { fmt.Println("Count() s:",s," sep:",sep) n := 0 // special cases switch { case len(sep) == 0: //seq为空,返回总数加1 return utf8.RuneCountInString(s) + 1 case len(sep) == 1: //seq为单个字符,直接遍历比较即可 // special case worth making fast c := sep[0] for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { if s[i] == c { n++ } } return n case len(sep) > len(s): return 0 case len(sep) == len(s): if sep == s { return 1 } return 0 } // Rabin-Karp search hashsep, pow := hashStr(sep) lastmatch := 0 //最后一次匹配的位置 charcode := [...]uint32{9,8,7,6,5,2,0,2,1,0,5,2,0} //对应字符串"9876520210520" //验证s字符串 0 - len(sep)是不是匹配的 h := uint32(0) for i := 0; i < len(sep); i++ { //h = h*primeRK + uint32(s[i]) h = h*primeRK + charcode[i] } //如初始s的len(seq)内容是匹配的,n++, lastmatch指向len(seq)位置 if h == hashsep && s[:len(sep)] == sep { n++ lastmatch = len(sep) } for i := len(sep); i < len(s); { fmt.Println("\na h ==",h ) h *= primeRK //加上新的 //h += uint32(s[i]) h += charcode[i] fmt.Println("b h ==",h ) // 去掉旧的 //h -= pow * uint32(s[i-len(sep)]) h -= pow * charcode[i-len(sep)] fmt.Println("c h ==",h ) i++ if h == hashsep && lastmatch <= i-len(sep) && s[i-len(sep):i] == sep { n++ lastmatch = i fmt.Println("found n==",n ," lastmatch==",lastmatch) } } return n }这样替换后,可以很清楚的看到运行过程是如何做的:
Count() s: 9876520210520 sep: 520 hashStr() sep: 520 hash: 520 pow: 1000 a h == 987 b h == 9876 c h == 876 a h == 876 b h == 8765 c h == 765 a h == 765 b h == 7652 c h == 652 a h == 652 b h == 6520 c h == 520 found n== 1 lastmatch== 7 a h == 520 b h == 5202 c h == 202 a h == 202 b h == 2021 c h == 21 a h == 21 b h == 210 c h == 210 a h == 210 b h == 2105 c h == 105 a h == 105 b h == 1052 c h == 52 a h == 52 b h == 520 c h == 520 found n== 2 lastmatch== 13 count== 2
另外,对于" if h == hashsep && lastmatch <= i-len(sep) && s[i-len(sep):i] == sep {"这段,可以这样理解:
//防止计算出的hash相等,但实际串不同的情况 if h == hashsep && s[i-len(sep):i] == sep { //比如Count("1111","11")这种,1111只能算2次,而不是3次 if lastmatch <= i-len(sep) { n++ lastmatch = i } }
再补上一个,为什么是16777619? 可以看看
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