

 图灵社区有一篇: 图说Rabin-Karp字符串查找算法 
   网友GoLove已写一个篇非常详细的说明了. http://www.cnblogs.com/golove/p/3234673.html 




package main 

import (

func main(){
	count := Count("9876520210520","520")

// primeRK is the prime base used in Rabin-Karp algorithm.
//The magic is in the interesting relationship between the special prime 
 //16777619 (2^24 + 403) and 2^32 and 2^8. 
const primeRK = 10 // 16777619 

// hashStr returns the hash and the appropriate multiplicative
// factor for use in Rabin-Karp algorithm.
func hashStr(sep string) (uint32, uint32) {
	hash := uint32(0)
	charcode := [...]uint32{5,2,0} 

	for i := 0; i < len(sep); i++ {
		//hash = hash*primeRK + uint32(sep[i])
		hash = hash*primeRK + charcode[i] 

	var pow, sq uint32 = 1, primeRK
	for i := len(sep); i > 0; i >>= 1 { //len(sep)=3 i>>{1,0} sq:{10,100}
		if i&1 != 0 { 
			pow *= sq
		sq *= sq
	var pow uint32 = 1	
	for i := len(sep); i > 0; i-- { 		
		pow *= primeRK		
	fmt.Println("hashStr() sep:",sep," hash:",hash," pow:",pow)
	return hash, pow

// Count counts the number of non-overlapping instances of sep in s.
func Count(s, sep string) int {
	fmt.Println("Count() s:",s," sep:",sep)

	n := 0
	// special cases
	switch {
	case len(sep) == 0:	//seq为空,返回总数加1
		return utf8.RuneCountInString(s) + 1
	case len(sep) == 1:	//seq为单个字符,直接遍历比较即可
		// special case worth making fast
		c := sep[0]
		for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
			if s[i] == c {
		return n
	case len(sep) > len(s):
		return 0
	case len(sep) == len(s):
		if sep == s {
			return 1
		return 0
	// Rabin-Karp search
	hashsep, pow := hashStr(sep) 

	lastmatch := 0 //最后一次匹配的位置
	charcode := [...]uint32{9,8,7,6,5,2,0,2,1,0,5,2,0} //对应字符串"9876520210520"

	//验证s字符串 0 - len(sep)是不是匹配的
	h := uint32(0)
	for i := 0; i < len(sep); i++ { 
		//h = h*primeRK + uint32(s[i])
		h = h*primeRK +  charcode[i] 

	//如初始s的len(seq)内容是匹配的,n++, lastmatch指向len(seq)位置 
	if h == hashsep && s[:len(sep)] == sep {
		lastmatch = len(sep)

	for i := len(sep); i < len(s); { 

		fmt.Println("\na h ==",h )
		h *= primeRK

		//h += uint32(s[i]) 
		h += charcode[i] 
		fmt.Println("b h ==",h )

		// 去掉旧的
		//h -= pow * uint32(s[i-len(sep)])  
		h -= pow * charcode[i-len(sep)]
		fmt.Println("c h ==",h )		

		if h == hashsep && lastmatch <= i-len(sep) && s[i-len(sep):i] == sep {		
			lastmatch = i		
			fmt.Println("found n==",n ," lastmatch==",lastmatch)	

	return n

Count() s: 9876520210520  sep: 520
hashStr() sep: 520  hash: 520  pow: 1000

a h == 987
b h == 9876
c h == 876

a h == 876
b h == 8765
c h == 765

a h == 765
b h == 7652
c h == 652

a h == 652
b h == 6520
c h == 520
found n== 1  lastmatch== 7

a h == 520
b h == 5202
c h == 202

a h == 202
b h == 2021
c h == 21

a h == 21
b h == 210
c h == 210

a h == 210
b h == 2105
c h == 105

a h == 105
b h == 1052
c h == 52

a h == 52
b h == 520
c h == 520
found n== 2  lastmatch== 13
count== 2

另外,对于" if h == hashsep && lastmatch <= i-len(sep) && s[i-len(sep):i] == sep {"这段,可以这样理解: 

	if h == hashsep && s[i-len(sep):i] == sep {
		if lastmatch <= i-len(sep) {
			lastmatch = i		


再补上一个,为什么是16777619? 可以看看

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