View Controller Initialization

Four places to initialize things in View Controller subclasses


  • - (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibName bundle:(NSBundle *)bundle; (i.e. override it)
  • - (void)awakeFromNib
  • - (void)viewDidLoad
  • - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated;

Designated Initializer

Usually only for things that have to be initialized for your view controller to even “make sense”. Often thought of as the place to initialize things having to do with your Model. Definitely not for initializing things in your View (some “UI-related” things ok like self.title).



Same purpose (generally) as your designated initializer. This is called on every object that comes out of a .xib file (instead of its designated initializer!). Sometimes UIViewControllers come out of a .xib file (e.g. MainWindow.xib), but sometimes not. Usually you want your VC to work when it is alloc/inited or if it comes from a .xib. So create a method (e.g. setup) and call it from initWithNibName:bundle: and awakeFromNib.


应用程序在装载 nib 文件时,会向从档案中装载的对象发送一个 awakeFromNib 消息,但只是发送给可以响应该消息的对象,且在档案中的所有对象都装载和初 始化完成后发送。当对象接收到 awakeFromNib 消息时,Cocoa 会保证对象中所有的插座实例变 量都准备好了。典型情况下,拥有 nib 文件的对象(File’s Owner)会实现 awakeFromNib 方法, 以执行插座变量和目标-动作连接准备好之后才能执行的初始化工作。


This is the best place to put non-geometry-related initialization code which pertains to your View. You might even add some more views to your hierarchy in this method (stuff you couldn’t do in IB). Wouldn’t be out of the question to put some Model initialization code here, but theoretically this method could be called multiple times, so don’t re-initialize something already initialized. It’s not totally unheard of to have Views which are loaded, but then never appear on screen. So consider viewWillAppear: for some things, but maybe check to avoid multiple initialization.



If you have initialization that depends on your View’s bounds being set, you must do it here (and not in viewDidLoad).

