weblogic中的staging mode


设置staging mode的文档如下


Nostage:管理服务器(Administration Server)并不拷贝所发布文件,相反,每一个目标服务器必须通过一个单一源文件夹来访问这个文件并进行发布。目标服务器(target servers)上的stage目录在nostage模式下会被忽略。

例如,如果你发布了一个Java EE应用程序到集群中的三个服务器,那么每一个服务器必须能够访问相同的应用程序文件(从一个共享的网络目录)去发布程序


nostage模式中,web容器自动的检测jsp或者servlet的改变。Nostage also allows you to later update only parts of an application by updating those parts in one file system location and then redeploying.



Stage:管理服务器把所发布的文件从原始的位置(在管理服务器上)拷贝到目标服务器的staging目录上。例如,如果你采用stage模式发布一个Java EE应用到集群的三个服务器上,这个管理服务器会在集群中的每一个服务器上都拷贝一份。每一个服务器使用拷贝过来的本地的文件来发布Java EE应用。


如果不指定staging 目录,那么默认的目录是stage

·  For exploded archive deployments, the deployment name and staging subdirectory are the name of the directory you deployed (physicianEar in the example above).

·  For archived deployments, the default deployment name is the name of the archive file without the extension. For example, if you deploy physicianEar.ear, the deployment name and staging subdirectory are physicianEar.


当发布到多个weblogic实例的时候,管理控制台使用stage模式作为默认模式。Weblogic.Deployer使用target服务器的staging mode作为默认,并且托管的服务器使用stage模式作为默认。




Within each target server’s staging directory, deployment files must be stored in a subdirectory that reflects the deployment name. This can either be the name you type in for the deployment, or the default deployment name (the name of the exploded archive directory, or the name of the archive file without its file extension).

External_stage mode is the least common deployment staging mode. It is generally used only in environments that are managed by third-party tools that automate the required copying of files. You may also choose to use external_stage mode when you are deploying very large applications to multiple machines and you do not have a shared file system (and cannot use nostage mode). Using external_stage in this scenario decreases the deployment time because files are not copied during deployment.

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