dim strName(2) as string dim strRelation(2) as string For Index = 0 To 2 '数据库不能识别窗体中的名称,利用循环和选择变成数据库可以识别的名称。 Select Case ComboName(Index).Text Case "卡号" strName(Index) = "cardno" Case "学号" strName(Index) = "studentNo" Case "姓名" strName(Index) = "studentName" Case "性别" strName(Index) = "sex" Case "系别" strName(Index) = "department" Case "年级" strName(Index) = "grade" Case "班号" strName(Index) = "class" End Select Select Case ComboRelation(Index).Text Case "与" strRelation(Index) = "And" Case "或" strRelation(Index) = "Or" End Select Next
dim dd(2) as boolean Private Sub cmdCheck_Click() MSFlexGrid.clear If testtxt(ComboName(0).Text) = True Then '判断第一个条件是否被使用 If testtxt(ComboSign(0).Text) = True Then If testtxt(txtContent1.Text) = True Then dd(0) = True '标记第一个条件 End If End If End If If testtxt(ComboName(1).Text) = True Then '判断第二个条件是否被使用 If testtxt(ComboSign(1).Text) = True Then If testtxt(txtcontent2.Text) = True Then dd(1) = True End If End If End If If testtxt(ComboName(2).Text) = True Then '判断第三个条件是否被使用 If testtxt(ComboSign(2).Text) = True Then If testtxt(txtContent3.Text) = True Then dd(2) = True End If End If End If
If dd(0) = True Then '首先判断第一个条件是否被选中,如果被选中,则补充完整查询限制条件 txtSQL = txtSQL & " " & strName(0) & " " & ComboSign(0).Text & " " & txtContent1.Text & " " End If '(条件1) If dd(1) = True Then '判断第二个条件是否被选中 If dd(0) = True Then ' 再判断第一个条件是否被选中 txtSQL = txtSQL & " " & strRelation(0) & " " & strName(1) & " " & ComboSign(1).Text & " " & txtContent2.Text & " " Else '(条件2,1) txtSQL = txtSQL & " " & strName(1) & " " & ComboSign(1).Text & " " & txtContent1.Text & " " End If '(条件2) If dd(2) = True Then '判断第三个条件是否被选中 If dd(0) = True Or dd(1) = True Then '判断前两个条件是否被选中 txtSQL = txtSQL & " " & strRelation(1) & " " & strName(2) & " " & ComboSign(2).Text & " " & txtContent3.Text & " " Else '(条件3,1) 或 (条件3,2) 或 (条件3,2,1) txtSQL = txtSQL & " " & strName(2) & " " & ComboSign(2).Text & " " & txtContent3.Text & " " End If '条件(3) End If
If dd(0) = False And dd(1) = False And dd(2) = False Then '判断是否选择查询条件 MsgBox "您还没有完整的选择一个查询条件,请选择查询条件。", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示" Exit Sub ComboName(0).SetFocus End If Set mrc = Executesql(txtSQL, msgtext) If mrc.EOF = True Then MsgBox "没有找到相关记录,请重新输入查询条件。", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示" Exit Sub Else With MSFlexGrid '将查询到的数据写到表中 For i = 0 To mrc.RecordCount - 1 .Rows = .Rows + 1 .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = mrc.Fields(0) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = mrc.Fields(1) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = mrc.Fields(2) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = mrc.Fields(3) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 4) = mrc.Fields(4) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 5) = mrc.Fields(5) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 6) = mrc.Fields(6) Next End With End If mrc.Close End Sub