JavaOne: Eclipse 的 ecosystem

JavaOne: Eclipse 的 ecosystem

我不知道怎么翻译这个ecosystem,在生物学上,这个词的解释是:生态系统。 人生活在这个大自然中,其实也就是生活在大自然这个生态系统中。 一个健康发展的ecosystem,要具有它最基本的元素(比如水,阳光,空气),各个组成部分要和谐的发展,互相合作(就像你的身体内的每个器官)。


那么Java开发工具,最重要的IDE部分呢? Eclipse还是NetBeans?ZDNet的专栏作者David Berlind在JavaOne 2005期间,写个一篇报道:Might JavaOne have been NetBeans' last stand? 他指出,Eclipse在“事实”上已经赢过了NetBeans,原因就是Eclipse健康发展的ecosystem。(以下部分摘录于David的专栏,做了部分的翻译和删减)。

“…… Like operating systems, IDEs are the foundations of their own ecosystems. The word "integrated" in "integrated development environment" is there because of how easy IDEs make it for developers to mix and match their favorite development tools. Coding tools, modeling tools, workflow tools, mobile tools, etc. There are hundreds of specialized tools out there that make it easier for developers to develop correspondingly specialized applications. The beauty of the IDE is how all of these tools can be snapped together like a jigsaw puzzle and work together in one context. So, in ecosystem terms, in the same way that computer buyers like to buy computers for which many applications exists (eg: Windows computers), developers will not only gravitate towards IDEs that they like, but the ones for which the most third party support and tools exist (known as IDE plug-ins). ”
这就像买电脑一样,买一台电脑,并不是只是为了买那一套硬件,也不主要是看重它的CPU,内存和硬盘,更主要的是需要这台电脑可以运行大量的应用程序(这可能是为什么绝大多数的人使用Windows,因为有大量的应用程序可以使用)。 同样的,对于开发者来说,当他使用一个IDE的时候,他不仅仅只是被IDE本身的功能所吸引,另一方面,就是有更多的工具(也就是IDE的插件)可以使用,有更多的其他厂商的支持(更不要说IDE本身还是免费的了)。

在今年的JavaOne 2005上,更多的厂商宣布了将支持Eclipse(暂且不提年初BEA,Oracle,MacroMedia这样的大公司作为重量级的开发商加入Eclipse Foundation,IBM就更不用提了,它几乎完全是Eclipse-Driven了):

  • Catalyst Systems' Openmake 6.4 For Eclipse - Openmake integrates fully with version control systems from Rational, Serena and more.
  • Sybase Announces Unified Eclipse-Based Application Development Environment - Using the Eclipse platform, Sybase WorkSpace offers comprehensive development tooling that automates mundane tasks and reduces the overall complexity of application development.
  • BEA Systems Embraces Open Source Innovation - In addition to the support and leadership BEA has shown as a strategic member of the Eclipse Foundation, and as contributor to high-profile Apache and other open source projects, both Apache Beehive and Spring with deployment to Apache Tomcat.
  • Compuware Extends Java Development Automation and Announces Eclipse Support With OptimalJ 4.0 - Compuware Corporation released Compuware OptimalJ 4.0, unveiling new process-modeling functionality and announcing support for the Eclipse open source development platform.
  • Oracle Strengthens Commitment to Java Developers with Free Development Tool and Open Source Projects - Oracle is proposing to spearhead a JavaServer Faces (JSF) tooling project within the Eclipse Foundation open-source community and will also join the Apache MyFaces project as a core contributor.
  • Borland to Ring In New Era of Java Innovation at JavaOne - At the conference itself, Borland will lead three sessions on topics ranging from how to leverage the Eclipse framework, to IDE extensibility, to recent innovations in JBuilder.
  • ILOG Delivers Enhanced Business Rule Management for Dual-Platform Applications - ILOG Business Rule Studio 2.1 also integrates in Eclipse 3.
  • NEC is the 100th Organization to Join Eclipse - The Eclipse Foundation announced that its membership has reached the milestone of 100 member organizations. NEC is the 100th organization to join the Eclipse Foundation and will join as an Add-in Provider member. NEC plans to introduce new Eclipse-based tools and plug-ins for their C++ and Java development environments.
  • OC Systems Announces Hitchhiker for Eclipse - Hitchhiker is our first foray into the C/C++ space within the Eclipse ecosystem. We look forward to receiving feedback and developing future Eclipse-based products, particularly for C/C++."
  • NDS Announces New OCAP Software Tool for Eclipse Development Environment - NDS Group plc announced that the new plug-in speeds open standards-based set-top box application development and offers superior debugging features. It is compliant with the latest version of Eclipse.
  • Open Source Leader Exadel Extends Eclipse IDE with New Visual Editing Tools - Exadel, Inc. announced the availability of Exadel Studio Pro 3.0, an advanced enterprise-class Web application development suite designed to work with Eclipse 3.1.

BEA的CTO, Mark Carges在一次访谈中解释了为什么这家在Java应用服务器市场占据最大份额的公司会将自己的开发产品定位于Eclipse(他的访谈可以下载):

….But especially about a year ago when [Eclipse] really started to turn up, we really heard loud in clear, "But you know developers are using Eclipse based plug-ins and IDEs. It be great would be if we could take advantage of that." Not one of the companies I met said the same for NetBeans. So it was a very very simple choice. We looked at it and said at this point in time, the Eclipse organization has the right kind of open source model, it has the right meritocracy as far as how you can contribute and how code could be developed. …… Eclipse did a very nice job running themselves as an open source organization where anyone could participate. We felt very comfortable joining that organization and leveraging that for one, and two, it was what customers were asking for. It was a no brainer.
原因很简单,大量的程序员在使用Eclipse,作为BEA,再开发自己的workshop已经不合适了。 拥抱Eclipse是最好的办法。 既有了一套标准的IDE规范,又有Eclipse开放源码社区对Eclipse的贡献,加上大量熟悉Eclipse的程序员。 作为Eclipse Web Tools的主要开发商,BEA不会不考虑到自己的WebLogic的,我相信,当WTP发布的时候(今年年底),对WebLogic的支持,将是最大的一个新功能了:Eclipse免费,WTP免费,内置的WebLogic的支持,免费下载WL Express版本,从开发工具到应用服务器,都有了,BEA还需要广告去宣传吗?

我原先还以为,Ian说的第100个加入Eclipse Foundation的会是Sun。 我真是大错特错了。 第100个是NEC。 这个确实出乎我的意料,没有想到NEC这家消费类电子产品的巨头,会加入Eclipse,做和C++/Java有关的插件。 在短期之内,Sun是不会加入Eclipse的,至少我这么认为。 但是David持不同的意见。 原因是Sun在这周宣布,曾经大力发展得JDS for Linux系统,Sun将停止更新了,转而开发JDS for Solaris。 所以Sun很快会放弃NetBeans(只是迟早的事情),而进入Eclipse。 我并不这么看。 Sun当初发展Linux,是看中了Linux的巨大市场,但是Linux不是Sun自己的。 当Solaris开放了源码,得到更多的认可的时候,Sun还是回到了Solaris,因为Solaris是Sun自己的。 NetBeans其实就是Sun自己的(JavaOne 2005上,Sun推出了大量自己开发的和NetBeans相关的东西),如果Sun现在站在Eclipse阵线,倒是可以想见有一天Sun会回到NetBeans去。 但是现在Sun在NetBeans一边,一定不会去Eclipse的。

在Bill Gates Live上看了新版的Visual Studio 2005的介绍以后,我更加深信,Eclipse的“对手”决不是NetBeans,而是Visual Studio,就像Java/Java EE的对手是.Net一样。 Microsoft的策略很简单,.Net是下一代的平台,但是只有程序员才能在这个平台开发下一代的新系统(当你看到Steve Ballmo声嘶力竭的大喊着“developer,developer,developer,developer…..”的时候,你就会相信这一点)。 一定要有一个强大的开发平台,只有这个平台,足够吸引程序员,才会有.Net产品的“量产”(想想当初的Visual Basic 和 Visual C++是如何影响Windows应用程序的)。 对Java和Java EE也是一样,程序员不可能靠Notepad来制作更多更好的系统,Java程序员需要一个优秀的开发平台。 然而,仅仅一个Eclipse IDE和Eclipse Foundation是不够的。 对Eclipse IDE本身来说,几乎不是Visual Studio的对手。 Eclipse需要这个良性发展的ecosystem,需要大量的plug-in的支持,需要IBM,BEA,Oracle这样厂商的支持。 那么,不久的将来,Eclipse IDE加上良好发展的plug-in,整个套件(也许叫做Eclipse Suite或者Eclipse Space)才是Visual Studio真正的竞争对手。


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