; Expression Facility errors
;** Documentum DocuServer
;** Confidential Property of Documentum, Inc.
;** (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 1991-1998
;** All rights reserved.
; These are the error messages returned by the expression facility.
; The convention followed for determining the severity of an error message
; is as follows:
; An error which occurs because of something the user did is of severity,
; An error which the user really has no control over (a schema table couldn't be
; opened, a rollback operation failed leaving the database inconsistent, ...) is
; classified as severity, FATAL.
.severity TRACE
.severity WARNING
EXPUNGE_EXPRESSION_CANT_FETCH D "Could not fetch the expression object with ID %s during an expunge operation."
; CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
; ACTION: None necessary, the expunge operation continued.
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the object id.
EXPUNGE_COND_ID_EXPR_CANT_FETCH D "Could not fetch the dm_cond_id_expr object with ID %s during an expunge operation."
; CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
; ACTION: None necessary, the expunge operation continued.
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the object id.
EXECUTION_PCODE_MISSING DDI "Expression Manager could not find the pcode for expression with ID %s. The pcode should be stored in the sysobject with ID %s at page %d"
; CAUSE: The pcode file for the expression was either missing or out of synch with the
;        source code. This suggests that the source code has been manually changed and
;        the corresponding pcode was not regenerated or the pcode was actually deleted.
; ACTION: Although expression execution should have completed successfully, it is
;         costly from a performance standpoint to cause the expression manager to
;         recompile the source code each time it is executed. We recommend that you
;         regenerate the expression pcode and store it in the expression sysobject
;         pointed to by the routine_id attribute of the expression object.
COMPILATION_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_TEMP_FILE DSS "The Expression Manager was unable to remove a temporary file used during the compilation of expression with id %s. Removal of the temporary file %s failed due to IO Error: %s."
; CAUSE: The Expression Manager was not able to remove a temporary file created during expression compilation.
; ACTION: Manually delete the specified temporary file.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the expression object that was being compiled.
;             The second parameter is the name of the temporary file which could not be removed.
;             The third parameter is the IO Error reported by the operating system.
GENERATION_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_TEMP_FILE DSS "The Expression Manager was unable to remove a temporary file used during source code generation of expression with id %s. Removal of the temporary file %s failed due to IO Error: %s."
; CAUSE: The Expression Manager was not able to remove a temporary file created during expression generation.
; ACTION: Manually delete the specified temporary file.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the expression object that was being compiled.
              The second parameter is the name of the temporary file which could not be removed.
;             The third parameter is the IO error reported by the operating system.
UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_PCODE_FILE DDI "The Docbasic Engine was unable to remove the pcode file for expression with id %s after generating new source code. The pcode is stored in sysobject %s at page %d. It should be removed prior to evaluating the expression."
; CAUSE: The expression handler was not able to delete the pcode rendition stored in the sysobject.
; ACTION: As long as the expression is compiled prior to execution there should be no problem. The only danger is that
;         if you don't compile the expression, the pcode and source could be out of synch.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the expression object.
;             The second parameter is the object id of the sysobject where the pcode is stored.
;             The third parameter is the page at which the pcode is stored.
.severity ERROR
EXPRESSION_CANT_FETCH D "Cannot fetch - Invalid object ID %s."
; CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
; ACTION: This is probably caused by a bad ID.  Or, possibly, a connection
; to the Documentum server could not be established.
LITERAL_EXPR_CANT_FETCH D "Cannot fetch - Invalid object ID %s."
; CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
; ACTION: This is probably caused by a bad ID.  Or, possibly, a connection
; to the Documentum server could not be established.
BUILTIN_EXPR_CANT_FETCH D "Cannot fetch - Invalid object ID %s."
; CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
; ACTION: This is probably caused by a bad ID.  Or, possibly, a connection
; to the Documentum server could not be established.
FUNC_EXPR_CANT_FETCH D "Cannot fetch - Invalid object ID %s."
; CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
; ACTION: This is probably caused by a bad ID.  Or, possibly, a connection
; to the Documentum server could not be established.
COND_EXPR_CANT_FETCH D "Cannot fetch - Invalid object ID %s."
; CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
; ACTION: This is probably caused by a bad ID.  Or, possibly, a connection
; to the Documentum server could not be established.
COND_ID_EXPR_CANT_FETCH D "Cannot fetch - Invalid object ID %s."
; CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
; ACTION: This is probably caused by a bad ID.  Or, possibly, a connection
; to the Documentum server could not be established.
NULL_TEXT  "The expression_text for a dm_expression cannot be empty."
; CAUSE:  An attempt was made to create a dm_expression with an empty
;         expression_text attribute.
; ACTION: Supply expression_text when creating a dm_expression.
INVALID_EXPRESSION_TYPE "The expression_type for a dm_expression is invalid."
; CAUSE:  An attempt was made to create a dm_expression with an invalid expression_type
;         attribute.
; ACTION: Supply an expression_type of DM_BOOLEAN for dm_func_expr, DM_INTEGER for
;         dm_cond_expr, or DM_STRING for dm_cond_id_expr.
FUNC_EXPR_INVALID_EXPRESSION_LANG "The expression_lang for a dm_func_expr must be DM_EXPR_LANG_DOCBASIC."
; CAUSE:  An attempt was made to create a dm_func_expr with an invalid expression_lang
;         attribute.
; ACTION: Supply an expression_lang of DM_EXPR_LANG_DOCBASIC.
FUNC_EXPR_INVALID_EXPRESSION_KIND "The expression_kind for a dm_func_expr must be DM_EXPR_NORMAL or DM_EXPR_USER_ROUTINE."
; CAUSE:  An attempt was made to create a dm_func_expr with an invalid expression_kind.
; ACTION: Supply an expression_kind of DM_EXPR_NORMAL or DM_EXPR_USER_ROUTINE
FUNC_EXPR_INVALID_ALIAS_INFO  "The object_alias information is not complete."
; CAUSE:  An attempt was made to create a dm_func_expr with an incomplete object_alias
;         list.
; ACTION: Make sure each type_name entry has a corresponding object_alias entry.
FUNC_EXPR_MISSING_TYPE_NAME_INFO "The type_name attribute must have at least one type specified."
; CAUSE:  An attempt was made to create a dm_func_expr without a type_name entry.
; ACTION: Specify at least one type for the dm_func_expr object.

FUNC_EXPR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_INFO "The attribute information could not be validated."
; CAUSE:  Either an attribute_name, type_name, repeat_index or attr_object_index entry is
;         invalid.
; ACTION: Make sure attribute information is correct and that indices are valid.
FUNC_EXPR_INVALID_ROUTINE_ID "The attribute routine_id is not a valid object id."
; CAUSE:  The routine_id does not reference a valid sysobject.
; ACTION: Use a valid sysobject id.
FUNC_EXPR_INVALID_SOURCE_PAGE "The attribute source_page must be 0."
; CAUSE:  The source page must be 0 for Piper.
; ACTION: Make sure the source page is set to 0.
FUNC_EXPR_INVALID_CODE_PAGE "The attribute code_page must be 1."
; CAUSE:  The code page must be 1 for Piper.
; ACTION: Make sure the code page is set to 1.
COND_EXPR_INVALID_SUBEXPR_ID D "Invalid Subexpression id %s in expression_list."
; CAUSE: The subexpression id does not reference a valid dm_func_expr object
; ACTION: Use a valid subexpression id in the expression list.
COND_EXPR_INVALID_SUBEXPR_KIND "Subexpressions cannot be User Routines."
; CAUSE: The subexpression is a User Routine.
; ACTION: Make sure you do not use User Routines as subexpressions.
COND_ID_EXPR_INVALID_ID_LIST "The expression_list and id_list attributes are not in synch."
; CAUSE: Each expression_list entry must have a corresponding id_list entry.
; ACTION: Make sure each expression_list entry has a id_list entry.
COND_ID_EXPR_MISSING_DEFAULT_ID "The default_id attribute must be set."
; CAUSE: The default_id attribute is not set.
; ACTION: Set the default id.
COND_EXPR_LANGUAGE_MISMATCH "The cond_expr contains a subexpression that is in a different expression language."
; CAUSE: All subexpressions must be in the same expression language.
; ACTION: Only add subexpressions of the same language.
CANNOT_GENERATE_USER_ROUTINES "Cannot generate a User Routine."
; CAUSE: Only Expressions can be generated.
; ACTION: Don't generate User Routines.
COND_EXPR_INVALID_SUBEXPRESSION "The subexpression of the conditional expression object is invalid."
; CAUSE: There is some inconsistency between the parent expression object and the subexpression
; ACTION: Verify that the subexpression is consistent with the parent expression object.
INVALID_EXPRESSION_SYNTAX "The syntax of the expression_text attribute is invalid."
; CAUSE: There is a syntax error in the expression text attribute.
; ACTION: Fix the syntax error in the expression.
GENERATED_SOURCE_FILE_IO DS "The following IO Error occurred while accessing the source code for expression %s: %s."
; CAUSE: An error occured during IO on the generated expression source file.
; ACTION: Check the error string to determine an appropriate action.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the id of the expression object.
;             The second parameter is the IO Error reported by the operating system.
INVALID_TYPE S "The type %s is an invalid type."
; CAUSE: An invalid type was referenced by an expression.
; ACTION: Make sure that the type referenced does exist.
; PARAMETERS: type_name
INVALID_ATTRIBUTE SSI "The attribute %s of type %s at index %d is invalid."
; CAUSE: An invalid attribute was referenced by an expression.
; ACTION: Make sure that the attribute referenced is valid for the associated type.
; PARAMETERS: attribute_name
INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_INDEX SSI "The attribute %s of type %s references an invalid index %d."
; CAUSE: An invalid index has been specified for the attribute.
; ACTION: Check the index and make sure it is valid.
; PARAMETERS: type_name, attribute_name, index
INVALID_EXPRESSION_OBJECT "An invalid operation on an expression object was attempted."
; CAUSE: The expression manager cannot perform certain operations on certain forms of expressions. (i.e. dm_func_expr, dm_cond_expr, dm_cond_id_expr)
; ACTION: Make sure that the desired operation is indeed valid for the expression object being used.
INVALID_DATA_TYPE I "An invalid data type %d has been specified."
; CAUSE: An invalid data type has been specified.
; ACTION: Make sure that only valid data types are being used.
; PARAMETERS: The integer representation of the data type - maps to dmPrimitives.
UNKNOWN_ERROR I "An unknown error with code %d has occurred within the expression manager."
; CAUSE: An error has occurred within the expression manager and the error code has no mapping.
; ACTION: This is an internal error that should not happen, but if it does, please report it.
; PARAMETERS: error_code.
DOCBASIC_ENGINE II "An error has occurred in the docbasic engine in mode %d of type %d."
; CAUSE: The docbasic engine has reported an engine error. Most likely this is a memory
;        allocation issue.
; ACTION:Call Documentum Tech Support for assistence.
; PARAMETERS: integer representation of the error mode and type.
UNABLE_TO_FETCH_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE SSIS "The Expression Handler was unable to fetch attribute %s of type %s at index %d for object %s."
; CAUSE: The Expression Handler was unable to fetch a value of an attribute for a specified object.
; ACTION: Verify that the object id's given to the expression handler are valid.
; PARAMETERS: Attribute, Type, Index, Object ID
DOCBASIC_UNEXPECTED_RETURN_TYPE I "The Docbasic Engine has reported a return type of %d that is different than what is expected for the expression."
; CAUSE: The resulting return value from executing a docbasic expression is not what was expected.
; ACTION: Verify that the expression_text actually evaluates to the appropriate return data type.
; PARAMETERS: The data type of the return value - mapped to the docbasic engines data type definitions.
PARSER_UNEXPECTED_CHAR_AT SII "Unexpected character (%s) at line %d, column %d of expression."
; CAUSE: The expression string contains an illegal character.
; ACTION: Remove the illegal character at the indicated location.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the illegal character.
;             The second parameter is the line number within the expression.
;             The third parameter is the column number within the line.
PARSER_TOKEN_TOO_LONG_AT III "The token at line %d, column %d exceeds the maximum token length of %d."
; CAUSE: The expression contains a token that is too long.
; ACTION: Correct the token to be within the limit given.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the line number within the expression.
;             The second parameter is the column number within the line.
;             The third parameter is the maximum allowed token length.
PARSER_SYNTAX_EXPECTED_AT SSII "Expected '%s', found '%s' at line %d, column %d."
; CAUSE: The expression contains a syntax error.
; ACTION: Correct the expression to use legal syntax.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the expected token.
;             The second parameter is the actual token found.
;             The third parameter is the line number within the expression.
;             The fourth parameter is the column number within the line.
PARSER_MALFORMED_NUMBER_AT II "Malformed numeric literal at line %d, column %d."
; CAUSE: The expression contains an illegal numeric literal.
; ACTION: Correct the numeric literal at the indicated location.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the line number within the expression.
;             The second parameter is the column number within the line.
PARSER_MALFORMED_STRING_AT II "Malformed string literal at line %d, column %d."
; CAUSE: The expression contains an illegal string literal.
; ACTION: Correct the string literal at the indicated location.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the line number within the expression.
;             The second parameter is the column number within the line.
PARSER_MALFORMED_DATE_AT II "Malformed date literal at line %d, column %d."
; CAUSE: The expression contains an illegal date literal.
; ACTION: Correct the date literal at the indicated location.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the line number within the expression.
;             The second parameter is the column number within the line.
PARSER_ILLEGAL_SUBSCRIPT_AT II "The array subscript operation at line %d, column %d is illegal."
; CAUSE: The expression contains an illegal array subscript operation.
; ACTION: Correct the subscript operation at the indicated location.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the line number within the expression.
;             The second parameter is the column number within the line.
SUBSCRIPT_BAD_OPERATOR_AT SII "The array subscript operation %s at line %d, column %d is illegal."
; CAUSE: The expression contains an illegal array operation. Repeating attribute comparisons
;        can only use (>,<,<>,=,<=,>=)
; ACTION: Use a valid operator for array comparisons.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the invalid operator that was used.
;             The second parameter is the line number within the expression.
;             The third parameter is the column number within the line.
ROUTINE_ID_MISMATCH SS "Expression objects must have the same routine_id's in order for source code to be stored together. The expression objects with object ids %s and %s have different routine_id's."
; CAUSE: An attempt has been made to store source code for multiple expression together, but the expressions have different routine_ids.
; ACTION: Make sure that expressions that are going to have source code stored together have the same routine_id's.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the first expression object.
;             The second parameter is the object id of the second expression object.
SOURCE_PAGE_MISMATCH SS "Expression objects must have the same source_page's in order for source code to be stored together. The expression object with object ids %s and %s have different source_page's."
; CAUSE:An attempt has been made to store source code for multiple expression together, but the expressions have different source_page's.
; ACTION: Make sure that expressions that are going to have source code stored together have the same source_page's.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the first expression object.
;             The second parameter is the object id of the second expression object.
CODE_PAGE_MISMATCH SS "Expression objects must have the same code_page's in order for source code to be stored together. The expression object with object ids %s and %s have different code_page's."
; CAUSE:An attempt has been made to store source code for multiple expression together, but the expressions have different code_page's.
; ACTION: Make sure that expressions that are going to have source code stored together have the same code_page's.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the first expression object.
;             The second parameter is the object id of the second expression object.
EXECUTION_INVALID_OBJECT_ID SSI "The Expression Manager found an invalid object_id of %s of type %s at position %d."
; CAUSE: An invalid object id has been specified during expression evaluation.
; ACTION: Verify that the object id that is being supplied for expression execution is valid.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the invalid object id (in string form) that was supplied.
;             The second parameter is the type that the object id is supposed to correspond to.
;             The third parameter is the position of the object id in the object list.
EXECUTION_OBJECT_ID_MISMATCH II "The Expression Manager expected %d object ids but was given %d object_ids."
; CAUSE: An invalid number of object ids was supplied to the expression manager during execution.
; ACTION: Make sure the correct number of object ids are being passed for expression execution.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the number of expected object ids.
;             The second parameter is the number of object ids passed for execution.
COMPILATION_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_SOURCE_CODE DD "The Expression Manager was unable to retrieve the source code for expression %s from sysobject %s."
; CAUSE: The Expression Manager was not able to retrieve the source code from the sysobject pointed to by routine_id.
; ACTION: Verify that the sysobject pointed to by routine_id is valid and that the source code is stored there.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the expression object.
;             The second parameter is the object id of the sysobject that is supposed to hold the source code.
COMPILATION_UNABLE_TO_STORE_PCODE DD "The Expression Manager was unable to store the pcode for expression object %s in sysobject with id %s."
; CAUSE: The Expression Manager encountered an error trying to store pcode for an expression.
; ACTION: Verify that the sysobject exists.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the expression object.
;             The second parameters is the object id of the sysobject pointed to by routine_id.
EXECUTION_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_PCODE DD "The Expression Manager was unable to retrieve pcode for expression with id %s which is stored in sysobject with it %s."
; CAUSE: The Expression Manager was not able to retrieve pcode from the sysobject specified by routine_id attribute of the expression object.
; ACTION: Verify that the sysobject exists and that the pcode is indeed stored there.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the expression object.
;             The second parameters is the object id of the sysobject pointed to by routine_id.
EXECUTION_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_STORE_INFO DS "The Expression Manager was unable to retrieve store information for store %s with name %s."
; CAUSE: The Expression Manager was not able to retrieve information from the store needed for pcode execution.
; ACTION: Check that the storage object is valid.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the storage object.
;             The second parameter is the name of the store.
COMPILATION IIS "The expression compilation attempt failed. Error Number is %d, Error Line is %d and Error Text is '%s.'"
; CAUSE: The expression compilation attempt failed.
; ACTION: Correct the expression errors and retry compilation.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the error number.
;             The second parameter is the error line.
;             The third parameter is the error text.
RUNTIME IIS "The expression execution attempt failed. Error Number is %d, Error Line is %d and Error Text is '%s.'"
; CAUSE: The expression execution attempt failed.
; ACTION: Correct the expression errors and retry execution.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the error number.
;             The second parameter is the error line.
;             The third parameter is the error text.
UNABLE_TO_COMPILE DDI "The Expression Manager encountered a compilation error for expression with id %s. Check the source code stored in routine id %s, page %d."
; CAUSE: The expression compilation attempt failed.
; ACTION: Look at the source code for the expression to try and understand the compilation error information.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the expression object.
;             The second parameter is the object id of the sysobject that contains the source code.
;             The third parameter is the source page where the source code is located.
UNABLE_TO_EXECUTE DDI "The Expression Manager encountered an execution error for expression with id %s. Check the source code stored in routine id %s, page %d."
; CAUSE: The expression execution attempt failed.
; ACTION: Look at the source code for the expression to try and understand the execution error information.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the object id of the expression object.
;             The second parameter is the object id of the sysobject that contains the source code.
;             The third parameter is the source page where the source code is located.
FUNC_EXPR_USER_FUNCTION_NULL_ROUTINE_NAME "The routine name for a user function must be set."
; CAUSE: A dm_func_expr object of kind DM_EXPR_USER_FUNCTION must have the routine_name
;        attribute set.
; ACTION: Make sure a valid routine_name has been specified for the expression.
PARSER_UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER_AT SII "The parser encountered an unknown identifier %s at line %d, column %d is illegal."
; CAUSE: The expression contains an unknown identifier.
; ACTION: Correct the identifier in the expression at the indicated location.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the unknown identifier.
;             The second parameter is the line number within the expression.
;             The third parameter is the column number within the line.
INCREASE_LENGTH SII "Failed to increase the size of %s from %d to %d."
; PARAMTERS: S - attribute name
;            I - original size of the attribute
;            I - new size of the attribute
; CAUSE: For an unknown reason, type conversion failed.
; ACTION: Check if there are any database errors or problems. Report the problem to Documentum Support.
.severity FATAL
EXPRESSION_TYPE_INIT S "Failed to initialize type %s."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
LITERAL_EXPR_TYPE_INIT S "Failed to initialize type %s."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
BUILTIN_EXPR_TYPE_INIT S "Failed to initialize type %s."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
FUNC_EXPR_TYPE_INIT S "Failed to initialize type %s."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
COND_EXPR_TYPE_INIT S "Failed to initialize type %s."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
COND_ID_EXPR_TYPE_INIT S "Failed to initialize type %s."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
EXPRESSION_BAD_VSTAMP II "Type dm_expression has a bad vstamp %d. The current vstamp for dm_expression is supposed to be %d."
; CAUSE: The RDBMS table has a bad vstamp.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
LITERAL_EXPR_BAD_VSTAMP II "Type dm_literal_expr has a bad vstamp %d. The current vstamp for dm_literal_expr is supposed to be %d."
; CAUSE: The RDBMS table has a bad vstamp.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
BUILTIN_EXPR_BAD_VSTAMP II "Type dm_builtin_expr has a bad vstamp %d. The current vstamp for dm_builtin_expr is supposed to be %d."
; CAUSE: The RDBMS table has a bad vstamp.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
FUNC_EXPR_BAD_VSTAMP II "Type dm_func_expr has a bad vstamp %d. The current vstamp for dm_func_expr is supposed to be %d."
; CAUSE: The RDBMS table has a bad vstamp.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
COND_EXPR_BAD_VSTAMP II "Type dm_cond_expr has a bad vstamp %d. The current vstamp for dm_cond_expr is supposed to be %d."
; CAUSE: The RDBMS table has a bad vstamp.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
COND_ID_EXPR_BAD_VSTAMP II "Type dm_cond_id_expr has a bad vstamp %d. The current vstamp for dm_cond_id_expr is supposed to be %d."
; CAUSE: The RDBMS table has a bad vstamp.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
EXPRESSION_CANT_EXPUNGE D "Cannot expunge expression object with ID '%s'."
; CAUSE: This is an internal error.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the object id of the expression object.
PARSER_INTERNAL_AT SII "Internal error (%s) at line %d, column %d of expression."
; CAUSE: This is an internal error.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the internal error message.
;             The second parameter is the line number within the expression.
;             The third parameter is the column number within the line.
EXPRESSION_MANAGER_INTERNAL S "Internal error (%s) in the Expression Manager."
; CAUSE: This is an internal error.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the internal error message.

CANNOT_CLONE_EXPRESSION D "Cannot clone expression object with ID '%s'."
; CAUSE: This is an internal error.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the object id of the expression object.
NULL_CODE_OBJECT_ID_FOR_FUNC_EXPR D "A NULL object id was given for the code object for the dm_expression object with id '%s'."
; CAUSE: This is an internal error.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the object id of the expression object.