;       Electronic Signature Errors
;**     Documentum DocuServer
;**     Confidential Property of Documentum, Inc.
;**     (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 1991-1998
;**     All rights reserved.
.facility       DM_SIGN
; These are the error messages returned by the electronic signature facility.
.severity TRACE
.severity       INFORMATION
.severity       WARNING
PASSWORD_STALE S "The password for user (%s) is stale";
.severity       ERROR
PASSWORD_EXPIRED S "The Operating System password for user (%s) has expired."
INVALID_USER S "User (%s), has failed to pass the signature validation check."
;CAUSE: The program failed to establish a session for the user.
;ACTION: Check to see that the user is valid to the operating system.  Check to see that the passwords supplied are correct.
ACCOUNT_EXPIRED S "The Operating System account for user (%s) has expired."
ACCOUNT_DROPPED S "The Operating System account for user (%s) has been dropped."
ACCOUNT_LOCKED S "The Operating System account for user (%s) has been locked."
UNEXPECTED_CHK_RES SI "The return value from the external signature validation program (%s) returned an unexpected value: (%d)"
PASSWORD_CHECK_GETPWNAM SSSD  "Operating System Failure during user %s validation. (User OS name = %s, Domain = %s, and session id = %s)"
;CAUSE: The program failed during electronic signature validation, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check your server log for more details.
CHK_PASS_OS_ERROR "There was an unexpected error during validation of your electronic signature.  Please see your system administrator or check the server log"
NON_EXIST_OBJ D "The object identified by %s does not exist."
DOMAIN_IS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE S "The passed in domain '%s' is not an acceptable domain to perform sign-off."
;CAUSE: The user object's user_login_domain is not set up to accept this domain.
;ACTION: Please see your system administrator to correct it.
MUST_MATCH_OS_NAME_ATTR SS "The OS name '%s' passed in is not the current user's OS name '%s'."
;CAUSE:  The passed in OS name must match the name given in user_os_name attribute of the current user.
;ACTION: Please supply the correct OS name of the current user.
VERSION_MISMATCH DL "Signoff on the document (%s) failed because of version mismatch: old version was %d."
;CAUSE:  Signoff failed because the version stamp in the object was
;        inconsistent with the version stamp currently stored in the database.
;ACTION: Refetch the object, issue signoff again.
;            L - Version stamp.
MUST_MATCH_LOGIN_NAME SS "The login name ('%s') passed in does not match with user's user_login_name ('%s')."
;CAUSE:  The passed in login name must match the name given in user_login_name
;        attribute of the current user.
;ACTION: Please supply the correct login name of the current user.
