一般情况下,我们采用apktool(xml资源)+dex2jar+JDGui(jar to java)反编译android apk之后的代码中,涉及到资源索引的信息全部替换成了十进制的数字。
public g(Context paramContext) { super(paramContext); b(2130903088); this.b = ((FirModule)this.k.N().a("fir_module")); int[] arrayOfInt = new int[2]; arrayOfInt[0] = 2131427902; arrayOfInt[1] = 2131427901; a(arrayOfInt); f(1); f(2); }
public g(Context paramContext) { super(paramContext); b(R.layout.fir_info_page); this.b = ((FirModule)this.k.N().a("fir_module")); int[] arrayOfInt = new int[2]; arrayOfInt[0] = R.string.commended_apps; arrayOfInt[1] = R.string.person_info; a(arrayOfInt); f(1); f(2); }
public static final int fir_info_page=0x7f030030;
因此在相应的地方替换为对应的资源索引就可以了,处于layout class之下,因此是 R.layout.fir_info_page 。
同时支持自定义匹配模式,在该脚本所在目录下,新建一个文本文件 wordspattern.txt,
intent\.setFlags\(0x10000000\)=intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) intent\.setFlags\(0x20000000\)=intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT) intent\.setFlags\(0x40000000\)=intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP) intent\.setFlags\(0x80000000\)=intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK) intent\.setFlags\(0x30000000\)=intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK|Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT)
#!/usr/bin/perl #注意事项: #复制一份 R.java在该文件所在目录 #第一个参数为:需要处理的源代码目录路径 use strict; use File::Find; #是否按十六进制进行替换 #即源代码中的资源ID是否与R.java中一样采用十六进制 #如果是,设置为1,否则设置为0 my $RESERVED_HEX = 1; my $from_str; my $to_str; my $resource; my $init_folder = $ARGV[0]; if (not -d $init_folder) { print "目录:$init_folder不存在.\n"; print "$0 <source_folder>\n"; exit; } #读取R.java中的所有文本 my $k_file = "R.java"; open my $k ,"< $k_file" or die "couldn't open $k_file\n"; my @keywords = <$k> ; close $k; #遍历每行数据 for my $line (@keywords) { #print "$line"; #先解析内部class类型:id/style/xml/arrays等 #public static final class style { if ($line =~ /public\sstatic\sfinal\sclass\s(\w+)\s\{/) { $resource = $1; print "class:$resource\n"; } else { #如果格式如下,则解析出来 #public static final int MarketPanelTheme=0x7f0c0076; if ($line =~ /public\sstatic\sfinal\sint\s(\w+)=(\w+)\;/) { #print "keywords:$1 <-- $2\n"; if( $RESERVED_HEX==1) { $from_str=$2;#如果代码中与R.java保持一致,都采用十六进制,则不需要转换 } else { $from_str = oct $2; #16进制转化为10进制 } $to_str = "R\.$resource\.$1"; print "$resource:$from_str --> $to_str\n\n"; find(\&CallBackMe, $init_folder ); } } } #读取用户自定义的匹配模式 #如:intent.setFlags(0x10000000)=intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK) my $wordpatternfile = "wordspattern.txt"; my @userkeywords; my $userword; open $userword ,"< $wordpatternfile" if -e $wordpatternfile; @userkeywords = <$userword> ; close $userword; for my $line (@userkeywords) { if($line =~ /(.*)=(.*)$/) { $from_str=$1; $to_str=$2; find(\&CallBackMe, $init_folder ); } } print "Well Done.\n"; sub CallBackMe { my $fullpath = $File::Find::name; if(-d $fullpath) { print "[Dir] $fullpath\n"; } else { #print "[File] $fullpath\n"; if($fullpath =~ /\.java$/i) { if($fullpath =~ /\\$k_file/i) { #ignore it print "Ignored $k_file\n"; } else { #replace text print "Replacing $from_str with $to_str in $fullpath\n"; ReplaceString($fullpath, $from_str,$to_str); } } } } #Replacing $from with $to in $file sub ReplaceString { my $file = shift @_; my $from = shift @_; my $to = shift @_; open my $fh ,"< $file" or die "couldn't open $file\n"; my @lines=<$fh>; close $fh; my $outlines = join '',@lines; #replace all $outlines =~ s/$from/$to/g; #write back open my $out , "> $file" or die "couldn't write $file"; print $out $outlines; close $out; }