Intel® DPDK is a set of libraries and drivers for fast packet processing on x86 platforms. It runs mostly in Linux userland.
This project tracks the Intel® DPDK and includes all major public contributions. The most recent patches and enhancements, provided by the community, are available inbranch 1.5.0.
These libraries can be used to:
For example, some packet processing functions have been benchmarked up to 160 Mfps (million frames per second, using 64-byte packets) with a PCIe Gen-2 NIC.
Intel® DPDK is not a networking stack and does not provide functions such as Layer-3 forwarding, IPsec, firewalling, ACL, etc. Within the tree, however, variousapplication examples are included to help with the development of such features.
If you need some specific drivers or networking stacks, you should contact a company that provides such extensions.