平衡二叉树 AVL( 发明者为Adel'son-Vel'skii 和 Landis)是一种二叉排序树,其中每一个节点的左子树和右子树的高度差至多等于1。
注:AVL 树也是一种二叉查找树,故删除策略可以参照前面文章来实现,只是删除节点后,如果平衡被打破,则也需要进行旋转以保持平衡。
After deletion, retrace the path back up the tree (parent of the replacement) to the root, adjusting the balance factors as needed.
1、An insertion into the left subtree of the left child of A; (LL)
2、An insertion into the right subtree of the left child of A;(RL)
3、An insertion into the left subtree of the right child of A;(LR)
4、An insertion into the right subtree of the right child of A;(RR)
1、A 和 A's child 顺时针旋转 singlerotateLL()
4、A 和 A's child 逆时针旋转 singlerotateRR()
2、A's child 和 A's grandchild 逆时针旋转,A 和 A's new child 顺时针旋转 doublerotateRL()
3、A's child 和 A's grandchild 顺时针旋转,A 和 A's new child 逆时针旋转 doublerotateLR()
可以看出1,4对称;2,3对称,实际在实现 rotate 函数的时候实现1和4 即可,2和3直接调用1&4的实现。在实现1&4时需要传递需要旋转的子树的root node 作为参数,如 nodePtr doublerotateRL(A) { A->left = singlerotateRR(A->left); return singlerotateLL(A);}
现在7是A的new child了是吧,那就逆时针旋转6和7就可以了。
接着来分析singlerotateLL() 和doublerotateRL() 的实现,剩下两个函数就是对称的了。
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
/* return pointer to the new root */
static AVLNodePtr singlerotateLL(AVLNodePtr k2) { AVLNodePtr k1 = k2->left; k2->left = k1->right; k1->right = k2; k2->height = Max(height(k2->left), height(k2->right)) + 1; k1->height = Max(height(k1->left), k2->height) + 1; return k1; } |
k3->left = singlerotateRR(k3->left);
接着是k3和new child 顺时针旋转,调用singlerotateLL(k3);
so easy, 代码如下:
2 3 4 5 |
static AVLNodePtr doublerotateRL(AVLNodePtr k3)
{ k3->left = singlerotateRR(k3->left); return singlerotateLL(k3); } |
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 |
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> struct AVLNode; typedef struct AVLNode *AVLNodePtr; struct AVLNode { int element; AVLNodePtr left; AVLNodePtr right; int height; }; void makeempty(AVLNodePtr T) { if (T == NULL) return; else { makeempty(T->left); makeempty(T->right); free(T); } } static int height(AVLNodePtr p) { if (p == NULL) return - 1; else return p->height; } static int Max( int ln, int rn) { return ln > rn ? ln : rn; } /* return pointer to the new root */ static AVLNodePtr singlerotateLL(AVLNodePtr k2) { AVLNodePtr k1 = k2->left; k2->left = k1->right; k1->right = k2; k2->height = Max(height(k2->left), height(k2->right)) + 1; k1->height = Max(height(k1->left), k2->height) + 1; return k1; } static AVLNodePtr singlerotateRR(AVLNodePtr k1) { AVLNodePtr k2 = k1->right; k1->right = k2->left; k2->left = k1; k1->height = Max(height(k1->left), height(k1->right)) + 1; k2->height = Max(k1->height, height(k2->right)) + 1; return k2; } static AVLNodePtr doublerotateRL(AVLNodePtr k3) { k3->left = singlerotateRR(k3->left); return singlerotateLL(k3); } static AVLNodePtr doublerotateLR(AVLNodePtr k3) { k3->right = singlerotateLL(k3->right); return singlerotateRR(k3); } AVLNodePtr insert( int X, AVLNodePtr T) { if (T == NULL) { /* create and return a one-node tree */ T = (AVLNodePtr)malloc( sizeof( struct AVLNode)); if (T == NULL) { printf( "out of space!"); exit( 1); } else { T->element = X; T->height = 0; T->left = T->right = NULL; } } else if (X < T->element) { T->left = insert(X, T->left); if (height(T->left) - height(T->right) == 2) { if (X < T->left->element) T = singlerotateLL(T); else T = doublerotateRL(T); } } else if (X > T->element) { T->right = insert(X, T->right); if (height(T->right) - height(T->left) == 2) { if (X > T->right->element) T = singlerotateRR(T); else T = doublerotateLR(T); } } /* else X is in the tree already; we'll do nothing */ T->height = Max(height(T->left), height(T->right)) + 1; return T; } void inorder(AVLNodePtr T) { if (T == NULL) return; else { inorder(T->left); printf( "%d ", T->element); inorder(T->right); } } int main( void) { int arr[] = { 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 8, 9}; AVLNodePtr T = NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[ 0]); i++) T = insert(arr[i], T); inorder(T); makeempty(T); return 0; } |
The key to understanding how a rotation functions is to understand its constraints. In particular the order of the leaves of the tree (when read left to right for example) cannot change (another way to think of it is that the order that the leaves would be visited in a depth first search must be the same after the operation as before ).
Another constraint is the main property of a binary search tree, namely that the right child is greater than the parent and the left child is lesser than the parent.
Detailed illustration:
Using the terminology of Root for the parent node of the subtrees to rotate, Pivot for the node which will become the new parent node,RS for rotation side upon to rotate and OS for opposite side of rotation. In the above diagram for the root Q, the RS is C and the OS is P. The pseudo code for the rotation is:
Pivot = Root.OS
Root.OS = Pivot.RS
Pivot.RS = Root
Root = Pivot
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《Data Structures》