Unity 刀光拖尾效果。。留着备用。。。。。。



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

public class TrailArc : MonoBehaviour



    int savedIndex;

    int pointIndex;


    // Material - Particle Shader with "Tint Color" property

    public Material material;


    // Emit

    public bool emit


        get { return Emit; }

        set { Emit = value; }


    bool Emit = true;

    bool emittingDone = false;


    //Minimum velocity (script terminates)

    public float minVel = 10;


    // Facing

    public bool faceCamera = true;


    // Lifetime of each segment

    public float lifetime = 1;

    float lifeTimeRatio = 1;

    float fadeOutRatio;

    // Colors

    public Color[] colors;

    // Widths

    public float[] widths;


    // Optimization

    public float pointDistance = 0.5f;

    float pointSqrDistance = 0;

    public int segmentsPerPoint = 4;

    float tRatio;

    // Print Output

    public bool printResults = false;

    public bool printSavedPoints = false;

    public bool printSegmentPoints = false;


    // Objects

    GameObject trail = null;

    Mesh mesh = null;

    Material trailMaterial = null;


    // Points

    Vector3[] saved;

    Vector3[] savedUp;

    int savedCnt = 0;

    Vector3[] points;

    Vector3[] pointsUp;

    int pointCnt = 0;


    // Segment Appearance Normalization

    int displayCnt = 0;

    float lastPointCreationTime = 0;

    float averageCreationTime = 0;

    float averageInsertionTime = 0;

    float elapsedInsertionTime = 0;

    // Initialization

    bool initialized = false;


    void Start ()


    if(gameObject.rigidbody.velocity.magnitude < minVel)



        // Data Inititialization

        saved = new Vector3[60];

        savedUp = new Vector3[saved.Length];

        points = new Vector3[saved.Length * segmentsPerPoint];

        pointsUp = new Vector3[points.Length];

        tRatio = 1f / (segmentsPerPoint);

        pointSqrDistance = pointDistance * pointDistance;


        // Create the mesh object

        trail = new GameObject("Trail");

        trail.transform.position = Vector3.zero;

        trail.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

        trail.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

        MeshFilter meshFilter = (MeshFilter) trail.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter));

        mesh = meshFilter.mesh;


        trailMaterial = new Material(material);

        fadeOutRatio = trailMaterial.GetColor("_TintColor").a;

        trail.renderer.material = trailMaterial;



    void printPoints()


        if(savedCnt == 0)


        string s = "Saved Points at time " + Time.time + ":\n";

        for(int i = 0; i < savedCnt; i++)

            s += "Index: " + i + "\tPos: " + saved[i] + "\n";



    void printAllPoints()


        if(pointCnt == 0)


        string s = "Points at time " + Time.time + ":\n";

        for(int i = 0; i < pointCnt; i++)

            s += "Index: " + i + "\tPos: " + points[i] + "\n";



    void findCoordinates(int index)


        if(index == 0 || index >= savedCnt-2)


        Vector3 P0 = saved[index-1];

        Vector3 P1 = saved[index];

        Vector3 P2 = saved[index+1];

        Vector3 P3 = saved[index+2];

        Vector3 T1 = 0.5f * (P2 - P0);

        Vector3 T2 = 0.5f * (P3 - P1);

        int pointIndex = index * segmentsPerPoint;

        for(int i = pointIndex; i < pointIndex+segmentsPerPoint; i++)


            float t = (i-pointIndex) * tRatio;

            float t2 = t*t;

            float t3 = t2*t;

            float blend1 = 2*t3 - 3*t2 + 1;

            float blend2 = 3*t2 - 2*t3;

            float blend3 = t3 - 2*t2  + t;

            float blend4 = t3 - t2;

            int pntInd = i - segmentsPerPoint;

            points[pntInd] = blend1*P1 + blend2*P2 + blend3*T1 + blend4*T2;

            pointsUp[pntInd] = Vector3.Lerp(savedUp[index], savedUp[index+1], t);


        pointCnt = pointIndex;



    void Update ()




            Vector3 position = transform.position;

            // Wait till the object is active (update called) and emitting

            if( ! initialized && Emit)


                // Place the first point behind this as a starter projected point

                saved[savedCnt] = transform.TransformPoint(0,0,-pointDistance);

                savedUp[savedCnt] = transform.up;


                // Place the second point at the current position

                saved[savedCnt] = position;

                savedUp[savedCnt] = transform.up;


                // Begin tracking the saved point creation time

                lastPointCreationTime = Time.time;

                initialized = true;








            // Emitting - Designed for one-time use

            if( ! Emit )


                if( ! emittingDone && pointCnt > 0 )


                    // Save two final points projected from the ending point

                    saved[savedCnt] = transform.TransformPoint(0,0,pointDistance);

                    savedUp[savedCnt] = transform.up;



                    // This makes the trail fill the actual entire path

                    saved[savedCnt] = transform.TransformPoint(0,0,pointDistance*2);

                    savedUp[savedCnt] = transform.up;




                emittingDone = true;



                Emit = false;





                // Do we save a new point?

                if( (saved[savedCnt-1] - position).sqrMagnitude > pointSqrDistance)


                    saved[savedCnt] = position;

                    savedUp[savedCnt] = transform.up;


                    // Calc the average point display time

                    if(averageCreationTime == 0)

                        averageCreationTime = Time.time - lastPointCreationTime;



                        float elapsedTime = Time.time - lastPointCreationTime;

                        averageCreationTime = (averageCreationTime + elapsedTime) * 0.5f;


                    averageInsertionTime = averageCreationTime * tRatio;

                    lastPointCreationTime = Time.time;

                    // Calc the last saved segment coordinates

                    if(savedCnt > 3)




            // Do we fade it out?

            if( ! Emit && displayCnt == pointCnt)


                Color color = trailMaterial.GetColor("_TintColor");

                color.a -= fadeOutRatio * lifeTimeRatio * Time.deltaTime;

                if(color.a > 0)

                    trailMaterial.SetColor("_TintColor", color);




                        print("Trail effect ending with a segment count of: " + pointCnt);







            // Do we display any new points?

            if(displayCnt < pointCnt)


                elapsedInsertionTime += Time.deltaTime;

                while(elapsedInsertionTime > averageInsertionTime)


                    if(displayCnt < pointCnt)


                    elapsedInsertionTime -= averageInsertionTime;



            // Do we render this?

            if(displayCnt < 2)


                trail.renderer.enabled = false;



            trail.renderer.enabled = true;


            // Common data

            lifeTimeRatio = 1f / lifetime;

            Color[] meshColors;


            // Rebuild the mesh

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[displayCnt * 2];

            Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[displayCnt * 2];

            int[] triangles = new int[(displayCnt-1) * 6];

            meshColors = new Color[displayCnt * 2];


            float pointRatio = 1f / (displayCnt-1);

            Vector3 cameraPos = Camera.main.transform.position;

            for(int i = 0; i < displayCnt; i++)


                Vector3 point = points[i];

                float ratio = i * pointRatio;


                // Color

                Color color;

                if(colors.Length == 0)

                    color = Color.Lerp(Color.clear, Color.white, ratio);

                else if(colors.Length == 1)

                    color = Color.Lerp(Color.clear, colors[0], ratio);

                else if(colors.Length == 2)

                    color = Color.Lerp(colors[1], colors[0], ratio);



                    float colorRatio = colors.Length - 1 - ratio * (colors.Length-1);

                    if(colorRatio == colors.Length-1)

                        color = colors[colors.Length-1];



                        int min = (int) Mathf.Floor(colorRatio);

                        float lerp = colorRatio - min;

                        color = Color.Lerp(colors[min+0], colors[min+1], lerp);



                meshColors[i * 2] = color;

                meshColors[(i * 2) + 1] = color;


                // Width

                float width;

                if(widths.Length == 0)

                    width = 1;

                else if(widths.Length == 1)

                    width = widths[0];

                else if(widths.Length == 2)

                    width = Mathf.Lerp(widths[1], widths[0], ratio);



                    float widthRatio = widths.Length - 1 - ratio * (widths.Length-1);

                    if(widthRatio == widths.Length-1)

                        width = widths[widths.Length-1];



                        int min = (int) Mathf.Floor(widthRatio);

                        float lerp = widthRatio - min;

                        width = Mathf.Lerp(widths[min+0], widths[min+1], lerp);



                // Vertices



                    Vector3 from = i == displayCnt-1 ?  points[i-1]   : point;

                    Vector3 to = i == displayCnt-1 ?    point    : points[i+1];

                    Vector3 pointDir = to - from;

                    Vector3 vectorToCamera = cameraPos - point;

                    Vector3 perpendicular = Vector3.Cross(pointDir, vectorToCamera).normalized;

                    vertices[i * 2 + 0] = point + perpendicular * width * 0.5f;

                    vertices[i * 2 + 1] = point - perpendicular * width * 0.5f;




                    vertices[i * 2 + 0] = point + pointsUp[i] * width * 0.5f;

                    vertices[i * 2 + 1] = point - pointsUp[i] * width * 0.5f;



                // UVs

                uvs[i * 2 + 0] = new Vector2(ratio , 0);

                uvs[i * 2 + 1] = new Vector2(ratio, 1);


                if(i > 0)


                    // Triangles

                    int triIndex = (i - 1) * 6;

                    int vertIndex = i * 2;

                    triangles[triIndex+0] = vertIndex - 2;

                    triangles[triIndex+1] = vertIndex - 1;

                    triangles[triIndex+2] = vertIndex - 0;


                    triangles[triIndex+3] = vertIndex + 0;

                    triangles[triIndex+4] = vertIndex - 1;

                    triangles[triIndex+5] = vertIndex + 1;



            trail.transform.position = Vector3.zero;

            trail.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;


            mesh.vertices = vertices;

            mesh.colors = meshColors;

            mesh.uv = uvs;

            mesh.triangles = triangles;


        catch(System.Exception e)






