前一阵子,简单的学习了一下ArcGIS Server,在开发层次上ArcGIS Server支持两种协议,一个是老的Soap协议,也就是webservice,另外一种是REST协议,其中REST协议是从ArcGIS Server9.3开始支持的协议,也是ESRI今后只要支持的协议,但是老的Soap协议还继续支持。该章得内容主要介绍如何使用PHP来调用ArcGIS Server的WebService。
查看ArcGIS Server的SOAP SDK的帮助的时候,会发现所提供的示例代码只有c#,vb.net和java的,并没有PHP语言的示例,实际上并不是不支持PHP语言,从PHP toolkits include PHP-SOAP and NuSOAP上可以看出PHP是支持Soap协议的,只不过使用PHP并没有提供现成的工具可以将WSDL转换成本地化的类,而.NET SDK提供了Wsdl.exe工具,java提供了Apache Axis工具可以将WSDL中的类型转换成本地化类。
当使用PHP调用WebService的时候,当输入的参数是简单数据类型的时候是没有任何问题的,返回值类型是类得时候也没有任何的问题,但是当输入参数的值类型为某个类得时候,就无法调用了,这些类太多了,自己手写这些类几乎是不可能,因此找到一个类似于Wsdl.exe和Apache Axis的工具还是很有必要的,在网上终于搜到一个工具,名字为wsdl2php.php可以实现该功能,其代码如下所示:
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | wsdl2php | // +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright (C) 2005 Knut Urdalen | // +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS | // | "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT | // | LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR | // | A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT | // | OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, | // | SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT | // | LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, | // | DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY | // | THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT | // | (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE | // | OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. | // +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This software is licensed under the LGPL license. For more information | // | see http://wsdl2php.sf.net | // +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0); // disable WSDL cache //if( $_SERVER['argc'] != 2 ) { // die("usage: wsdl2php /n"); //} $wsdl = "http://liuf:8399/arcgis/services/catchment/MapServer?wsdl"; print "Analyzing WSDL"; try { $client = new SoapClient($wsdl); } catch(SoapFault $e) { die($e); } print "."; $dom = DOMDocument::load($wsdl); print "."; // get documentation $nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('documentation'); $doc = array('service' => '', 'operations' => array()); foreach($nodes as $node) { if( $node->parentNode->localName == 'service' ) { $doc['service'] = trim($node->parentNode->nodeValue); } else if( $node->parentNode->localName == 'operation' ) { $operation = $node->parentNode->getAttribute('name'); //$parameterOrder = $node->parentNode->getAttribute('parameterOrder'); $doc['operations'][$operation] = trim($node->nodeValue); } } print "."; // get targetNamespace $targetNamespace = ''; $nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('definitions'); foreach($nodes as $node) { $targetNamespace = $node->getAttribute('targetNamespace'); } print "."; // declare service $service = array('class' => $dom->getElementsByTagNameNS('*', 'service')->item(0)->getAttribute('name'), 'wsdl' => $wsdl, 'doc' => $doc['service'], 'functions' => array()); print "."; // PHP keywords - can not be used as constants, class names or function names! $reserved_keywords = array('and', 'or', 'xor', 'as', 'break', 'case', 'cfunction', 'class', 'continue', 'declare', 'const', 'default', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'enddeclare', 'endfor', 'endforeach', 'endif', 'endswitch', 'endwhile', 'eval', 'extends', 'for', 'foreach', 'function', 'global', 'if', 'new', 'old_function', 'static', 'switch', 'use', 'var', 'while', 'array', 'die', 'echo', 'empty', 'exit', 'include', 'include_once', 'isset', 'list', 'print', 'require', 'require_once', 'return', 'unset', '__file__', '__line__', '__function__', '__class__', 'abstract', 'private', 'public', 'protected', 'throw', 'try'); // ensure legal class name (I don't think using . and whitespaces is allowed in terms of the SOAP standard, should check this out and may throw and exception instead...) $service['class'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $service['class']); $service['class'] = str_replace('.', '_', $service['class']); $service['class'] = str_replace('-', '_', $service['class']); if(in_array(strtolower($service['class']), $reserved_keywords)) { $service['class'] .= 'Service'; } // verify that the name of the service is named as a defined class if(class_exists($service['class'])) { throw new Exception("Class '".$service['class']."' already exists"); } /*if(function_exists($service['class'])) { throw new Exception("Class '".$service['class']."' can't be used, a function with that name already exists"); }*/ // get operations $operations = $client->__getFunctions(); foreach($operations as $operation) { /* This is broken, need to handle GetAllByBGName_Response_t GetAllByBGName(string $Name) list(int $pcode, string $city, string $area, string $adm_center) GetByBGName(string $Name) finding the last '(' should be ok */ //list($call, $params) = explode('(', $operation); // broken //if($call == 'list') { // a list is returned //} /*$call = array(); preg_match('/^(list/(.*/)) (.*)/((.*)/)$/', $operation, $call); if(sizeof($call) == 3) { // found list() } else { preg_match('/^(.*) (.*)/((.*)/)$/', $operation, $call); if(sizeof($call) == 3) { } }*/ $matches = array(); if(preg_match('/^(/w[/w/d_]*) (/w[/w/d_]*)/(([/w/$/d,_ ]*)/)$/', $operation, $matches)) { $returns = $matches[1]; $call = $matches[2]; $params = $matches[3]; } else if(preg_match('/^(list/([/w/$/d,_ ]*/)) (/w[/w/d_]*)/(([/w/$/d,_ ]*)/)$/', $operation, $matches)) { $returns = $matches[1]; $call = $matches[2]; $params = $matches[3]; } else { // invalid function call throw new Exception('Invalid function call: '.$function); } $params = explode(', ', $params); $paramsArr = array(); foreach($params as $param) { $paramsArr[] = explode(' ', $param); } // $call = explode(' ', $call); $function = array('name' => $call, 'method' => $call, 'return' => $returns, 'doc' => isset($doc['operations'][$call])?$doc['operations'][$call]:'', 'params' => $paramsArr); // ensure legal function name if(in_array(strtolower($function['method']), $reserved_keywords)) { $function['name'] = '_'.$function['method']; } // ensure that the method we are adding has not the same name as the constructor if(strtolower($service['class']) == strtolower($function['method'])) { $function['name'] = '_'.$function['method']; } // ensure that there's no method that already exists with this name // this is most likely a Soap vs HttpGet vs HttpPost problem in WSDL // I assume for now that Soap is the one listed first and just skip the rest // this should be improved by actually verifying that it's a Soap operation that's in the WSDL file // QUICK FIX: just skip function if it already exists $add = true; foreach($service['functions'] as $func) { if($func['name'] == $function['name']) { $add = false; } } if($add) { $service['functions'][] = $function; } print "."; } $types = $client->__getTypes(); $primitive_types = array('string', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'boolean', 'dateTime', 'double', 'short', 'UNKNOWN', 'base64Binary', 'decimal', 'ArrayOfInt', 'ArrayOfFloat', 'ArrayOfString', 'decimal', 'hexBinary'); // TODO: dateTime is special, maybe use PEAR::Date or similar $service['types'] = array(); foreach($types as $type) { $parts = explode("/n", $type); $class = explode(" ", $parts[0]); $class = $class[1]; if( substr($class, -2, 2) == '[]' ) { // array skipping continue; } if( substr($class, 0, 7) == 'ArrayOf' ) { // skip 'ArrayOf*' types (from MS.NET, Axis etc.) continue; } $members = array(); for($i=1; $i " ", substr($parts[$i], 0, strlen($parts[$i])-1) ); // check syntax if(preg_match( '/^$/w[/w/d_]*$/', $member)) { throw new Exception( 'illegal syntax for member variable: '.$member); continue; } // IMPORTANT: Need to filter out namespace on member if presented if(strpos($member, ':')) { // keep the last part list($tmp, $member) = explode( ':', $member); } // OBS: Skip member if already presented (this shouldn't happen, but I've actually seen it in a WSDL-file) // "It's better to be safe than sorry" (ref Morten Harket) $add = true; foreach($members as $mem) { if($mem[ 'member'] == $member) { $add = false; } } if($add) { $members[] = array( 'member' => $member, 'type' => $type); } } // gather enumeration values $values = array(); if(count($members) == 0) { $values = checkForEnum($dom, $ class); } $service[ 'types'][] = array( 'class' => $ class, 'members' => $members, 'values' => $values); print "."; } print "done/n"; print "Generating code..."; $code = ""; // add types foreach($service[ 'types'] as $type) { // $code .= "/**/n"; // $code .= " * ".(isset($type['doc'])?$type['doc']:'')."/n"; // $code .= " * /n"; // $code .= " * @package/n"; // $code .= " * @copyright/n"; // $code .= " *//n"; // add enumeration values $code .= "class ".$type[ 'class']. " {/n"; foreach($type[ 'values'] as $ value) { $code .= " const ".generatePHPSymbol($ value). " = '$value';/n"; } // add member variables foreach($type[ 'members'] as $member) { //$code .= " /* ".$member['type']." *//n"; $code .= " public /$".$member[ 'member']. "; // ".$member[ 'type']. "/n"; } $code .= "}/n/n"; /* print "Writing ".$type['class'].".php..."; $filename = $type['class'].".php"; $fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); fwrite($fp, " /n"); fclose($fp); print "ok/n";*/ } // add service // page level docblock //$code .= "/**/n"; //$code .= " * ".$service['class']." class file/n"; //$code .= " * /n"; //$code .= " * @author {author}/n"; //$code .= " * @copyright {copyright}/n"; //$code .= " * @package {package}/n"; //$code .= " *//n/n"; // require types //foreach($service['types'] as $type) { // $code .= "/**/n"; // $code .= " * ".$type['class']." class/n"; // $code .= " *//n"; // $code .= "require_once '".$type['class'].".php';/n"; //} $code .= "/n"; // class level docblock $code .= "/**/n"; $code .= " * ".$service[ 'class']. " class/n"; $code .= " * /n"; $code .= parse_doc( " * ", $service[ 'doc']); $code .= " * /n"; $code .= " * @author {author}/n"; $code .= " * @copyright {copyright}/n"; $code .= " * @package {package}/n"; $code .= " *//n"; $code .= "class ".$service[ 'class']. " extends SoapClient {/n/n"; // add classmap $code .= " private static /$classmap = array(/n"; foreach($service[ 'types'] as $type) { $code .= " '".$type[ 'class']. "' => '".$type[ 'class']. "',/n"; } $code .= " );/n/n"; $code .= " public function ".$service[ 'class']. "(/$wsdl = /"".$service[ 'wsdl']. "/", /$options = array()) {/n"; // initialize classmap (merge) $code .= " foreach(self::/$classmap as /$key => /$value) {/n"; $code .= " if(!isset(/$options['classmap'][/$key])) {/n"; $code .= " /$options['classmap'][/$key] = /$value;/n"; $code .= " }/n"; $code .= " }/n"; $code .= " parent::__construct(/$wsdl, /$options);/n"; $code .= " }/n/n"; foreach($service[ 'functions'] as $function) { $code .= " /**/n"; $code .= parse_doc( " * ", $function[ 'doc']); $code .= " */n"; $signature = array(); // used for function signature $para = array(); // just variable names if(count($function[ 'params']) > 0) { foreach($function[ 'params'] as $param) { $code .= " * @param ".(isset($param[0])?$param[0]: ''). " ".(isset($param[1])?$param[1]: ''). "/n"; /*$typehint = false; foreach($service['types'] as $type) { if($type['class'] == $param[0]) { $typehint = true; } } $signature[] = ($typehint) ? implode(' ', $param) : $param[1];*/ $signature[] = (in_array($param[0], $primitive_types) or substr($param[0], 0, 7) == 'ArrayOf') ? $param[1] : implode( ' ', $param); $para[] = $param[1]; } } $code .= " * @return ".$function[ 'return']. "/n"; $code .= " *//n"; $code .= " public function ".$function[ 'name']. "(".implode( ', ', $signature). ") {/n"; // $code .= " return /$this->client->".$function['name']."(".implode(', ', $para).");/n"; $code .= " return /$this->__soapCall('".$function[ 'method']. "', array("; $ params = array(); if(count($signature) > 0) { // add arguments foreach($signature as $param) { if(strpos($param, ' ')) { // slice $param = array_pop(explode( ' ', $param)); } $ params[] = $param; } //$code .= "/n "; $code .= implode( ", ", $ params); //$code .= "/n ),/n"; } $code .= "), "; //$code .= implode(', ', $signature)."),/n"; $code .= " array(/n"; $code .= " 'uri' => '".$targetNamespace. "',/n"; $code .= " 'soapaction' => ''/n"; $code .= " )/n"; $code .= " );/n"; $code .= " }/n/n"; } $code .= "}/n/n"; print "done/n"; print "Writing ".$service[ 'class']. ".php..."; $fp = fopen($service[ 'class']. ".php", 'w'); fwrite($fp, " .$code."?>/n"); fclose($fp); print "done/n"; function parse_doc($prefix, $doc) { $code = ""; $words = split(' ', $doc); $line = $prefix; foreach($words as $word) { $line .= $word.' '; if( strlen($line) > 90 ) { // new line $code .= $line."/n"; $line = $prefix; } } $code .= $line."/n"; return $code; } /** * Look for enumeration * * @param DOM $dom * @param string $class * @return array */ function checkForEnum(&$dom, $class) { $values = array(); $node = findType($dom, $class); if(!$node) { return $values; } $value_list = $node->getElementsByTagName('enumeration'); if($value_list->length == 0) { return $values; } for($i=0; $i<$value_list->length; $i++) { $values[] = $value_list->item($i)->attributes->getNamedItem('value')->nodeValue; } return $values; } /** * Look for a type * * @param DOM $dom * @param string $class * @return DOMNode */ function findType(&$dom, $class) { $types_node = $dom->getElementsByTagName('types')->item(0); $schema_list = $types_node->getElementsByTagName('schema'); for ($i=0; $i<$schema_list->length; $i++) { $children = $schema_list->item($i)->childNodes; for ($j=0; $j<$children->length; $j++) { $node = $children->item($j); if ($node instanceof DOMElement && $node->hasAttributes() && $node->attributes->getNamedItem('name')->nodeValue == $class) { return $node; } } } return null; } function generatePHPSymbol($s) { global $reserved_keywords; if(!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z_]/', $s)) { $s = 'value_'.$s; } if(in_array(strtolower($s), $reserved_keywords)) { $s = '_'.$s; } return preg_replace('/[-./s]/', '_', $s); } ?>
class GetDocumentInfo { } class GetDocumentInfoResponse { public $Result; // PropertySet } class GetMapCount { } class GetMapCountResponse { public $Result; // int } class GetMapName { public $Index; // int } class GetMapNameResponse { public $Result; // string } class GetDefaultMapName { } class GetDefaultMapNameResponse { public $Result; // string } class GetServerInfo { public $MapName; // string } class GetServerInfoResponse { public $Result; // MapServerInfo } class ExportMapImage { public $MapDescription; // MapDescription public $ImageDescription; // ImageDescription } class ExportMapImageResponse { public $Result; // MapImage } class ExportScaleBar { public $ScaleBar; // ScaleBar public $MapDescription; // MapDescription public $MapDisplay; // ImageDisplay public $BackGroundColor; // Color public $ImageDescription; // ImageDescription } class ExportScaleBarResponse { public $Result; // ImageResult } class Find { public $MapDescription; // MapDescription public $MapImageDisplay; // ImageDisplay public $SearchString; // string public $Contains; // boolean public $SearchFields; // string public $FindOption; // esriFindOption public $LayerIDs; // ArrayOfInt } class FindResponse { public $Result; // ArrayOfMapServerFindResult } class Identify { public $MapDescription; // MapDescription public $MapImageDisplay; // ImageDisplay public $SearchShape; // Geometry public $Tolerance; // int public $IdentifyOption; // esriIdentifyOption public $LayerIDs; // ArrayOfInt } class IdentifyResponse { public $Result; // ArrayOfMapServerIdentifyResult } class QueryFeatureCount { public $MapName; // string public $LayerID; // int public $QueryFilter; // QueryFilter } class QueryFeatureCountResponse { public $Result; // int } class QueryFeatureIDs { public $MapName; // string public $LayerID; // int public $QueryFilter; // QueryFilter } class QueryFeatureIDsResponse { public $Result; // FIDSet } class QueryFeatureData { public $MapName; // string public $LayerID; // int public $QueryFilter; // QueryFilter } class QueryFeatureDataResponse { public $Result; // RecordSet } class QueryFeatureCount2 { public $MapName; // string public $LayerDescription; // LayerDescription public $QueryFilter; // QueryFilter } class QueryFeatureCount2Response { public $Result; // int } class QueryFeatureIDs2 { public $MapName; // string public $LayerDescription; // LayerDescription public $QueryFilter; // QueryFilter } class QueryFeatureIDs2Response { public $Result; // FIDSet } class QueryFeatureData2 { public $MapName; // string public $LayerDescription; // LayerDescription public $QueryFilter; // QueryFilter public $QueryResultOptions; // QueryResultOptions } class QueryFeatureData2Response { public $Result; // QueryResult } class QueryHyperlinks { public $MapDescription; // MapDescription public $MapImageDisplay; // ImageDisplay public $LayerIDs; // ArrayOfInt } class QueryHyperlinksResponse { public $Result; // ArrayOfMapServerHyperlink } class ComputeScale { public $MapDescription; // MapDescription public $MapImageDisplay; // ImageDisplay } class ComputeScaleResponse { public $Result; // double } class ComputeDistance { public $MapName; // string public $FromPoint; // Point public $ToPoint; // Point public $Units; // esriUnits } class ComputeDistanceResponse { public $Result; // double } class ToMapPoints { public $MapDescription; // MapDescription public $MapImageDisplay; // ImageDisplay public $ScreenXValues; // ArrayOfInt public $ScreenYValues; // ArrayOfInt } class ToMapPointsResponse { public $Result; // Multipoint } class FromMapPoints { public $MapDescription; // MapDescription public $MapImageDisplay; // ImageDisplay public $MapPoints; // Multipoint } class FromMapPointsResponse { public $ScreenXValues; // ArrayOfInt public $ScreenYValues; // ArrayOfInt } class GetLegendInfo { public $MapName; // string public $LayerIDs; // ArrayOfInt public $LegendPatch; // MapServerLegendPatch public $ImageType; // ImageType } class GetLegendInfoResponse { public $Result; // ArrayOfMapServerLegendInfo } class GetSQLSyntaxInfo { public $MapName; // string public $LayerID; // int } class GetSQLSyntaxInfoResponse { public $Result; // SQLSyntaxInfo } class GetSupportedImageReturnTypes { } class GetSupportedImageReturnTypesResponse { public $Result; // esriImageReturnType } class IsFixedScaleMap { public $MapName; // string } class IsFixedScaleMapResponse { public $Result; // boolean } class HasSingleFusedMapCache { public $MapName; // string } class HasSingleFusedMapCacheResponse { public $Result; // boolean } class GetTileCacheInfo { public $MapName; // string } class GetTileCacheInfoResponse { public $Result; // TileCacheInfo } class GetMapTile { public $MapName; // string public $Level; // int public $Row; // int public $Column; // int public $Format; // string } class GetMapTileResponse { public $Result; // base64Binary } class HasLayerCache { public $MapName; // string public $LayerID; // int } class HasLayerCacheResponse { public $Result; // boolean } class GetLayerTile { public $MapName; // string public $LayerID; // int public $Level; // int public $Row; // int public $Column; // int public $Format; // string } class GetLayerTileResponse { public $Result; // base64Binary } class GetVirtualCacheDirectory { public $MapName; // string public $LayerID; // int } class GetVirtualCacheDirectoryResponse { public $Result; // string } class GetCacheName { public $MapName; // string public $LayerID; // int } class GetCacheNameResponse { public $Result; // string } class GetTileImageInfo { public $MapName; // string } class GetTileImageInfoResponse { public $Result; // TileImageInfo } class GetCacheControlInfo { public $MapName; // string } class GetCacheControlInfoResponse { public $Result; // CacheControlInfo } class GetServiceConfigurationInfo { } class GetServiceConfigurationInfoResponse { public $Result; // PropertySet } class GetCacheDescriptionInfo { public $MapName; // string } class GetCacheDescriptionInfoResponse { public $Result; // CacheDescriptionInfo } class QueryRowCount { public $MapName; // string public $MapTableDescription; // MapTableDescription public $QueryFilter; // QueryFilter } class QueryRowCountResponse { public $Result; // int } class QueryRowIDs { public $MapName; // string public $MapTableDescription; // MapTableDescription public $QueryFilter; // QueryFilter } class QueryRowIDsResponse { public $Result; // ArrayOfInt } class QueryData { public $MapName; // string public $MapTableDescription; // MapTableDescription public $QueryFilter; // QueryFilter public $QueryResultOptions; // QueryResultOptions } class QueryDataResponse { public $Result; // QueryResult } class QueryRelatedRecords { public $MapName; // string public $SourceTableID; // int public $SourceFIDSet; // FIDSet public $RelateDescription; // RelateDescription } class QueryRelatedRecordsResponse { public $Result; // QueryResult } class GetCacheStorageInfo { public $MapName; // string } class GetCacheStorageInfoResponse { public $Result; // CacheStorageInfo } class QueryRasterValue { public $MapName; // string public $SourceTableID; // int public $RowIDs; // ArrayOfInt public $FieldName; // string public $ImageType; // ImageType } class QueryRasterValueResponse { public $Result; // ArrayOfImageResult } class QueryAttachmentInfos { public $MapName; // string public $TableID; // int public $RowIDs; // ArrayOfInt } class QueryAttachmentInfosResponse { public $Result; // ArrayOfAttachmentInfo } class QueryAttachmentData { public $MapName; // string public $TableID; // int public $AttachmentIDs; // ArrayOfInt public $TransportType; // esriTransportType } class QueryAttachmentDataResponse { public $Result; // ArrayOfAttachmentData } class QueryHTMLPopups { public $MapName; // string public $TableID; // int public $RowIDs; // ArrayOfInt } class QueryHTMLPopupsResponse { public $Result; // ArrayOfString } class GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptions { public $MapName; // string public $LayerIDs; // ArrayOfInt public $SymbolOutputOptions; // ServerSymbolOutputOptions } class GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptionsResponse { public $Result; // ArrayOfLayerDrawingDescription } class GetMapTableSubtypeInfos { public $MapName; // string public $TableIDs; // ArrayOfInt } class GetMapTableSubtypeInfosResponse { public $Result; // ArrayOfMapTableSubtypeInfo } class esriIdentifyOption { const esriIdentifyTopmost = 'esriIdentifyTopmost'; const esriIdentifyAllLayers = 'esriIdentifyAllLayers'; const esriIdentifyVisibleLayers = 'esriIdentifyVisibleLayers'; const esriIdentifyTopOneWithHTMLPopup = 'esriIdentifyTopOneWithHTMLPopup'; const esriIdentifyVisibleWithHTMLPopup = 'esriIdentifyVisibleWithHTMLPopup'; } class esriServerHTMLPopupType { const esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone = 'esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone'; const esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsURL = 'esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsURL'; const esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText = 'esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText'; } class esriMapCacheStorageFormat { const esriMapCacheStorageModeCompact = 'esriMapCacheStorageModeCompact'; const esriMapCacheStorageModeExploded = 'esriMapCacheStorageModeExploded'; } class esriFindOption { const esriFindVisibleLayers = 'esriFindVisibleLayers'; const esriFindAllLayers = 'esriFindAllLayers'; } class TileCacheInfo { public $SpatialReference; // SpatialReference public $TileOrigin; // Point public $TileCols; // int public $TileRows; // int public $DPI; // int public $LODInfos; // ArrayOfLODInfo } class LODInfo { public $LevelID; // int public $Scale; // double public $Resolution; // double }
class AreaPatch { } class CenterAndScale { public $Center; // Point public $Scale; // double public $DPI; // double public $DevBottom; // int public $DevLeft; // int public $DevTop; // int public $DevRight; // int } class CenterAndSize { public $Center; // Point public $Height; // double public $Width; // double public $Units; // string } class FeatureExtent { public $DefaultScale; // double public $ExpandRatio; // double public $FeatureIDs; // ArrayOfInt public $LayerID; // int public $MapName; // string } class ImageDescription { public $ImageType; // ImageType public $ImageDisplay; // ImageDisplay } class ImageDisplay { public $ImageHeight; // int public $ImageWidth; // int public $ImageDPI; // double public $TransparentColor; // Color } class ImageResult { public $ImageData; // base64Binary public $ImageURL; // string public $ImageHeight; // int public $ImageWidth; // int public $ImageDPI; // double public $ImageType; // string } class esriImageFormat { const esriImageNone = 'esriImageNone'; const esriImageBMP = 'esriImageBMP'; const esriImageJPG = 'esriImageJPG'; const esriImageDIB = 'esriImageDIB'; const esriImageTIFF = 'esriImageTIFF'; const esriImagePNG = 'esriImagePNG'; const esriImagePNG24 = 'esriImagePNG24'; const esriImageEMF = 'esriImageEMF'; const esriImagePS = 'esriImagePS'; const esriImagePDF = 'esriImagePDF'; const esriImageAI = 'esriImageAI'; const esriImageGIF = 'esriImageGIF'; const esriImageSVG = 'esriImageSVG'; const esriImagePNG32 = 'esriImagePNG32'; const esriImageJPGPNG = 'esriImageJPGPNG'; } class esriScaleBarPos { const esriScaleBarAbove = 'esriScaleBarAbove'; const esriScaleBarBeforeLabels = 'esriScaleBarBeforeLabels'; const esriScaleBarAfterLabels = 'esriScaleBarAfterLabels'; const esriScaleBarBeforeBar = 'esriScaleBarBeforeBar'; const esriScaleBarAfterBar = 'esriScaleBarAfterBar'; const esriScaleBarBelow = 'esriScaleBarBelow'; } class esriVertPosEnum { const esriAbove = 'esriAbove'; const esriTop = 'esriTop'; const esriOn = 'esriOn'; const esriBottom = 'esriBottom'; const esriBelow = 'esriBelow'; } class esriScaleBarFrequency { const esriScaleBarNone = 'esriScaleBarNone'; const esriScaleBarOne = 'esriScaleBarOne'; const esriScaleBarMajorDivisions = 'esriScaleBarMajorDivisions'; const esriScaleBarDivisions = 'esriScaleBarDivisions'; const esriScaleBarDivisionsAndFirstMidpoint = 'esriScaleBarDivisionsAndFirstMidpoint'; const esriScaleBarDivisionsAndFirstSubdivisions = 'esriScaleBarDivisionsAndFirstSubdivisions'; const esriScaleBarDivisionsAndSubdivisions = 'esriScaleBarDivisionsAndSubdivisions'; } class esriScaleBarResizeHint { const esriScaleBarFixed = 'esriScaleBarFixed'; const esriScaleBarAutoDivision = 'esriScaleBarAutoDivision'; const esriScaleBarAutoDivisions = 'esriScaleBarAutoDivisions'; } class esriImageReturnType { const esriImageReturnURL = 'esriImageReturnURL'; const esriImageReturnMimeData = 'esriImageReturnMimeData'; } class ImageType { public $ImageFormat; // esriImageFormat public $ImageReturnType; // esriImageReturnType } class LayerDescription { public $LayerID; // int public $Visible; // boolean public $ShowLabels; // boolean public $ScaleSymbols; // boolean public $SelectionFeatures; // ArrayOfInt public $SelectionColor; // Color public $SelectionSymbol; // Symbol public $SetSelectionSymbol; // boolean public $SelectionBufferDistance; // double public $ShowSelectionBuffer; // boolean public $DefinitionExpression; // string public $SourceID; // string public $SelectionBufferSymbol; // FillSymbol public $LayerResultOptions; // LayerResultOptions public $UseTime; // boolean public $TimeDataCumulative; // boolean public $TimeOffset; // double public $TimeOffsetUnits; // esriTimeUnits } class LayerResultOptions { public $IncludeGeometry; // boolean public $GeometryResultOptions; // GeometryResultOptions public $ReturnFieldNamesInResults; // boolean public $FormatValuesInResults; // boolean } class LegendClass { public $Symbol; // Symbol public $Label; // string public $Description; // string public $LegendClassFormat; // LegendClassFormat } class LegendClassFormat { public $LabelSymbol; // Symbol public $DescriptionSymbol; // Symbol public $LinePatch; // LinePatch public $AreaPatch; // AreaPatch public $PatchWidth; // double public $PatchHeight; // double } class LinePatch { } class MapArea { public $Extent; // Envelope } class MapDescription { public $Name; // string public $MapArea; // MapArea public $LayerDescriptions; // ArrayOfLayerDescription public $Rotation; // double public $SpatialReference; // SpatialReference public $TransparentColor; // Color public $SelectionColor; // Color public $BackgroundSymbol; // FillSymbol public $CustomGraphics; // ArrayOfGraphicElement public $GeoTransformation; // GeoTransformation public $TimeReference; // TimeReference public $TimeValue; // TimeValue } class MapExtent { } class MapImage { public $ImageData; // base64Binary public $ImageURL; // string public $Extent; // Envelope public $VisibleLayerIDs; // ArrayOfInt public $MapScale; // double public $ImageHeight; // int public $ImageWidth; // int public $ImageDPI; // double public $ImageType; // string } class MapLayerInfo { public $LayerID; // int public $Name; // string public $Description; // string public $LayerType; // string public $SourceDescription; // string public $HasLabels; // boolean public $CanSelect; // boolean public $CanScaleSymbols; // boolean public $MinScale; // double public $MaxScale; // double public $Extent; // Envelope public $HasHyperlinks; // boolean public $HasAttributes; // boolean public $CanIdentify; // boolean public $CanFind; // boolean public $IsFeatureLayer; // boolean public $Fields; // Fields public $DisplayField; // string public $IDField; // string public $IsComposite; // boolean public $SubLayerIDs; // ArrayOfInt public $ParentLayerID; // int public $FieldAliases; // ArrayOfString public $CopyrightText; // string public $RelateInfos; // ArrayOfRelateInfo public $SupportsTime; // boolean public $StartTimeFieldName; // string public $EndTimeFieldName; // string public $TimeValueFormat; // string public $TrackIDFieldName; // string public $TimeReference; // TimeReference public $FullTimeExtent; // TimeExtent public $TimeInterval; // double public $TimeIntervalUnits; // esriTimeUnits public $HasAttachments; // boolean public $HTMLPopupType; // esriServerHTMLPopupType public $HasLayerDrawingDescription; // boolean public $HasSubtype; // boolean } class MapServerBookmark { public $Name; // string } class MapServerFindResult { public $Value; // string public $LayerID; // int public $FeatureID; // int public $FieldName; // string public $Shape; // Geometry public $Properties; // PropertySet } class MapServerHyperlink { public $Location; // Geometry public $URL; // string } class MapServerIdentifyResult { public $LayerID; // int public $Name; // string public $Properties; // PropertySet public $Shape; // Geometry public $Relationships; // ArrayOfMapServerRelationship public $HTMLPopup; // string public $FeatureID; // int } class MapServerInfo { public $Name; // string public $Description; // string public $FullExtent; // Envelope public $Extent; // Envelope public $SpatialReference; // SpatialReference public $MapLayerInfos; // ArrayOfMapLayerInfo public $BackgroundColor; // Color public $Bookmarks; // ArrayOfMapServerBookmark public $DefaultMapDescription; // MapDescription public $Units; // esriUnits public $SupportedImageReturnTypes; // esriImageReturnType public $BackgroundSymbol; // FillSymbol public $CopyrightText; // string public $StandaloneTableInfos; // ArrayOfStandaloneTableInfo public $StandaloneTableDescriptions; // ArrayOfStandaloneTableDescription public $FullTimeExtent; // TimeExtent public $DefaultTimeStepInterval; // double public $DefaultTimeStepIntervalUnits; // esriTimeUnits public $DefaultTimeWindow; // double } class MapServerLegendClass { public $Label; // string public $Description; // string public $SymbolImage; // ImageResult public $TransparentColor; // Color } class MapServerLegendGroup { public $Heading; // string public $LegendClasses; // ArrayOfMapServerLegendClass } class MapServerLegendInfo { public $LayerID; // int public $Name; // string public $LegendGroups; // ArrayOfMapServerLegendGroup } class MapServerLegendPatch { public $Width; // double public $Height; // double public $ImageDPI; // double public $LinePatch; // LinePatch public $AreaPatch; // AreaPatch } class MapServerRelationship { public $Name; // string public $Rows; // ArrayOfMapServerRow } class MapServerRow { public $Name; // string public $Properties; // PropertySet public $Relationships; // ArrayOfMapServerRelationship public $FeatureID; // int } class ScaleBar { public $BarHeight; // double public $Division; // double public $Divisions; // short public $DivisionsBeforeZero; // short public $Subdivisions; // short public $Units; // esriUnits public $UnitLabel; // string public $UnitLabelPosition; // esriScaleBarPos public $UnitLabelGap; // double public $UnitLabelSymbol; // TextSymbol public $LabelFrequency; // esriScaleBarFrequency public $LabelPosition; // esriVertPosEnum public $LabelGap; // double public $LabelSymbol; // TextSymbol public $NumberFormat; // NumericFormat public $ResizeHint; // esriScaleBarResizeHint } class AlternatingScaleBar { public $FillSymbol1; // FillSymbol public $FillSymbol2; // FillSymbol public $DivisionMarkSymbol; // LineSymbol public $SubdivisionMarkSymbol; // LineSymbol public $DivisionMarkHeight; // double public $SubdivisionMarkHeight; // double public $MarkPosition; // esriVertPosEnum public $MarkFrequency; // esriScaleBarFrequency } class SingleDivisionScaleBar { public $FillSymbol; // FillSymbol public $DivisionMarkSymbol; // LineSymbol public $SubdivisionMarkSymbol; // LineSymbol public $DivisionMarkHeight; // double public $SubdivisionMarkHeight; // double public $MarkPosition; // esriVertPosEnum public $MarkFrequency; // esriScaleBarFrequency } class SQLSyntaxInfo { public $FunctionNames; // PropertySet public $SpecialCharacters; // PropertySet public $SupportedPredicates; // ArrayOfString public $SupportedClauses; // ArrayOfString public $IdentifierCase; // boolean public $DelimitedIdentifierCase; // boolean public $StringComparisonCase; // boolean public $Keywords; // ArrayOfString public $InvalidCharacters; // string public $InvalidStartingCharacters; // string } class Shadow { } class Background { } class SymbolBackground { public $HorizontalGap; // double public $CornerRounding; // short public $VerticalGap; // double public $Symbol; // FillSymbol } class Border { } class SymbolBorder { public $HorizontalGap; // double public $CornerRounding; // short public $VerticalGap; // double public $Symbol; // LineSymbol } class SymbolShadow { public $Symbol; // LineSymbol public $CornerRounding; // short public $HorizontalOffset; // double public $VerticalOffset; // double } class Element { } class GraphicElement { } class LineElement { public $Name; // string public $Type; // string public $AutoTransform; // boolean public $ReferenceScale; // double public $Symbol; // Symbol public $Line; // Geometry public $Locked; // boolean public $FixedAspectRatio; // boolean } class CircleElement { public $Rectangle; // Geometry public $Locked; // boolean public $FixedAspectRatio; // boolean public $Name; // string public $Type; // string public $AutoTransform; // boolean public $ReferenceScale; // double public $Symbol; // Symbol } class EllipseElement { public $Rectangle; // Geometry public $Locked; // boolean public $FixedAspectRatio; // boolean public $Name; // string public $Type; // string public $AutoTransform; // boolean public $ReferenceScale; // double public $Symbol; // Symbol } class GroupElement { public $Name; // string public $Type; // string public $AutoTransform; // boolean public $ReferenceScale; // double public $Elements; // ArrayOfGraphicElement public $Rectangle; // Geometry public $Locked; // boolean public $FixedAspectRatio; // boolean public $Border; // Border public $Background; // Background public $DraftMode; // boolean public $Shadow; // Shadow }
class MarkerElement { public $Name; // string public $Type; // string public $AutoTransform; // boolean public $ReferenceScale; // double public $Symbol; // Symbol public $Point; // Point public $Locked; // boolean } class ParagraphTextElement { public $Name; // string public $Type; // string public $AutoTransform; // boolean public $ReferenceScale; // double public $Text; // string public $Scale; // double public $Symbol; // Symbol public $TextGeometry; // Geometry public $Locked; // boolean public $FrameBorder; // Border public $FrameBackground; // Background public $FrameShadow; // Shadow public $ColumnGap; // double public $ColumnCount; // int public $Margin; // double } class PolygonElement { public $Name; // string public $Type; // string public $AutoTransform; // boolean public $ReferenceScale; // double public $Symbol; // Symbol public $Polygon; // Geometry public $Locked; // boolean public $FixedAspectRatio; // boolean } class RectangleElement { public $Rectangle; // Geometry public $Locked; // boolean public $FixedAspectRatio; // boolean public $Name; // string public $Type; // string public $AutoTransform; // boolean public $ReferenceScale; // double public $Symbol; // Symbol } class TextElement { public $Name; // string public $Type; // string public $AutoTransform; // boolean public $ReferenceScale; // double public $Text; // string public $Scale; // boolean public $Symbol; // Symbol public $TextGeometry; // Geometry public $Locked; // boolean } class Patch { public $Name; // string public $PreserveAspectRatio; // boolean public $Geometry; // Geometry } class esriRotationType { const esriRotateSymbolGeographic = 'esriRotateSymbolGeographic'; const esriRotateSymbolArithmetic = 'esriRotateSymbolArithmetic'; } class esriNormalizationType { const esriNormalizeByField = 'esriNormalizeByField'; const esriNormalizeByLog = 'esriNormalizeByLog'; const esriNormalizeByPercentOfTotal = 'esriNormalizeByPercentOfTotal'; const esriNormalizeByArea = 'esriNormalizeByArea'; const esriNormalizeByNothing = 'esriNormalizeByNothing'; } class FeatureRenderer { } class UniqueValueInfo { public $Value; // string public $Label; // string public $Description; // string public $Symbol; // Symbol } class ClassBreakInfo { public $ClassMaximumValue; // double public $Label; // string public $Description; // string public $Symbol; // Symbol } class SimpleRenderer { public $Symbol; // Symbol public $Label; // string public $Description; // string public $RotationField; // string public $RotationType; // esriRotationType public $TransparencyField; // string } class UniqueValueRenderer { public $Field1; // string public $Field2; // string public $Field3; // string public $FieldDelimiter; // string public $DefaultSymbol; // Symbol public $DefaultLabel; // string public $UniqueValueInfos; // ArrayOfUniqueValueInfo public $RotationField; // string public $RotationType; // esriRotationType public $TransparencyField; // string } class ClassBreaksRenderer { public $Field; // string public $MinimumValue; // double public $ClassBreakInfos; // ArrayOfClassBreakInfo public $BackgroundSymbol; // FillSymbol public $NormalizationField; // string public $NormalizationType; // esriNormalizationType public $NormalizationTotal; // double public $RotationField; // string public $RotationType; // esriRotationType } class LabelingDescription { public $LabelClassDescriptions; // ArrayOfLabelClassDescription } class esriServerPointLabelPlacementType { const esriServerPointLabelPlacementAboveCenter = 'esriServerPointLabelPlacementAboveCenter'; const esriServerPointLabelPlacementAboveLeft = 'esriServerPointLabelPlacementAboveLeft'; const esriServerPointLabelPlacementAboveRight = 'esriServerPointLabelPlacementAboveRight'; const esriServerPointLabelPlacementBelowCenter = 'esriServerPointLabelPlacementBelowCenter'; const esriServerPointLabelPlacementBelowLeft = 'esriServerPointLabelPlacementBelowLeft'; const esriServerPointLabelPlacementBelowRight = 'esriServerPointLabelPlacementBelowRight'; const esriServerPointLabelPlacementCenterCenter = 'esriServerPointLabelPlacementCenterCenter'; const esriServerPointLabelPlacementCenterLeft = 'esriServerPointLabelPlacementCenterLeft'; const esriServerPointLabelPlacementCenterRight = 'esriServerPointLabelPlacementCenterRight'; } class esriServerLineLabelPlacementType { const esriServerLinePlacementAboveAfter = 'esriServerLinePlacementAboveAfter'; const esriServerLinePlacementAboveAlong = 'esriServerLinePlacementAboveAlong'; const esriServerLinePlacementAboveBefore = 'esriServerLinePlacementAboveBefore'; const esriServerLinePlacementAboveStart = 'esriServerLinePlacementAboveStart'; const esriServerLinePlacementAboveEnd = 'esriServerLinePlacementAboveEnd'; const esriServerLinePlacementBelowAfter = 'esriServerLinePlacementBelowAfter'; const esriServerLinePlacementBelowAlong = 'esriServerLinePlacementBelowAlong'; const esriServerLinePlacementBelowBefore = 'esriServerLinePlacementBelowBefore'; const esriServerLinePlacementBelowStart = 'esriServerLinePlacementBelowStart'; const esriServerLinePlacementBelowEnd = 'esriServerLinePlacementBelowEnd'; const esriServerLinePlacementCenterAfter = 'esriServerLinePlacementCenterAfter'; const esriServerLinePlacementCenterAlong = 'esriServerLinePlacementCenterAlong'; const esriServerLinePlacementCenterBefore = 'esriServerLinePlacementCenterBefore'; const esriServerLinePlacementCenterStart = 'esriServerLinePlacementCenterStart'; const esriServerLinePlacementCenterEnd = 'esriServerLinePlacementCenterEnd'; } class esriServerPolygonLabelPlacementType { const esriServerPolygonPlacementAlwaysHorizontal = 'esriServerPolygonPlacementAlwaysHorizontal'; } class LabelPlacementDescription { } class PointLabelPlacementDescription { public $Type; // esriServerPointLabelPlacementType } class LineLabelPlacementDescription { public $Type; // esriServerLineLabelPlacementType } class PolygonLabelPlacementDescription { public $Type; // esriServerPolygonLabelPlacementType } class LabelClassDescription { public $LabelPlacementDescription; // LabelPlacementDescription public $LabelExpression; // string public $Symbol; // SimpleTextSymbol public $UseCodedValue; // boolean public $MaximumScale; // double public $MinimumScale; // double } class LayerDrawingDescription { } class FeatureLayerDrawingDescription { public $FeatureRenderer; // FeatureRenderer public $ScaleSymbols; // boolean public $Transparency; // short public $Brightness; // short public $Contrast; // short public $LabelingDescription; // LabelingDescription public $SourceLayerID; // int } class LegendGroup { public $Visible; // boolean public $Editable; // boolean public $Heading; // string public $LegendClasses; // ArrayOfLegendClass } class TileImageInfo { public $CacheTileFormat; // string public $CompressionQuality; // int public $Antialiasing; // string } class CacheStorageInfo { public $StorageFormat; // esriMapCacheStorageFormat public $PacketSize; // int } class ImageQueryFilter { public $PixelSize; // Point } class RasterLayerDrawingDescription { public $RasterRenderer; // RasterRenderer public $Transparency; // short public $Brightness; // short public $Contrast; // short } class RasterRenderer { public $Indexed; // boolean public $Brightness; // int public $Contrast; // int public $ResamplingType; // string public $NoDataColor; // Color public $NoDataValue; // ArrayOfDouble public $AlphaBandIndex; // int public $UseAlphaBand; // boolean } class RasterUniqueValueRenderer { public $ValueField; // string public $ClassField; // string public $ColorSchema; // string public $UseDefaultSymbol; // boolean public $DefaultSymbol; // Symbol public $DefaultLabel; // string public $LegendGroupsCount; // int public $LegendGroups; // ArrayOfLegendGroup public $ClassValuesCount; // int public $ClassesInLegend; // ArrayOfInt public $ClassesInLegendSize; // ArrayOfInt public $UniqueValueVariants; // ArrayOfValue public $Global; // boolean public $UniqueValues; // RasterUniqueValues public $ColorRamp; // ColorRamp } class RasterRGBRenderer { public $LayerIndex1; // int public $LayerIndex2; // int public $LayerIndex3; // int public $UseRGBBand; // unsignedByte public $StretchType; // string public $StandardDeviations; // double public $IsInvert; // boolean public $DisplayBkValue; // boolean public $BlackValue; // ArrayOfDouble public $IsLegendExpand; // boolean public $BkColor; // Color } class RasterStretchRenderer { public $ColorSchema; // string public $LayerIndex1; // int public $StretchType; // string public $StandardDeviations; // double public $IsInvert; // boolean public $BlackValue; // double public $ColorRamp; // ColorRamp public $BkColor; // Color public $LegendGroup; // LegendGroup public $DisplayBkValue; // boolean public $InitCustomMinMax; // boolean public $UseCustomMinMax; // boolean public $CustomMin; // double public $CustomMax; // double } class RasterClassifyRenderer { public $ClassField; // string public $NormField; // string public $ClassificationComponent; // boolean public $Guid; // string public $ColorSchema; // string public $LegendGroupsCount; // int public $LegendGroups; // ArrayOfLegendGroup public $BreakSize; // int public $ArrayOfBreak; // ArrayOfDouble public $Ascending; // boolean public $NumberFormat; // NumericFormat public $ShowClassGaps; // boolean public $DeviationInterval; // double public $ExlusionValues; // anyType public $ExclusionRanges; // anyType public $ExclusionShowClass; // boolean public $ExclusionLegendClass; // LegendClass public $UniqueValues; // RasterUniqueValues public $UseHillShader; // boolean public $ZScale; // double } class LayerCacheInfo { public $LayerID; // int public $HasCache; // boolean } class CacheDescriptionInfo { public $TileCacheInfo; // TileCacheInfo public $TileImageInfo; // TileImageInfo public $LayerCacheInfos; // ArrayOfLayerCacheInfo public $CacheControlInfo; // CacheControlInfo public $ServiceType; // esriCachedMapServiceType } class CacheControlInfo { public $ClientCachingAllowed; // boolean } class esriCachedMapServiceType { const esriSingleFusedMapCache = 'esriSingleFusedMapCache'; const esriIndividualLayerCaches = 'esriIndividualLayerCaches'; } class esriQueryResultFormat { const esriQueryResultRecordSetAsObject = 'esriQueryResultRecordSetAsObject'; const esriQueryResultJsonAsMime = 'esriQueryResultJsonAsMime'; const esriQueryResultJsonAsURL = 'esriQueryResultJsonAsURL'; const esriQueryResultAmfAsMime = 'esriQueryResultAmfAsMime'; const esriQueryResultAmfAsURL = 'esriQueryResultAmfAsURL'; const esriQueryResultKMLAsMime = 'esriQueryResultKMLAsMime'; const esriQueryResultKMLAsURL = 'esriQueryResultKMLAsURL'; } class QueryResultOptions { public $Format; // esriQueryResultFormat public $FormatProperties; // PropertySet public $GeoTransformation; // GeoTransformation } class QueryResult { public $MimeData; // base64Binary public $URL; // string public $Object; // anyType } class MapTableInfo { } class MapTableDescription { } class StandaloneTableInfo { public $ID; // int public $Name; // string public $Fields; // Fields public $RelateInfos; // ArrayOfRelateInfo public $SupportsTime; // boolean public $StartTimeFieldName; // string public $EndTimeFieldName; // string public $TimeValueFormat; // string public $TrackIDFieldName; // string public $TimeReference; // TimeReference public $FullTimeExtent; // TimeExtent public $TimeInterval; // double public $TimeIntervalUnits; // esriTimeUnits public $HasAttachments; // boolean public $DisplayField; // string public $Description; // string public $IDField; // string public $HasSubtype; // boolean } class StandaloneTableDescription { public $ID; // int public $DefinitionExpression; // string public $SourceID; // string public $UseTime; // boolean public $TimeDataCumulative; // boolean public $TimeOffset; // double public $TimeOffsetUnits; // esriTimeUnits } class RelateInfo { public $Name; // string public $RelationshipID; // int public $RelatedTableID; // int } class esriRelateResultFormat { const esriRelateResultRelatedRecordSetAsObject = 'esriRelateResultRelatedRecordSetAsObject'; const esriRelateResultJsonAsMime = 'esriRelateResultJsonAsMime'; const esriRelateResultJsonAsURL = 'esriRelateResultJsonAsURL'; const esriRelateResultAmfAsMime = 'esriRelateResultAmfAsMime'; const esriRelateResultAmfAsURL = 'esriRelateResultAmfAsURL'; } class RelateDescription { public $RelationshipID; // int public $RelatedTableDefinitionExpression; // string public $RelatedTableFields; // string public $OutputSpatialReference; // SpatialReference public $GeoTransformation; // GeoTransformation public $IncludeGeometry; // boolean public $GeometryResultOptions; // GeometryResultOptions public $ResultFormat; // esriRelateResultFormat public $OutputTimeReference; // TimeReference } class MapServerForceDeriveFromAnyType { public $RelatedRecordSet; // RelatedRecordSet public $FieldDomainInfo; // FieldDomainInfo } class RelatedRecordSet { public $RelatedRecordFields; // Fields public $RelatedRecordGroups; // ArrayOfRelatedRecordGroup } class RelatedRecordGroup { public $SourceRowID; // int public $Records; // ArrayOfRecord } class MapTableSubtypeInfo { public $TableID; // int public $SubtypeFieldName; // string public $SubtypeInfos; // ArrayOfSubtypeInfo } class SubtypeInfo { public $SubtypeCode; // int public $SubtypeName; // string public $FieldDomainInfos; // ArrayOfFieldDomainInfo } class FieldDomainInfo { public $FieldName; // string public $Domain; // Domain public $IsInherited; // boolean } class esriTimeRelation { const esriTimeRelationOverlaps = 'esriTimeRelationOverlaps'; } class TimeQueryFilter { public $TimeValue; // TimeValue public $OutputTimeReference; // TimeReference public $TimeRelation; // esriTimeRelation } class esriServerPictureOutputType { const esriServerPictureOutputAsPNG = 'esriServerPictureOutputAsPNG'; const esriServerPictureOutputAsPNGInMime = 'esriServerPictureOutputAsPNGInMime'; const esriServerPictureOutputAsIPicture = 'esriServerPictureOutputAsIPicture'; } class ServerSymbolOutputOptions { public $PictureOutputType; // esriServerPictureOutputType public $ConvertLabelExpressions; // boolean } class Color { public $UseWindowsDithering; // boolean public $AlphaValue; // unsignedByte } class GrayColor { public $GrayLevel; // unsignedByte } class RgbColor { public $Red; // unsignedByte public $Green; // unsignedByte public $Blue; // unsignedByte } class CmykColor { public $Cyan; // unsignedByte public $Magenta; // unsignedByte public $Yellow; // unsignedByte public $Black; // unsignedByte public $Overprint; // boolean public $IsSpot; // boolean public $SpotDescription; // string public $SpotPercent; // short } class HlsColor { public $Hue; // short public $Lightness; // unsignedByte public $Saturation; // unsignedByte } class HsvColor { public $Hue; // short public $Saturation; // unsignedByte public $Value; // unsignedByte } class Symbol { } class esriSimpleFillStyle { const esriSFSSolid = 'esriSFSSolid'; const esriSFSNull = 'esriSFSNull'; const esriSFSHorizontal = 'esriSFSHorizontal'; const esriSFSVertical = 'esriSFSVertical'; const esriSFSForwardDiagonal = 'esriSFSForwardDiagonal'; const esriSFSBackwardDiagonal = 'esriSFSBackwardDiagonal'; const esriSFSCross = 'esriSFSCross'; const esriSFSDiagonalCross = 'esriSFSDiagonalCross'; } class esriSimpleLineStyle { const esriSLSSolid = 'esriSLSSolid'; const esriSLSDash = 'esriSLSDash'; const esriSLSDot = 'esriSLSDot'; const esriSLSDashDot = 'esriSLSDashDot'; const esriSLSDashDotDot = 'esriSLSDashDotDot'; const esriSLSNull = 'esriSLSNull'; const esriSLSInsideFrame = 'esriSLSInsideFrame'; } class esriSimpleMarkerStyle { const esriSMSCircle = 'esriSMSCircle'; const esriSMSSquare = 'esriSMSSquare'; const esriSMSCross = 'esriSMSCross'; const esriSMSX = 'esriSMSX'; const esriSMSDiamond = 'esriSMSDiamond'; } class esriTextHorizontalAlignment { const esriTHALeft = 'esriTHALeft'; const esriTHACenter = 'esriTHACenter'; const esriTHARight = 'esriTHARight'; const esriTHAFull = 'esriTHAFull'; } class esriTextVerticalAlignment { const esriTVATop = 'esriTVATop'; const esriTVACenter = 'esriTVACenter'; const esriTVABaseline = 'esriTVABaseline'; const esriTVABottom = 'esriTVABottom'; } class esriTextPosition { const esriTPNormal = 'esriTPNormal'; const esriTPSuperscript = 'esriTPSuperscript'; const esriTPSubscript = 'esriTPSubscript'; } class esriTextCase { const esriTCNormal = 'esriTCNormal'; const esriTCLowercase = 'esriTCLowercase'; const esriTCAllCaps = 'esriTCAllCaps'; const esriTCSmallCaps = 'esriTCSmallCaps'; } class esriTextDirection { const esriTDHorizontal = 'esriTDHorizontal'; const esriTDAngle = 'esriTDAngle'; const esriTDVertical = 'esriTDVertical'; } class esriMaskStyle { const esriMSNone = 'esriMSNone'; const esriMSHalo = 'esriMSHalo'; } class SimpleFillSymbol { public $Style; // esriSimpleFillStyle } class SimpleLineSymbol { public $Style; // esriSimpleLineStyle } class SimpleMarkerSymbol { public $Outline; // boolean public $OutlineSize; // double public $OutlineColor; // Color public $Style; // esriSimpleMarkerStyle } class esriFontStyle { const normal = 'normal'; const italic = 'italic'; const oblique = 'oblique'; } class esriFontWeight { const normal = 'normal'; const bold = 'bold'; const bolder = 'bolder'; const lighter = 'lighter'; } class esriFontDecoration { const none = 'none'; const underline = 'underline'; const line_through = 'line-through'; } class esriSimpleTextVerticalAlignment { const top = 'top'; const middle = 'middle'; const baseline = 'baseline'; const bottom = 'bottom'; }
class esriSimpleTextHorizontalAlignment { const left = 'left'; const center = 'center'; const right = 'right'; const justified = 'justified'; } class SimpleTextSymbol { public $Color; // Color public $BackgroundColor; // Color public $OutlineColor; // Color public $VerticalAlignment; // esriSimpleTextVerticalAlignment public $HorizontalAlignment; // esriSimpleTextHorizontalAlignment public $RightToLeft; // boolean public $Angle; // double public $XOffset; // double public $YOffset; // double public $Size; // double public $FontFamilyName; // string public $FontStyle; // esriFontStyle public $FontWeight; // esriFontWeight public $FontDecoration; // esriFontDecoration } class TextSymbol { public $Color; // Color public $BreakCharIndex; // int public $VerticalAlignment; // esriTextVerticalAlignment public $HorizontalAlignment; // esriTextHorizontalAlignment public $Clip; // boolean public $RightToLeft; // boolean public $Angle; // double public $XOffset; // double public $YOffset; // double public $ShadowColor; // Color public $ShadowXOffset; // double public $ShadowYOffset; // double public $TextPosition; // esriTextPosition public $TextCase; // esriTextCase public $CharacterSpacing; // double public $CharacterWidth; // double public $WordSpacing; // double public $Kerning; // boolean public $Leading; // double public $TextDirection; // esriTextDirection public $FlipAngle; // double public $TypeSetting; // boolean public $TextPathClass; // string public $FillSymbol; // Symbol public $Text; // string public $Size; // double public $MaskStyle; // esriMaskStyle public $MaskSize; // double public $MaskSymbol; // Symbol public $FontName; // string public $FontItalic; // boolean public $FontUnderline; // boolean public $FontStrikethrough; // boolean public $FontWeight; // int public $FontCharset; // int public $FontSizeHi; // int public $FontSizeLo; // int public $TextParserClass; // string } class CharacterMarkerSymbol { public $CharacterIndex; // int public $FontName; // string public $FontItalic; // boolean public $FontUnderline; // boolean public $FontStrikethrough; // boolean public $FontWeight; // int public $FontCharset; // int public $FontSizeHi; // int public $FontSizeLo; // int } class PictureMarkerSymbol { public $BgColor; // Color public $BitmapTransColor; // Color public $Picture; // base64Binary public $PictureUri; // string public $Width; // double public $FgColor; // Color public $Swap1BitColor; // boolean } class PictureFillSymbol { public $Picture; // base64Binary public $PictureUri; // string public $Width; // double public $Height; // double public $BgColor; // Color public $FgColor; // Color public $BitmapTransColor; // Color public $XSeparation; // double public $YSeparation; // double public $Swap1BitColor; // boolean public $Angle; // double public $XOffset; // double public $YOffset; // double public $XScale; // double public $YScale; // double } class FillSymbol { public $Color; // Color public $Outline; // LineSymbol } class LineSymbol { public $Color; // Color public $Width; // double } class MarkerSymbol { public $Angle; // double public $Color; // Color public $Size; // double public $XOffset; // double public $YOffset; // double } class CartographicMarkerSymbol { public $XScale; // double public $YScale; // double } class XMLBinarySymbol { public $Data; // XMLPersistedObject } class XMLBinaryFillSymbol { public $Data; // XMLPersistedObject } class ColorRamp { public $Name; // string } class AlgorithmicColorRamp { public $Algorithm; // string public $FromColor; // HsvColor public $ToColor; // HsvColor } class RandomColorRamp { public $NumColors; // int public $UseSeed; // boolean public $Seed; // int public $MinValue; // short public $MaxValue; // short public $MinSaturation; // short public $MaxSaturation; // short public $StartHue; // short public $EndHue; // short } class PresetColorRamp { public $NumColors; // int public $PresetSize; // int public $Colors; // ArrayOfColor } class MultiPartColorRamp { public $NumColorRamps; // int public $ColorRamps; // ArrayOfColorRamp } class RasterUniqueValues { public $UniqueValuesSize; // int public $Values; // ArrayOfValue public $Counts; // ArrayOfInt } class PropertySetProperty { public $Key; // string public $Value; // anyType } class PropertySet { public $PropertyArray; // ArrayOfPropertySetProperty } class XMLPersistedObject { public $Bytes; // base64Binary } class NumericFormat { public $RoundingOption; // esriRoundingOptionEnum public $RoundingValue; // int public $AlignmentOption; // esriNumericAlignmentEnum public $AlignmentWidth; // int public $UseSeparator; // boolean public $ZeroPad; // boolean public $ShowPlus; // boolean } class esriUnits { const esriUnknownUnits = 'esriUnknownUnits'; const esriInches = 'esriInches'; const esriPoints = 'esriPoints'; const esriFeet = 'esriFeet'; const esriYards = 'esriYards'; const esriMiles = 'esriMiles'; const esriNauticalMiles = 'esriNauticalMiles'; const esriMillimeters = 'esriMillimeters'; const esriCentimeters = 'esriCentimeters'; const esriMeters = 'esriMeters'; const esriKilometers = 'esriKilometers'; const esriDecimalDegrees = 'esriDecimalDegrees'; const esriDecimeters = 'esriDecimeters'; } class esriRoundingOptionEnum { const esriRoundNumberOfDecimals = 'esriRoundNumberOfDecimals'; const esriRoundNumberOfSignificantDigits = 'esriRoundNumberOfSignificantDigits'; } class esriNumericAlignmentEnum { const esriAlignRight = 'esriAlignRight'; const esriAlignLeft = 'esriAlignLeft'; } class esriTimeUnits { const esriTimeUnitsUnknown = 'esriTimeUnitsUnknown'; const esriTimeUnitsMilliseconds = 'esriTimeUnitsMilliseconds'; const esriTimeUnitsSeconds = 'esriTimeUnitsSeconds'; const esriTimeUnitsMinutes = 'esriTimeUnitsMinutes'; const esriTimeUnitsHours = 'esriTimeUnitsHours'; const esriTimeUnitsDays = 'esriTimeUnitsDays'; const esriTimeUnitsWeeks = 'esriTimeUnitsWeeks'; const esriTimeUnitsMonths = 'esriTimeUnitsMonths'; const esriTimeUnitsYears = 'esriTimeUnitsYears'; const esriTimeUnitsDecades = 'esriTimeUnitsDecades'; const esriTimeUnitsCenturies = 'esriTimeUnitsCenturies'; } class esriTransportType { const esriTransportTypeEmbedded = 'esriTransportTypeEmbedded'; const esriTransportTypeUrl = 'esriTransportTypeUrl'; } class TimeReference { public $TimeZoneNameID; // string public $RespectsDaylightSavingTime; // boolean } class TimeValue { public $TimeReference; // TimeReference } class TimeInstant { public $Time; // dateTime } class TimeExtent { public $StartTime; // dateTime public $EndTime; // dateTime public $Empty; // boolean } class esriGeometryType { const esriGeometryPoint = 'esriGeometryPoint'; const esriGeometryMultipoint = 'esriGeometryMultipoint'; const esriGeometryPolyline = 'esriGeometryPolyline'; const esriGeometryPolygon = 'esriGeometryPolygon'; const esriGeometryMultiPatch = 'esriGeometryMultiPatch'; } class GeoTransformation { public $WKT; // string public $WKID; // int } class SpatialReference { public $WKT; // string public $XOrigin; // double public $YOrigin; // double public $XYScale; // double public $ZOrigin; // double public $ZScale; // double public $MOrigin; // double public $MScale; // double public $XYTolerance; // double public $ZTolerance; // double public $MTolerance; // double public $HighPrecision; // boolean public $LeftLongitude; // double public $WKID; // int public $VCSWKID; // int } class ProjectedCoordinateSystem { } class GeographicCoordinateSystem { } class UnknownCoordinateSystem { } class Geometry { } class Curve { } class Segment { public $FromPoint; // Point public $ToPoint; // Point } class Polycurve { } class Envelope { } class EnvelopeN { public $XMin; // double public $YMin; // double public $XMax; // double public $YMax; // double public $ZMin; // double public $ZMax; // double public $MMin; // double public $MMax; // double public $SpatialReference; // SpatialReference } class EnvelopeB { public $Bytes; // base64Binary } class Point { } class PointN { public $X; // double public $Y; // double public $M; // double public $Z; // double public $ID; // int public $SpatialReference; // SpatialReference } class PointB { public $Bytes; // base64Binary } class Multipoint { } class MultipointB { public $Bytes; // base64Binary } class MultipointN { public $HasID; // boolean public $HasZ; // boolean public $HasM; // boolean public $Extent; // Envelope public $PointArray; // ArrayOfPoint public $SpatialReference; // SpatialReference } class Line { } class EllipticArc { public $EllipseStd; // boolean public $CenterPoint; // Point public $Rotation; // double public $MinorMajorRatio; // double public $IsCounterClockwise; // boolean public $IsMinor; // boolean } class CircularArc { public $CenterPoint; // Point public $FromAngle; // double public $ToAngle; // double public $IsCounterClockwise; // boolean public $IsMinor; // boolean public $IsLine; // boolean } class BezierCurve { public $Degree; // int public $ControlPointArray; // ArrayOfPoint } class Path { public $PointArray; // ArrayOfPoint public $SegmentArray; // ArrayOfSegment } class Ring { } class Polygon { } class PolygonN { public $HasID; // boolean public $HasZ; // boolean public $HasM; // boolean public $Extent; // Envelope public $RingArray; // ArrayOfRing public $SpatialReference; // SpatialReference } class PolygonB { public $Bytes; // base64Binary } class Polyline { } class PolylineN { public $HasID; // boolean public $HasZ; // boolean public $HasM; // boolean public $Extent; // Envelope public $PathArray; // ArrayOfPath public $SpatialReference; // SpatialReference } class PolylineB { public $Bytes; // base64Binary } class MultiPatch { } class MultiPatchB { public $Bytes; // base64Binary } class MultiPatchN { public $HasID; // boolean public $HasZ; // boolean public $HasM; // boolean public $Extent; // Envelope public $SurfacePatchArray; // ArrayOfSurfacePatch } class TriangleFan { public $PointArray; // ArrayOfPoint } class TriangleStrip { public $PointArray; // ArrayOfPoint } class esriFieldType { const esriFieldTypeInteger = 'esriFieldTypeInteger'; const esriFieldTypeSmallInteger = 'esriFieldTypeSmallInteger'; const esriFieldTypeDouble = 'esriFieldTypeDouble'; const esriFieldTypeSingle = 'esriFieldTypeSingle'; const esriFieldTypeString = 'esriFieldTypeString'; const esriFieldTypeDate = 'esriFieldTypeDate'; const esriFieldTypeGeometry = 'esriFieldTypeGeometry'; const esriFieldTypeOID = 'esriFieldTypeOID'; const esriFieldTypeBlob = 'esriFieldTypeBlob'; const esriFieldTypeGlobalID = 'esriFieldTypeGlobalID'; const esriFieldTypeRaster = 'esriFieldTypeRaster'; const esriFieldTypeGUID = 'esriFieldTypeGUID'; const esriFieldTypeXML = 'esriFieldTypeXML'; } class GeometryDef { public $AvgNumPoints; // int public $GeometryType; // esriGeometryType public $HasM; // boolean public $HasZ; // boolean public $SpatialReference; // SpatialReference public $GridSize0; // double public $GridSize1; // double public $GridSize2; // double } class esriMergePolicyType { const esriMPTSumValues = 'esriMPTSumValues'; const esriMPTAreaWeighted = 'esriMPTAreaWeighted'; const esriMPTDefaultValue = 'esriMPTDefaultValue'; } class esriSplitPolicyType { const esriSPTGeometryRatio = 'esriSPTGeometryRatio'; const esriSPTDuplicate = 'esriSPTDuplicate'; const esriSPTDefaultValue = 'esriSPTDefaultValue'; } class Domain { public $DomainName; // string public $FieldType; // esriFieldType public $MergePolicy; // esriMergePolicyType public $SplitPolicy; // esriSplitPolicyType public $Description; // string public $Owner; // string } class Field { public $Name; // string public $Type; // esriFieldType public $IsNullable; // boolean public $Length; // int public $Precision; // int public $Scale; // int public $Required; // boolean public $Editable; // boolean public $DomainFixed; // boolean public $GeometryDef; // GeometryDef public $AliasName; // string public $ModelName; // string public $DefaultValue; // anyType public $Domain; // Domain public $RasterDef; // RasterDef } class Fields { public $FieldArray; // ArrayOfField } class Record { public $Values; // ArrayOfValue } class RecordSet { public $Fields; // Fields public $Records; // ArrayOfRecord } class esriSearchOrder { const esriSearchOrderSpatial = 'esriSearchOrderSpatial'; const esriSearchOrderAttribute = 'esriSearchOrderAttribute'; } class esriSpatialRelEnum { const esriSpatialRelUndefined = 'esriSpatialRelUndefined'; const esriSpatialRelIntersects = 'esriSpatialRelIntersects'; const esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects = 'esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects'; const esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects = 'esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects'; const esriSpatialRelTouches = 'esriSpatialRelTouches'; const esriSpatialRelOverlaps = 'esriSpatialRelOverlaps'; const esriSpatialRelCrosses = 'esriSpatialRelCrosses'; const esriSpatialRelWithin = 'esriSpatialRelWithin'; const esriSpatialRelContains = 'esriSpatialRelContains'; const esriSpatialRelRelation = 'esriSpatialRelRelation'; } class FIDSet { public $FIDArray; // ArrayOfInt } class QueryFilter { public $SubFields; // string public $WhereClause; // string public $SpatialReferenceFieldName; // string public $Resolution; // double public $OutputSpatialReference; // SpatialReference public $FIDSet; // FIDSet public $PostfixClause; // string public $FilterDefs; // ArrayOfFilterDef public $PrefixClause; // string }
class SpatialFilter { public $SearchOrder; // esriSearchOrder public $SpatialRel; // esriSpatialRelEnum public $SpatialRelDescription; // string public $FilterGeometry; // Geometry public $GeometryFieldName; // string public $FilterOwnsGeometry; // boolean } class FilterDef { } class XMLFilterDef { public $FieldName; // string public $Expression; // string } class RangeDomain { public $MaxValue; // anyType public $MinValue; // anyType } class CodedValue { public $Name; // string public $Code; // anyType } class CodedValueDomain { public $CodedValues; // ArrayOfCodedValue } class BitMaskCodedValueDomain { } class RasterDef { public $Description; // string public $IsByRef; // boolean public $SpatialReference; // SpatialReference public $IsByFunction; // boolean } class GeometryResultOptions { public $DensifyGeometries; // boolean public $MaximumSegmentLength; // double public $MaximumDeviation; // double public $GeneralizeGeometries; // boolean public $MaximumAllowableOffset; // double } class AttachmentInfo { public $AttachmentID; // int public $ParentID; // int public $Name; // string public $ContentType; // string public $Size; // int } class AttachmentData { public $Data; // base64Binary public $AttachmentInfo; // AttachmentInfo public $URL; // string public $TransportType; // esriTransportType } /** * dltb_MapServer class * * * * @author {author} * @copyright {copyright} * @package {package} */ class dltb_MapServer extends SoapClient { private static $classmap = array( 'GetDocumentInfo' => 'GetDocumentInfo', 'GetDocumentInfoResponse' => 'GetDocumentInfoResponse', 'GetMapCount' => 'GetMapCount', 'GetMapCountResponse' => 'GetMapCountResponse', 'GetMapName' => 'GetMapName', 'GetMapNameResponse' => 'GetMapNameResponse', 'GetDefaultMapName' => 'GetDefaultMapName', 'GetDefaultMapNameResponse' => 'GetDefaultMapNameResponse', 'GetServerInfo' => 'GetServerInfo', 'GetServerInfoResponse' => 'GetServerInfoResponse', 'ExportMapImage' => 'ExportMapImage', 'ExportMapImageResponse' => 'ExportMapImageResponse', 'ExportScaleBar' => 'ExportScaleBar', 'ExportScaleBarResponse' => 'ExportScaleBarResponse', 'Find' => 'Find', 'FindResponse' => 'FindResponse', 'Identify' => 'Identify', 'IdentifyResponse' => 'IdentifyResponse', 'QueryFeatureCount' => 'QueryFeatureCount', 'QueryFeatureCountResponse' => 'QueryFeatureCountResponse', 'QueryFeatureIDs' => 'QueryFeatureIDs', 'QueryFeatureIDsResponse' => 'QueryFeatureIDsResponse', 'QueryFeatureData' => 'QueryFeatureData', 'QueryFeatureDataResponse' => 'QueryFeatureDataResponse', 'QueryFeatureCount2' => 'QueryFeatureCount2', 'QueryFeatureCount2Response' => 'QueryFeatureCount2Response', 'QueryFeatureIDs2' => 'QueryFeatureIDs2', 'QueryFeatureIDs2Response' => 'QueryFeatureIDs2Response', 'QueryFeatureData2' => 'QueryFeatureData2', 'QueryFeatureData2Response' => 'QueryFeatureData2Response', 'QueryHyperlinks' => 'QueryHyperlinks', 'QueryHyperlinksResponse' => 'QueryHyperlinksResponse', 'ComputeScale' => 'ComputeScale', 'ComputeScaleResponse' => 'ComputeScaleResponse', 'ComputeDistance' => 'ComputeDistance', 'ComputeDistanceResponse' => 'ComputeDistanceResponse', 'ToMapPoints' => 'ToMapPoints', 'ToMapPointsResponse' => 'ToMapPointsResponse', 'FromMapPoints' => 'FromMapPoints', 'FromMapPointsResponse' => 'FromMapPointsResponse', 'GetLegendInfo' => 'GetLegendInfo', 'GetLegendInfoResponse' => 'GetLegendInfoResponse', 'GetSQLSyntaxInfo' => 'GetSQLSyntaxInfo', 'GetSQLSyntaxInfoResponse' => 'GetSQLSyntaxInfoResponse', 'GetSupportedImageReturnTypes' => 'GetSupportedImageReturnTypes', 'GetSupportedImageReturnTypesResponse' => 'GetSupportedImageReturnTypesResponse', 'IsFixedScaleMap' => 'IsFixedScaleMap', 'IsFixedScaleMapResponse' => 'IsFixedScaleMapResponse', 'HasSingleFusedMapCache' => 'HasSingleFusedMapCache', 'HasSingleFusedMapCacheResponse' => 'HasSingleFusedMapCacheResponse', 'GetTileCacheInfo' => 'GetTileCacheInfo', 'GetTileCacheInfoResponse' => 'GetTileCacheInfoResponse', 'GetMapTile' => 'GetMapTile', 'GetMapTileResponse' => 'GetMapTileResponse', 'HasLayerCache' => 'HasLayerCache', 'HasLayerCacheResponse' => 'HasLayerCacheResponse', 'GetLayerTile' => 'GetLayerTile', 'GetLayerTileResponse' => 'GetLayerTileResponse', 'GetVirtualCacheDirectory' => 'GetVirtualCacheDirectory', 'GetVirtualCacheDirectoryResponse' => 'GetVirtualCacheDirectoryResponse', 'GetCacheName' => 'GetCacheName', 'GetCacheNameResponse' => 'GetCacheNameResponse', 'GetTileImageInfo' => 'GetTileImageInfo', 'GetTileImageInfoResponse' => 'GetTileImageInfoResponse', 'GetCacheControlInfo' => 'GetCacheControlInfo', 'GetCacheControlInfoResponse' => 'GetCacheControlInfoResponse', 'GetServiceConfigurationInfo' => 'GetServiceConfigurationInfo', 'GetServiceConfigurationInfoResponse' => 'GetServiceConfigurationInfoResponse', 'GetCacheDescriptionInfo' => 'GetCacheDescriptionInfo', 'GetCacheDescriptionInfoResponse' => 'GetCacheDescriptionInfoResponse', 'QueryRowCount' => 'QueryRowCount', 'QueryRowCountResponse' => 'QueryRowCountResponse', 'QueryRowIDs' => 'QueryRowIDs', 'QueryRowIDsResponse' => 'QueryRowIDsResponse', 'QueryData' => 'QueryData', 'QueryDataResponse' => 'QueryDataResponse', 'QueryRelatedRecords' => 'QueryRelatedRecords', 'QueryRelatedRecordsResponse' => 'QueryRelatedRecordsResponse', 'GetCacheStorageInfo' => 'GetCacheStorageInfo', 'GetCacheStorageInfoResponse' => 'GetCacheStorageInfoResponse', 'QueryRasterValue' => 'QueryRasterValue', 'QueryRasterValueResponse' => 'QueryRasterValueResponse', 'QueryAttachmentInfos' => 'QueryAttachmentInfos', 'QueryAttachmentInfosResponse' => 'QueryAttachmentInfosResponse', 'QueryAttachmentData' => 'QueryAttachmentData', 'QueryAttachmentDataResponse' => 'QueryAttachmentDataResponse', 'QueryHTMLPopups' => 'QueryHTMLPopups', 'QueryHTMLPopupsResponse' => 'QueryHTMLPopupsResponse', 'GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptions' => 'GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptions', 'GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptionsResponse' => 'GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptionsResponse', 'GetMapTableSubtypeInfos' => 'GetMapTableSubtypeInfos', 'GetMapTableSubtypeInfosResponse' => 'GetMapTableSubtypeInfosResponse', 'esriIdentifyOption' => 'esriIdentifyOption', 'esriServerHTMLPopupType' => 'esriServerHTMLPopupType', 'esriMapCacheStorageFormat' => 'esriMapCacheStorageFormat', 'esriFindOption' => 'esriFindOption', 'TileCacheInfo' => 'TileCacheInfo', 'LODInfo' => 'LODInfo', 'AreaPatch' => 'AreaPatch', 'CenterAndScale' => 'CenterAndScale', 'CenterAndSize' => 'CenterAndSize', 'FeatureExtent' => 'FeatureExtent', 'ImageDescription' => 'ImageDescription', 'ImageDisplay' => 'ImageDisplay', 'ImageResult' => 'ImageResult', 'esriImageFormat' => 'esriImageFormat', 'esriScaleBarPos' => 'esriScaleBarPos', 'esriVertPosEnum' => 'esriVertPosEnum', 'esriScaleBarFrequency' => 'esriScaleBarFrequency', 'esriScaleBarResizeHint' => 'esriScaleBarResizeHint', 'esriImageReturnType' => 'esriImageReturnType', 'ImageType' => 'ImageType', 'LayerDescription' => 'LayerDescription', 'LayerResultOptions' => 'LayerResultOptions', 'LegendClass' => 'LegendClass', 'LegendClassFormat' => 'LegendClassFormat', 'LinePatch' => 'LinePatch', 'MapArea' => 'MapArea', 'MapDescription' => 'MapDescription', 'MapExtent' => 'MapExtent', 'MapImage' => 'MapImage', 'MapLayerInfo' => 'MapLayerInfo', 'MapServerBookmark' => 'MapServerBookmark', 'MapServerFindResult' => 'MapServerFindResult', 'MapServerHyperlink' => 'MapServerHyperlink', 'MapServerIdentifyResult' => 'MapServerIdentifyResult', 'MapServerInfo' => 'MapServerInfo', 'MapServerLegendClass' => 'MapServerLegendClass', 'MapServerLegendGroup' => 'MapServerLegendGroup', 'MapServerLegendInfo' => 'MapServerLegendInfo', 'MapServerLegendPatch' => 'MapServerLegendPatch', 'MapServerRelationship' => 'MapServerRelationship', 'MapServerRow' => 'MapServerRow', 'ScaleBar' => 'ScaleBar', 'AlternatingScaleBar' => 'AlternatingScaleBar', 'SingleDivisionScaleBar' => 'SingleDivisionScaleBar', 'SQLSyntaxInfo' => 'SQLSyntaxInfo', 'Shadow' => 'Shadow', 'Background' => 'Background', 'SymbolBackground' => 'SymbolBackground', 'Border' => 'Border', 'SymbolBorder' => 'SymbolBorder', 'SymbolShadow' => 'SymbolShadow', 'Element' => 'Element', 'GraphicElement' => 'GraphicElement', 'LineElement' => 'LineElement', 'CircleElement' => 'CircleElement', 'EllipseElement' => 'EllipseElement', 'GroupElement' => 'GroupElement', 'MarkerElement' => 'MarkerElement', 'ParagraphTextElement' => 'ParagraphTextElement', 'PolygonElement' => 'PolygonElement', 'RectangleElement' => 'RectangleElement', 'TextElement' => 'TextElement', 'Patch' => 'Patch', 'esriRotationType' => 'esriRotationType', 'esriNormalizationType' => 'esriNormalizationType', 'FeatureRenderer' => 'FeatureRenderer', 'UniqueValueInfo' => 'UniqueValueInfo', 'ClassBreakInfo' => 'ClassBreakInfo', 'SimpleRenderer' => 'SimpleRenderer', 'UniqueValueRenderer' => 'UniqueValueRenderer', 'ClassBreaksRenderer' => 'ClassBreaksRenderer', 'LabelingDescription' => 'LabelingDescription', 'esriServerPointLabelPlacementType' => 'esriServerPointLabelPlacementType', 'esriServerLineLabelPlacementType' => 'esriServerLineLabelPlacementType', 'esriServerPolygonLabelPlacementType' => 'esriServerPolygonLabelPlacementType', 'LabelPlacementDescription' => 'LabelPlacementDescription', 'PointLabelPlacementDescription' => 'PointLabelPlacementDescription', 'LineLabelPlacementDescription' => 'LineLabelPlacementDescription', 'PolygonLabelPlacementDescription' => 'PolygonLabelPlacementDescription', 'LabelClassDescription' => 'LabelClassDescription', 'LayerDrawingDescription' => 'LayerDrawingDescription', 'FeatureLayerDrawingDescription' => 'FeatureLayerDrawingDescription', 'LegendGroup' => 'LegendGroup', 'TileImageInfo' => 'TileImageInfo', 'CacheStorageInfo' => 'CacheStorageInfo', 'ImageQueryFilter' => 'ImageQueryFilter', 'RasterLayerDrawingDescription' => 'RasterLayerDrawingDescription', 'RasterRenderer' => 'RasterRenderer', 'RasterUniqueValueRenderer' => 'RasterUniqueValueRenderer', 'RasterRGBRenderer' => 'RasterRGBRenderer', 'RasterStretchRenderer' => 'RasterStretchRenderer', 'RasterClassifyRenderer' => 'RasterClassifyRenderer', 'LayerCacheInfo' => 'LayerCacheInfo', 'CacheDescriptionInfo' => 'CacheDescriptionInfo', 'CacheControlInfo' => 'CacheControlInfo', 'esriCachedMapServiceType' => 'esriCachedMapServiceType', 'esriQueryResultFormat' => 'esriQueryResultFormat', 'QueryResultOptions' => 'QueryResultOptions', 'QueryResult' => 'QueryResult', 'MapTableInfo' => 'MapTableInfo', 'MapTableDescription' => 'MapTableDescription', 'StandaloneTableInfo' => 'StandaloneTableInfo', 'StandaloneTableDescription' => 'StandaloneTableDescription', 'RelateInfo' => 'RelateInfo', 'esriRelateResultFormat' => 'esriRelateResultFormat', 'RelateDescription' => 'RelateDescription', 'MapServerForceDeriveFromAnyType' => 'MapServerForceDeriveFromAnyType', 'RelatedRecordSet' => 'RelatedRecordSet', 'RelatedRecordGroup' => 'RelatedRecordGroup', 'MapTableSubtypeInfo' => 'MapTableSubtypeInfo', 'SubtypeInfo' => 'SubtypeInfo', 'FieldDomainInfo' => 'FieldDomainInfo', 'esriTimeRelation' => 'esriTimeRelation', 'TimeQueryFilter' => 'TimeQueryFilter', 'esriServerPictureOutputType' => 'esriServerPictureOutputType', 'ServerSymbolOutputOptions' => 'ServerSymbolOutputOptions', 'Color' => 'Color', 'GrayColor' => 'GrayColor', 'RgbColor' => 'RgbColor', 'CmykColor' => 'CmykColor', 'HlsColor' => 'HlsColor', 'HsvColor' => 'HsvColor', 'Symbol' => 'Symbol', 'esriSimpleFillStyle' => 'esriSimpleFillStyle', 'esriSimpleLineStyle' => 'esriSimpleLineStyle', 'esriSimpleMarkerStyle' => 'esriSimpleMarkerStyle', 'esriTextHorizontalAlignment' => 'esriTextHorizontalAlignment', 'esriTextVerticalAlignment' => 'esriTextVerticalAlignment', 'esriTextPosition' => 'esriTextPosition', 'esriTextCase' => 'esriTextCase', 'esriTextDirection' => 'esriTextDirection', 'esriMaskStyle' => 'esriMaskStyle', 'SimpleFillSymbol' => 'SimpleFillSymbol', 'SimpleLineSymbol' => 'SimpleLineSymbol', 'SimpleMarkerSymbol' => 'SimpleMarkerSymbol', 'esriFontStyle' => 'esriFontStyle', 'esriFontWeight' => 'esriFontWeight', 'esriFontDecoration' => 'esriFontDecoration', 'esriSimpleTextVerticalAlignment' => 'esriSimpleTextVerticalAlignment', 'esriSimpleTextHorizontalAlignment' => 'esriSimpleTextHorizontalAlignment', 'SimpleTextSymbol' => 'SimpleTextSymbol', 'TextSymbol' => 'TextSymbol', 'CharacterMarkerSymbol' => 'CharacterMarkerSymbol', 'PictureMarkerSymbol' => 'PictureMarkerSymbol', 'PictureFillSymbol' => 'PictureFillSymbol', 'FillSymbol' => 'FillSymbol', 'LineSymbol' => 'LineSymbol', 'MarkerSymbol' => 'MarkerSymbol', 'CartographicMarkerSymbol' => 'CartographicMarkerSymbol', 'XMLBinarySymbol' => 'XMLBinarySymbol', 'XMLBinaryFillSymbol' => 'XMLBinaryFillSymbol', 'ColorRamp' => 'ColorRamp', 'AlgorithmicColorRamp' => 'AlgorithmicColorRamp', 'RandomColorRamp' => 'RandomColorRamp', 'PresetColorRamp' => 'PresetColorRamp', 'MultiPartColorRamp' => 'MultiPartColorRamp', 'RasterUniqueValues' => 'RasterUniqueValues', 'PropertySetProperty' => 'PropertySetProperty', 'PropertySet' => 'PropertySet', 'XMLPersistedObject' => 'XMLPersistedObject', 'NumericFormat' => 'NumericFormat', 'esriUnits' => 'esriUnits', 'esriRoundingOptionEnum' => 'esriRoundingOptionEnum', 'esriNumericAlignmentEnum' => 'esriNumericAlignmentEnum', 'esriTimeUnits' => 'esriTimeUnits', 'esriTransportType' => 'esriTransportType', 'TimeReference' => 'TimeReference', 'TimeValue' => 'TimeValue', 'TimeInstant' => 'TimeInstant', 'TimeExtent' => 'TimeExtent', 'esriGeometryType' => 'esriGeometryType', 'GeoTransformation' => 'GeoTransformation', 'SpatialReference' => 'SpatialReference', 'ProjectedCoordinateSystem' => 'ProjectedCoordinateSystem', 'GeographicCoordinateSystem' => 'GeographicCoordinateSystem', 'UnknownCoordinateSystem' => 'UnknownCoordinateSystem', 'Geometry' => 'Geometry', 'Curve' => 'Curve', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'Polycurve' => 'Polycurve', 'Envelope' => 'Envelope', 'EnvelopeN' => 'EnvelopeN', 'EnvelopeB' => 'EnvelopeB', 'Point' => 'Point', 'PointN' => 'PointN', 'PointB' => 'PointB', 'Multipoint' => 'Multipoint', 'MultipointB' => 'MultipointB', 'MultipointN' => 'MultipointN', 'Line' => 'Line', 'EllipticArc' => 'EllipticArc', 'CircularArc' => 'CircularArc', 'BezierCurve' => 'BezierCurve', 'Path' => 'Path', 'Ring' => 'Ring', 'Polygon' => 'Polygon', 'PolygonN' => 'PolygonN', 'PolygonB' => 'PolygonB', 'Polyline' => 'Polyline', 'PolylineN' => 'PolylineN', 'PolylineB' => 'PolylineB', 'MultiPatch' => 'MultiPatch', 'MultiPatchB' => 'MultiPatchB', 'MultiPatchN' => 'MultiPatchN', 'TriangleFan' => 'TriangleFan', 'TriangleStrip' => 'TriangleStrip', 'esriFieldType' => 'esriFieldType', 'GeometryDef' => 'GeometryDef', 'esriMergePolicyType' => 'esriMergePolicyType', 'esriSplitPolicyType' => 'esriSplitPolicyType', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'Field' => 'Field', 'Fields' => 'Fields', 'Record' => 'Record', 'RecordSet' => 'RecordSet', 'esriSearchOrder' => 'esriSearchOrder', 'esriSpatialRelEnum' => 'esriSpatialRelEnum', 'FIDSet' => 'FIDSet', 'QueryFilter' => 'QueryFilter', 'SpatialFilter' => 'SpatialFilter', 'FilterDef' => 'FilterDef', 'XMLFilterDef' => 'XMLFilterDef', 'RangeDomain' => 'RangeDomain', 'CodedValue' => 'CodedValue', 'CodedValueDomain' => 'CodedValueDomain', 'BitMaskCodedValueDomain' => 'BitMaskCodedValueDomain', 'RasterDef' => 'RasterDef', 'GeometryResultOptions' => 'GeometryResultOptions', 'AttachmentInfo' => 'AttachmentInfo', 'AttachmentData' => 'AttachmentData', );
public function dltb_MapServer($wsdl = "", $options = array()) { foreach(self::$classmap as $key => $value) { if(!isset($options['classmap'][$key])) { $options['classmap'][$key] = $value; } } parent::__construct($wsdl, $options); } /** * * * @param GetDocumentInfo $parameters * @return GetDocumentInfoResponse */ public function GetDocumentInfo(GetDocumentInfo $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetDocumentInfo', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetTileImageInfo $parameters * @return GetTileImageInfoResponse */ public function GetTileImageInfo(GetTileImageInfo $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetTileImageInfo', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryFeatureData2 $parameters * @return QueryFeatureData2Response */ public function QueryFeatureData2(QueryFeatureData2 $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryFeatureData2', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryAttachmentInfos $parameters * @return QueryAttachmentInfosResponse */ public function QueryAttachmentInfos(QueryAttachmentInfos $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryAttachmentInfos', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * Gets the cache control information for a given map. * * @param GetCacheControlInfo $parameters * @return GetCacheControlInfoResponse */ public function GetCacheControlInfo(GetCacheControlInfo $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetCacheControlInfo', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptions $parameters * @return GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptionsResponse */ public function GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptions(GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptions $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptions', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryAttachmentData $parameters * @return QueryAttachmentDataResponse */ public function QueryAttachmentData(QueryAttachmentData $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryAttachmentData', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetSQLSyntaxInfo $parameters * @return GetSQLSyntaxInfoResponse */ public function GetSQLSyntaxInfo(GetSQLSyntaxInfo $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetSQLSyntaxInfo', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param ExportScaleBar $parameters * @return ExportScaleBarResponse */ public function ExportScaleBar(ExportScaleBar $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('ExportScaleBar', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetVirtualCacheDirectory $parameters * @return GetVirtualCacheDirectoryResponse */ public function GetVirtualCacheDirectory(GetVirtualCacheDirectory $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetVirtualCacheDirectory', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryRowCount $parameters * @return QueryRowCountResponse */ public function QueryRowCount(QueryRowCount $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryRowCount', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetSupportedImageReturnTypes $parameters * @return GetSupportedImageReturnTypesResponse */ public function GetSupportedImageReturnTypes(GetSupportedImageReturnTypes $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetSupportedImageReturnTypes', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryFeatureIDs $parameters * @return QueryFeatureIDsResponse */ public function QueryFeatureIDs(QueryFeatureIDs $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryFeatureIDs', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryData $parameters * @return QueryDataResponse */ public function QueryData(QueryData $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryData', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryHTMLPopups $parameters * @return QueryHTMLPopupsResponse */ public function QueryHTMLPopups(QueryHTMLPopups $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryHTMLPopups', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * Gets the cache storage information for a given map. * * @param GetCacheStorageInfo $parameters * @return GetCacheStorageInfoResponse */ public function GetCacheStorageInfo(GetCacheStorageInfo $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetCacheStorageInfo', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param ToMapPoints $parameters * @return ToMapPointsResponse */ public function ToMapPoints(ToMapPoints $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('ToMapPoints', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetMapName $parameters * @return GetMapNameResponse */ public function GetMapName(GetMapName $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetMapName', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetTileCacheInfo $parameters * @return GetTileCacheInfoResponse */ public function GetTileCacheInfo(GetTileCacheInfo $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetTileCacheInfo', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryRelatedRecords $parameters * @return QueryRelatedRecordsResponse */ public function QueryRelatedRecords(QueryRelatedRecords $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryRelatedRecords', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryFeatureData $parameters * @return QueryFeatureDataResponse */ public function QueryFeatureData(QueryFeatureData $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryFeatureData', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryHyperlinks $parameters * @return QueryHyperlinksResponse */ public function QueryHyperlinks(QueryHyperlinks $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryHyperlinks', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param HasLayerCache $parameters * @return HasLayerCacheResponse */ public function HasLayerCache(HasLayerCache $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('HasLayerCache', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryFeatureIDs2 $parameters * @return QueryFeatureIDs2Response */ public function QueryFeatureIDs2(QueryFeatureIDs2 $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryFeatureIDs2', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetLayerTile $parameters * @return GetLayerTileResponse */ public function GetLayerTile(GetLayerTile $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetLayerTile', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetServiceConfigurationInfo $parameters * @return GetServiceConfigurationInfoResponse */ public function GetServiceConfigurationInfo(GetServiceConfigurationInfo $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetServiceConfigurationInfo', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryFeatureCount2 $parameters * @return QueryFeatureCount2Response */ public function QueryFeatureCount2(QueryFeatureCount2 $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryFeatureCount2', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetCacheDescriptionInfo $parameters * @return GetCacheDescriptionInfoResponse */ public function GetCacheDescriptionInfo(GetCacheDescriptionInfo $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetCacheDescriptionInfo', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param Identify $parameters * @return IdentifyResponse */ public function Identify(Identify $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('Identify', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param ComputeDistance $parameters * @return ComputeDistanceResponse */ public function ComputeDistance(ComputeDistance $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('ComputeDistance', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetDefaultMapName $parameters * @return GetDefaultMapNameResponse */ public function GetDefaultMapName(GetDefaultMapName $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetDefaultMapName', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param IsFixedScaleMap $parameters * @return IsFixedScaleMapResponse */ public function IsFixedScaleMap(IsFixedScaleMap $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('IsFixedScaleMap', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); }
/** * * * @param GetLegendInfo $parameters * @return GetLegendInfoResponse */ public function GetLegendInfo(GetLegendInfo $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetLegendInfo', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetMapCount $parameters * @return GetMapCountResponse */ public function GetMapCount(GetMapCount $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetMapCount', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param HasSingleFusedMapCache $parameters * @return HasSingleFusedMapCacheResponse */ public function HasSingleFusedMapCache(HasSingleFusedMapCache $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('HasSingleFusedMapCache', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetMapTile $parameters * @return GetMapTileResponse */ public function GetMapTile(GetMapTile $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetMapTile', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetServerInfo $parameters * @return GetServerInfoResponse */ public function GetServerInfo(GetServerInfo $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetServerInfo', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetMapTableSubtypeInfos $parameters * @return GetMapTableSubtypeInfosResponse */ public function GetMapTableSubtypeInfos(GetMapTableSubtypeInfos $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetMapTableSubtypeInfos', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryFeatureCount $parameters * @return QueryFeatureCountResponse */ public function QueryFeatureCount(QueryFeatureCount $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryFeatureCount', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryRasterValue $parameters * @return QueryRasterValueResponse */ public function QueryRasterValue(QueryRasterValue $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryRasterValue', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param FromMapPoints $parameters * @return FromMapPointsResponse */ public function FromMapPoints(FromMapPoints $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('FromMapPoints', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param QueryRowIDs $parameters * @return QueryRowIDsResponse */ public function QueryRowIDs(QueryRowIDs $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('QueryRowIDs', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param GetCacheName $parameters * @return GetCacheNameResponse */ public function GetCacheName(GetCacheName $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('GetCacheName', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param ComputeScale $parameters * @return ComputeScaleResponse */ public function ComputeScale(ComputeScale $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('ComputeScale', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param Find $parameters * @return FindResponse */ public function Find(Find $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('Find', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } /** * * * @param ExportMapImage $parameters * @return ExportMapImageResponse */ public function ExportMapImage(ExportMapImage $parameters) { return $this->__soapCall('ExportMapImage', array($parameters), array( 'uri' => 'http://www.esri.com/schemas/ArcGIS/10.0', 'soapaction' => '' ) ); } } $dltb_MapServer = new dltb_MapServer(); $MapDescription = new MapDescription(); $MapName = new GetMapName(); $MapName->Index = 0; $MapNameResponse= new GetMapNameResponse(); $MapNameResponse = $dltb_MapServer->GetMapName($MapName); //var_dump($MapNameResponse); $ServerInfo = new GetServerInfo(); $ServerInfo->MapName = $MapNameResponse->Result; $ServerInfoResponse = new GetServerInfoResponse(); $ServerInfoResponse = $dltb_MapServer->GetServerInfo($ServerInfo); //var_dump($ServerInfoResponse); $ExportMapImage = new ExportMapImage(); $MapDescription = new MapDescription(); $ImageDescription = new ImageDescription(); $MapDescription = $ServerInfoResponse->Result->DefaultMapDescription; $ExportMapImage->MapDescription = $MapDescription; $ImageType = new ImageType(); $ImageType->ImageFormat = esriImageFormat::esriImagePNG; $ImageType->ImageReturnType = esriImageReturnType::esriImageReturnURL; $ImageDescription->ImageType = $ImageType; $ImageDisplay = new ImageDisplay(); $ImageDisplay->ImageHeight = 100; $ImageDisplay->ImageWidth = 100; $ImageDisplay->ImageDPI = 96; $ImageDescription->ImageDisplay = $ImageDisplay; $ExportMapImage->ImageDescription = $ImageDescription; $ExportMapImageResponse = new ExportMapImageResponse(); $ExportMapImageResponse = $dltb_MapServer->ExportMapImage($ExportMapImage); var_dump($ExportMapImageResponse); $image = imagecreatefrompng($ExportMapImageResponse->Result->ImageURL); if($image != false) { header('Content-Type: image/png'); imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); } else { echo 'An error occurred.'; } ?>
1. 导出图像,ExportMapImage
'catchment_MapServer.php'); $catchment_MapServer = new catchment_MapServer(); $MapDescription = new MapDescription(); $MapName = new GetMapName(); $MapName->Index = 0; $MapNameResponse= new GetMapNameResponse(); $MapNameResponse = $catchment_MapServer->GetMapName($MapName); //var_dump($MapNameResponse); $ServerInfo = new GetServerInfo(); $ServerInfo->MapName = $MapNameResponse->Result; $ServerInfoResponse = new GetServerInfoResponse(); $ServerInfoResponse = $catchment_MapServer->GetServerInfo($ServerInfo); //var_dump($ServerInfoResponse); $ExportMapImage = new ExportMapImage(); $MapDescription = new MapDescription(); $ImageDescription = new ImageDescription(); $MapDescription = $ServerInfoResponse->Result->DefaultMapDescription; $ExportMapImage->MapDescription = $MapDescription; $ImageType = new ImageType(); $ImageType->ImageFormat = esriImageFormat::esriImagePNG; $ImageType->ImageReturnType = esriImageReturnType::esriImageReturnURL; $ImageDescription->ImageType = $ImageType; $ImageDisplay = new ImageDisplay(); $ImageDisplay->ImageHeight = 500; $ImageDisplay->ImageWidth = 500; $ImageDisplay->ImageDPI = 96; $ImageDescription->ImageDisplay = $ImageDisplay; $ExportMapImage->ImageDescription = $ImageDescription; $ExportMapImageResponse = new ExportMapImageResponse(); $ExportMapImageResponse = $catchment_MapServer->ExportMapImage($ExportMapImage); //var_dump($ExportMapImageResponse); $image = imagecreatefrompng($ExportMapImageResponse->Result->ImageURL); if($image != false) { header('Content-Type: image/png'); imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); } else { echo 'An error occurred.'; } ?>
2. FromMapPoints
'catchment_MapServer.php'); $catchment_MapServer = new catchment_MapServer(); $MapDescription = new MapDescription(); $MapName = new GetMapName(); $MapName->Index = 0; $MapNameResponse= new GetMapNameResponse(); $MapNameResponse = $catchment_MapServer->GetMapName($MapName); $ServerInfo = new GetServerInfo(); $ServerInfo->MapName = $MapNameResponse->Result; $ServerInfoResponse = new GetServerInfoResponse(); $ServerInfoResponse = $catchment_MapServer->GetServerInfo($ServerInfo); $MapDescription = $ServerInfoResponse->Result->DefaultMapDescription; $ImageDisplay = new ImageDisplay(); $ImageDisplay->ImageHeight = 500; $ImageDisplay->ImageWidth = 500; $ImageDisplay->ImageDPI = 96; $ToMapPoints = new ToMapPoints(); $XScreenPoints = array(10); $YScreenPoints = array(10); $ToMapPoints = new ToMapPoints(); $ToMapPoints->MapDescription = $MapDescription; $ToMapPoints->MapImageDisplay = $ImageDisplay; $ToMapPoints->ScreenXValues = $XScreenPoints; $ToMapPoints->ScreenYValues = $YScreenPoints; $ToMapPointsResponse = new ToMapPointsResponse(); $ToMapPointsResponse = $catchment_MapServer->ToMapPoints($ToMapPoints); var_dump($ToMapPointsResponse); ?>
3. ToMapPoints
include ('catchment_MapServer.php');
$catchment_MapServer = new catchment_MapServer();
$MapDescription = new MapDescription();
$MapName = new GetMapName();
$MapName->Index = 0;
$MapNameResponse= new GetMapNameResponse();
$MapNameResponse = $catchment_MapServer->GetMapName($MapName);
$ServerInfo = new GetServerInfo();
$ServerInfo->MapName = $MapNameResponse->Result;
$ServerInfoResponse = new GetServerInfoResponse();
$ServerInfoResponse = $catchment_MapServer->GetServerInfo($ServerInfo);
$MapDescription = $ServerInfoResponse->Result->DefaultMapDescription;
$ImageDisplay = new ImageDisplay();
$ImageDisplay->ImageHeight = 500;
$ImageDisplay->ImageWidth = 500;
$ImageDisplay->ImageDPI = 96;
$ToMapPoints = new ToMapPoints();
$XScreenPoints = array(10);
$YScreenPoints = array(10);
$ToMapPoints = new ToMapPoints();
$ToMapPoints->MapDescription = $MapDescription;
$ToMapPoints->MapImageDisplay = $ImageDisplay;
$ToMapPoints->ScreenXValues = $XScreenPoints;
$ToMapPoints->ScreenYValues = $YScreenPoints;
$ToMapPointsResponse = new ToMapPointsResponse();
$ToMapPointsResponse = $catchment_MapServer->ToMapPoints($ToMapPoints);
$MultipointN = new MultipointN();
$MultipointN = $ToMapPointsResponse->Result;
$PointArray = $MultipointN->PointArray;
foreach($PointArray as $Point)
printf("The Map X Value is %f, The Map Y Value is %f",$Point->X,$Point->Y);