这两天在提交应用时遇到各种各样的问题,其中一个比较纠结的问题是在万事俱备,二进制文件已经Archive、Validate和Distribute之后,iTunes Connect上却显示"Missing Screenshot"。奇怪,我已经提交了5张"iPhone and iPod touch Screenshots"了啊,怎么回事?到Google上搜索,发现在iPhone 5出来之后,苹果给开发者发了一个邮件(尼玛,邮箱是公司副总的邮箱,我看不到),上面说:
"If you deliver a new app binary that takes advantage of the new screen size for iPhone 5 or iPod touch (5th generation) without screenshots in the new dimensions, the status of your app will change to Missing Screenshot."
邮件上说"that takes advantage of the new screen size for iPhone 5",那么到底神马叫"takes advantage of the new screen size of iPhone 5"?找啊找啊,在这个页面找到详细介绍:
"If your binary indicates that your app will run on the 4-inch Retina display, you are required to upload at least one of these screenshots."
The only thing that indicates whether or not your app supports the 4-inch screen is whether you have a "[email protected]" file or not. If you haven't added that, your app won't natively support the 4-inch screen (which is fine!) and you don't need to change any other settings or provide other screenshots.
果断删除之,然后,重新Archive-Validate-Distribute,再到iTunes Connect里面查看应用状态,哈哈,变成了"Waiting for Review"了!