01.TREE-PRINT(T, S) 02. 1 print key[T] 03. 2 PUSH(S, T) 04. 3 while true 05. 4 if left[T] != NIL 06. 5 then T <- left[T] 07. 6 else 08. 7 do 09. 8 T = POP(S) 10. 9 if T = NIL 11.10 then return 12.11 while left[T] = NIL 13.12 T <- right[T]
#include "caselib.h" int main() { CTestFrame test; //test.inputNullWillShowErrorHint(); test.oneNoteWillSecuss(); test.rootWithLeftChildWillSecuss(); test.rootWithRightChildWillSecuss(); test.treeWithGraph10_4_1WillSecuss(); test.onlyLeftChildWillSecuss(); getchar(); return 0; }
#include <vector> #include <string> using namespace std; class CTestFrame { typedef bool (CTestFrame::*pFunc)(); vector<int> outputDataVec; vector<int> inputDataVec; vector<int> expectOutputDataVec; void prepare(int* inputData, int *expectOutputData, int inLen, int outLen); bool testStep(); void backup(); void assertTrue(CTestFrame::pFunc testedFunc, string errorPrint); public: void inputNullWillShowErrorHint(); void oneNoteWillSecuss(); void rootWithLeftChildWillSecuss(); void rootWithRightChildWillSecuss(); void treeWithGraph10_4_1WillSecuss(); void onlyLeftChildWillSecuss(); };
#include "funclib.h" #include "caselib.h" void CTestFrame::prepare(int* inputData, int *expectOutputData, int inLen, int outLen) { int dataNum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < inLen; i++) { inputDataVec.push_back(inputData[i]); if(inputData[i] != NONODE) dataNum++; } //assert(dataNum == outLen) for(int i = 0; i < outLen; i++) expectOutputDataVec.push_back(expectOutputData[i]); } bool CTestFrame::testStep() { bool ret = false; biTree *pBiTree = new biTree(inputDataVec); outputDataVec = pBiTree->nonRecursiveTraversal(); delete pBiTree; if(outputDataVec.size() != expectOutputDataVec.size()) ret = false; else { ret = true; for(int i =0; i < outputDataVec.size(); i++) { if(outputDataVec[i] != expectOutputDataVec[i]) { ret = false; break; } } } return ret; } void CTestFrame::backup() { inputDataVec.clear(); outputDataVec.clear(); expectOutputDataVec.clear(); } void CTestFrame::assertTrue(CTestFrame::pFunc testedFunc, string errorPrint) { if((this->*testedFunc)() != true) { cout<<"failed: "<<errorPrint<<endl; } } void CTestFrame::oneNoteWillSecuss() { int inputData[1] = {5}; int expectOutputData[1] = {5}; prepare(inputData, expectOutputData, 1, 1); assertTrue(&CTestFrame::testStep, "The result is not correct when the bi-tree contains only one note"); backup(); } void CTestFrame::rootWithLeftChildWillSecuss() { int inputData[2] = {5, 10}; int expectOutputData[2] = {5, 10}; prepare(inputData, expectOutputData, 2, 2); assertTrue(&CTestFrame::testStep, "A root with a left node will not secuss"); backup(); } void CTestFrame::rootWithRightChildWillSecuss() { int inputData[3] = {5, NONODE, 10}; int expectOutputData[2] = {5, 10}; prepare(inputData, expectOutputData, 3, 2); assertTrue(&CTestFrame::testStep, "A root with a right node will not secuss"); backup(); } void CTestFrame::treeWithGraph10_4_1WillSecuss() { int inputData[10] = {18, 12, 10, 7, 4, 2, 21, NONODE, NONODE, 5}; int expectOutputData[8] = {18, 12, 7, 4, 5, 10, 2, 21}; prepare(inputData, expectOutputData, 10, 8); assertTrue(&CTestFrame::testStep, "test case with graph in Exercise 10.4_1 will fail"); backup(); } void CTestFrame::onlyLeftChildWillSecuss() { int inputData[8] = {1, 2, NONODE, 3, NONODE, NONODE, NONODE, 4}; int expectOutputData[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; prepare(inputData, expectOutputData, 8, 4); assertTrue(&CTestFrame::testStep, "only left child will false"); backup(); }
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; #define NONODE -0x7FFFFFF struct biTreeNode { int key; biTreeNode *pLeftChild; biTreeNode *pRightChild; biTreeNode *pParent; biTreeNode(){} ~biTreeNode(); biTreeNode(int x):key(x),pLeftChild(NULL),pRightChild(NULL){} void visit(vector<int> *pDataVec); bool isChildExist(bool leftOrRight); }; //二叉树 class biTree { biTreeNode *pRootNode; public: biTree(const vector<int> nodeKeyVec); ~biTree(); vector<int> nonRecursiveTraversal(); };
#include "funclib.h" #include <queue> #include<stack> #define LEFT 0 #define RIGHT 1 void addNodeToChild(biTreeNode* pCurrentNode, biTreeNode* pChild, bool leftOrRight); biTreeNode::~biTreeNode() { if(pLeftChild != NULL) delete pLeftChild; if(pRightChild != NULL) delete pRightChild; } void biTreeNode::visit(vector<int> *pDataVec) { pDataVec->push_back(key); } bool biTreeNode::isChildExist(bool leftOrRight) { bool ret = false; if(leftOrRight == LEFT && pLeftChild != NULL) ret = true; if(leftOrRight == RIGHT && pRightChild != NULL) ret = true; return ret; } biTree::~biTree() { if(pRootNode != NULL) delete pRootNode; } biTree::biTree(const vector<int> nodeKeyVec) { pRootNode = new biTreeNode(nodeKeyVec[0]); queue<biTreeNode*> nodeQueue; nodeQueue.push(pRootNode); for(int i = 1; i < nodeKeyVec.size(); i = i+2) { biTreeNode *pCurrentNode = nodeQueue.front(); nodeQueue.pop(); if(pCurrentNode != NULL && i < nodeKeyVec.size() && nodeKeyVec[i] != NONODE) { biTreeNode* pLeftChild = new biTreeNode(nodeKeyVec[i]); addNodeToChild(pCurrentNode, pLeftChild, LEFT); nodeQueue.push(pLeftChild); } else nodeQueue.push(NULL); if(pCurrentNode != NULL && i+1 < nodeKeyVec.size() && nodeKeyVec[i+1] != NONODE) { biTreeNode* pRightChild = new biTreeNode(nodeKeyVec[i+1]); addNodeToChild(pCurrentNode, pRightChild, RIGHT); nodeQueue.push(pRightChild); } else nodeQueue.push(NULL); } } vector<int> biTree::nonRecursiveTraversal() { vector<int> retDataVec; stack<biTreeNode *> nodeStack; biTreeNode *pCurrentNode = pRootNode; while(true) { pCurrentNode->visit(&retDataVec); nodeStack.push(pCurrentNode); if(pCurrentNode->isChildExist(LEFT)) pCurrentNode = pCurrentNode->pLeftChild; else { do{ if(nodeStack.empty() == true) return retDataVec; pCurrentNode = nodeStack.top(); nodeStack.pop(); } while(pCurrentNode->isChildExist(RIGHT)); pCurrentNode = pCurrentNode->pRightChild; } } } void addNodeToChild(biTreeNode* pCurrentNode, biTreeNode* pChild, bool leftOrRight) { if(leftOrRight == LEFT) pCurrentNode->pLeftChild = pChild; else pCurrentNode->pRightChild = pChild; pChild->pParent = pCurrentNode; }