Design an algorithm and write code to find the first common ancestor of two nodes in a binary tree. Avoid storing additional nodes in a data structure. NOTE: This is not necessarily a binary search tree.
import java.util.HashSet; class Q4_6{ public static TreeNode ancestor; //使用额外的空间存储 public static TreeNode method1(TreeNode tn1,TreeNode tn2){ if(tn1==null||tn2==null) return null; HashSet<TreeNode> set=new HashSet<TreeNode>(); while(tn1.parent!=null){ set.add(tn1); tn1=tn1.parent; } while(tn2.parent!=null){ if(set.contains(tn2)) return tn2; tn2=tn2.parent; } return null; } //不使用额外的空间 public static TreeNode method2(TreeNode tn1,TreeNode tn2){ if(tn1==null||tn2==null) return null; for(TreeNode p=tn1;p!=null;p=p.parent){ TreeNode q=tn2; while(q.parent!=null){ if(q==p) return q; q=q.parent; } } return null; } //不存在父指针的节点 //ancestor会不断更新,直到最后一个共同的祖先 public static void method3(TreeNode tn1,TreeNode tn2,TreeNode head){ if(head==null||tn1==null||tn2==null) return; if(head!=null&&father(head,tn1)&&father(head,tn2)){ ancestor=head; method3(tn1,tn2,head.lchild); method3(tn1,tn2,head.rchild); } } private static boolean father(TreeNode head,TreeNode tnode){ if(head==null) return false; else if(head==tnode) return true; else return father(head.rchild,tnode)||father(head.lchild,tnode); } public static void main(String[] args){ int[] arr={6,3,8,7,4,9}; TreeNode root = TreeNode.createBinaryTree(arr); TreeNode tn1 = root.rchild.lchild; TreeNode tn2 = root.rchild.rchild; System.out.println(method1(tn1,tn2).value); System.out.println(method2(tn1,tn2).value); method3(tn1,tn2,root); System.out.println(ancestor.value); } } class TreeNode{ int value; TreeNode lchild; TreeNode rchild; TreeNode parent; public static void insert(TreeNode tnode,int x,TreeNode p){ if(tnode==null){ tnode=new TreeNode(); tnode.value=x; tnode.lchild=null; tnode.rchild=null; if(p.value>x) p.lchild=tnode; else p.rchild=tnode; tnode.parent=p; return; } if(x<tnode.value){ insert(tnode.lchild,x,tnode); }else{ insert(tnode.rchild,x,tnode); } } public static TreeNode createBinaryTree(int[] values){ TreeNode root=new TreeNode(); root.value=values[0]; for(int i=1;i<values.length;i++){ insert(root,values[i],root); } return root; } }