1、 测试的对象仅为应用程序包,有一定的局限性。
2、 Monky测试使用的事件流数据流是随机的,不能进行自定义。
3、 可对Test的对象,事件数量,类型,频率等进行设置。
adb shell monkey [options] <event-count>
options | event-count |
这个是配置monkey的设置,例如,指定启动那个包,不指定将会随机启动所有程序 | 这个是让monkey发送多少次事件 |
3、如果应用程序产生了应用程序不响应(application not responding)的错误,Monkey将会停止并报错。
adb shell monkey -p your.package.name -vvv 500 > monkeytest.txt
eclipse连接真机设备,Window打开CMD,命令行输入:adb shell,进入shell界面后:
我运行的是手机上的 计算器 程序,具体你可以指定自己的APP包名就可以了~
Monkey工具直接运行在设备或模拟器的adb shell中,生成用户或系统的伪随机事件流。monkeyrunner工具则是在工作站上通过API定义的特定命令和事件控制设备或模拟器,它支持,自己编写插件,控制事件,随时截图,简而言之,任何你在模拟器/设备中能干的事情,MonkeyRunner都能干,而且还可以记录和回放。
1、多设备控制:monkeyrunner API可以跨多个设备或模拟器实施测试套件。您可以在同一时间接上所有的设备或一次启动全部模拟器(或统统一起),依据程序依次连接到每一个,然后运行一个或多个测试。您也可以用程序启动一个配置好的模拟器,运行一个或多个测试,然后关闭模拟器。
2、 功能测试: monkeyrunner可以为一个应用自动贯彻一次功能测试。您提供按键或触摸事件的输入数值,然后观察输出结果的截屏。
3、 回归测试:monkeyrunner可以运行某个应用,并将其结果截屏与既定已知正确的结果截屏相比较,以此测试应用的稳定性。
4、 可扩展的自动化:由于monkeyrunner是一个API工具包,您可以基于Python模块和程序开发一整套系统,以此来控制Android设备。除了使用monkeyrunner API之外,您还可以使用标准的Python os和subprocess模块来调用Android Debug Bridge这样的Android工具。
monkeyrunner -plugin <plugin_jar> <program_filename> <program_options>
#导入我们需要用到的包和类并且起别名 import sys from com.android.monkeyrunner import MonkeyRunner as mr from com.android.monkeyrunner import MonkeyDevice as md from com.android.monkeyrunner import MonkeyImage as mi #connect device 连接设备 #第一个参数为等待连接设备时间 #第二个参数为具体连接的设备 device = mr.waitForConnection(1.0,'e0d98451') if not device: print >> sys.stderr,"fail" sys.exit(1) #定义要启动的Activity componentName='com.example.simulate/.ShellActivity' #启动特定的Activity device.startActivity(component=componentName) mr.sleep(3.0) #do someting 进行我们的操作 #输入 helloworld device.type('helloworld') #输入回车 device.press('KEYCODE_ENTER') #return keyboard #device.press('KEYCODE_BACK') #------ #takeSnapshot截图 mr.sleep(3.0) result = device.takeSnapshot() #save to file 保存到文件 result.writeToFile('./shot1.png','png');
monkeyrunner testrunner.py
#!/usr/bin/env monkeyrunner # Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from com.android.monkeyrunner import MonkeyRunner as mr from com.android.monkeyrunner.recorder import MonkeyRecorder as recorder device = mr.waitForConnection() recorder.start(device)
monkeyrunner monkey_recorder.py
Button | Description |
Wait | 等待时间 |
Press a Button | 发送,MENU,HOME,or SEARCH 按钮.Press,Down,or Up事件 |
Type Something | 发送一些字符串 |
Fling | 用来操作虚拟键盘 |
Export Action | 将我们的脚本导出来 |
Refresh Display | 刷新当前界面 |
TOUCH|{'x':297,'y':533,'type':'downAndUp',} WAIT|{'seconds':2.0,} TOUCH|{'x':136,'y':278,'type':'downAndUp',} WAIT|{'seconds':2.0,} TOUCH|{'x':123,'y':356,'type':'downAndUp',} WAIT|{'seconds':10.0,} PRESS|{'name':'HOME','type':'downAndUp',} WAIT|{'seconds':2.0,} TOUCH|{'x':235,'y':720,'type':'downAndUp',} WAIT|{'seconds':2.0,} TOUCH|{'x':303,'y':630,'type':'downAndUp',} WAIT|{'seconds':2.0,} TOUCH|{'x':16,'y':71,'type':'downAndUp',} WAIT|{'seconds':2.0,} TOUCH|{'x':244,'y':735,'type':'downAndUp',}
#!/usr/bin/env monkeyrunner # Copyright 2010, The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys from com.android.monkeyrunner import MonkeyRunner # The format of the file we are parsing is very carfeully constructed. # Each line corresponds to a single command. The line is split into 2 # parts with a | character. Text to the left of the pipe denotes # which command to run. The text to the right of the pipe is a python # dictionary (it can be evaled into existence) that specifies the # arguments for the command. In most cases, this directly maps to the # keyword argument dictionary that could be passed to the underlying # command. # Lookup table to map command strings to functions that implement that # command. CMD_MAP = { 'TOUCH': lambda dev, arg: dev.touch(**arg), 'DRAG': lambda dev, arg: dev.drag(**arg), 'PRESS': lambda dev, arg: dev.press(**arg), 'TYPE': lambda dev, arg: dev.type(**arg), 'WAIT': lambda dev, arg: MonkeyRunner.sleep(**arg) } # Process a single file for the specified device. def process_file(fp, device): for line in fp: (cmd, rest) = line.split('|') try: # Parse the pydict rest = eval(rest) except: print 'unable to parse options' continue if cmd not in CMD_MAP: print 'unknown command: ' + cmd continue CMD_MAP[cmd](device, rest) def main(): file = sys.argv[1] fp = open(file, 'r') device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() process_file(fp, device) fp.close(); if __name__ == '__main__': main()
E:\android-sdk-windows\tools>monkeyrunner monkey_playback.py action.mr
我的脚本是执行一些press down 和press up动作,同时会有延迟,之后按下home按钮,最后打开桌面的短信程序,并打开某一条信息~是不是有点像按键精灵的感觉?但是得依靠命令行执行脚本~~~