
近日在VirtualBox上安装了CentOS,突然发现CPU风扇狂转,一查,原来VirtualBox上的CentOS几乎在100%使用VirtualBox分配给它的CPU核心。 在网上找了半天,终于找到一条方法,即:修改/etc/grub.conf文件,在kernel一行后加上参数“divider=10” ,经试验,果然CPU正常了。


关于 divider=10 的解释:

For RHEL 5.4 and CentOS 5.4 and later, divider=10 is a supported kernel configuration option, but is no longer necessary for accurate timekeeping. Using it reduces the frequency of timer interrupts by 10x, which reduces the  CPU overhead of processing timer interrupts. This overhead is especially noticeable for idle virtual machines. The only drawback of using divider=10 is that the granularity of wakeups provided by the kernel changes from 1ms to 10ms. The vast majority of applications are not affected by this, but using divider=10 may not be the right tradeoff for some time sensitive applications. For RHEL 5.3 and earlier, divider=10 greatly improves timekeeping accuracy and is strongly recommended.
