使用Selenium Server测试无线路由器Web管理页面

使用Selenium Server测试无线路由器Web管理页面

 最近在做WIFI吞吐率的 测试,需要登录到无线路由器的Web管理页面对无线参数的频段和模式等进行更改。更改无线参数之后,再使用IxChariot等工具对WIFI吞吐率进行测试。项目组想把这个过程自动化起来,IxChariot工具自动化很容易实现,对无线参数的更改决定使用 Selenium工具进行自动化更改。遇到的问题是,访问http://时,无法解决登录问题,因为Selenium不支持 Windows安 全对话框(windows security dialog)!对话框上面的信息为:位于Mercury Wireless Router MW548R的服务器192.168.1.1 要求用户名和密码。警告:此服务器要求以不安全的方式发送您的用户名和密码(没有安全连接的基本认证)。


   How do I use Selenium to login to sites that require HTTP basic authentication (where the browser makes a modal dialog asking for credentials)?

  Use a username and password in the URL, as described in RFC 1738:

  Test Type

  open http://myusername:myuserpassword@myexample.com/blah/blah/blah

   Note that on Internet Explorer this won’t work, since Microsoft has disabled usernames/passwords in URLs in IE. However, you can add that functionality back in by modifying your registry, as described in the linked KB article. Set an “iexplore.exe” DWORD to 0 in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_HTTP_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DISABLE.

   If you don’t want to modify the registry yourself, you can always just use Selenium Remote Control, which automatically sets that that registry key for you as of version 0.9.2.



  Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

  [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_HTTP_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DISABLE]



package dw.junit;
import org.junit.*;
import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*;
public class MercuryTesting extends SeleneseTestBase {
 private static Selenium selenium;
 public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
  selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*iexplore",;
  selenium.setTimeout(60 * 1000 + "");
 public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
  if (selenium != null) {
 public void testaa() {
  // 点击左侧的无线参数导航链接
  // 切换模式
  selenium.select("//select[@name='mode']", "label=11Mbps (802.11b)");


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