在 AS3 中的 Socket 只有 TCP 一种方式,而 TCP 就必然面临拆包的问题。对于 Windows、Linux、Mac等操作系统的不同网络模型,Flash 程序在不拆包下的运行糟糕程度不一样,我的亲身体会是 Windows 的网络模型会积攒更大的缓冲区数据让 Flash TCP Socket 每次收到的数据量都比 Mac 上的多,所以情况就更糟糕。这时候拆包的效果就十分明显。
下面有一段更形象化的解释,摘自 Netty 的
One Small Caveat of Socket Buffer
In a stream-based transport such as TCP/IP, received data is stored into a socket
receive buffer. Unfortunately, the buffer of a stream-based transport is not a queue of
packets but a queue of bytes. It means, even if you sent two messages as two independent
packets, an operating system will not treat them as two messages but as just a bunch of
bytes. Therefore, there is no guarantee that what you read is exactly what your remote
peer wrote. For example, let us assume that the TCP/IP stack of an operating system has
received three packets:
| ABC | DEF | GHI |
Because of this general property of a stream-based protocol, there's high chance of reading them in the following fragmented form in your application:
| AB | CDEFG | H | I |
Therefore, a receiving part, regardless it is server-side or client-side, should defrag the
received data into one or more meaningful frames that could be easily understood by the
application logic. In case of the example above, the received data should be framed like the
| ABC | DEF | GHI |
下面实例中的 _socket 和 lastReservedLength 都是在函数外部定义的,其定义不影响程序的理解。各段含义我写在了程序的注释中。
private function onResponse(e:ProgressEvent):void {
// Data available from socket
while (_socket.bytesAvailable > 0)
var tmpLength:int = 0;
// Last package received is incomplete, and package length maintains last reserved length
if (lastReservedLength > 0)
// CASE 1: Package is still incomplete after receiving data from socket at least once
if (lastReservedLength > _socket.bytesAvailable + 4) break;
// CASE 2: The last part of a package
else tmpLength = lastReservedLength;
// Last package received is complete, and package length should be read from socket
var lengthBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
lengthBytes.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
_socket.readBytes(lengthBytes, 0, 4); // TODO Crash!
//Error: Error #2030: End of file was encountered.
//at flash.net::Socket/readBytes()
tmpLength = lengthBytes.readInt();
// CASE 3: The first part of a package
if (_socket.bytesAvailable < tmpLength - 4)
lastReservedLength = tmpLength;
// CASE 4: A complete package received once
// Generate ByteArray of a complete package
var resultBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
_socket.readBytes(resultBytes, 4, tmpLength - 4);
lastReservedLength = 0;
// parse the ByteArray
resultBytes.position = 0;
var resProto:Object = CppLibUtil.parseMediaProto(resultBytes);
// Dispatch the ByteArray
if (resProto != null) {
var uri:String;
try {
uri = resProto.uri;
} catch (e:Event) {
dispatchEvent(new InternalEvent(uri, resProto));