JBoss 4.2 GA 使用感受

JBoss 4.2 GA 使用感受

JBoss 4.2 GA 已经发布有一段时间了,主要还是一些 bug fix 已经一些新的包的加入。感觉比较爽的是解决了过去不太好用的一些地方。

过去在用 JBoss 4.0.5 的时候一直被 Log 的问题困扰,如果在自己的项目里加入 log4j 和 common logging 的话,必然会出错,所以我们不得以,必须通过一些调整手段来处理这样的问题,也就是每次在 tomcat 下调试的应用,需要改点东西才能 deploy 到 JBoss 上去,但使用了 4.2 以后就没有这样的问题了,在 tomcat  下用的包直接放过去,没有做任何的修改就可以正常使用了。

因为我项目用的是 commons-lang 2.3 而 JBoss 4.0.5 用的是 2.1 每次使用 commons-lang 2.1 里面没有的方法时,就会出现 NoSuchMethodException,最后只好把 JBoss 下所有的 commons-lang 的包用 2.3 的替换掉,而 4.2 已经没有这个问题了,2.3 已经可以正常使用了。

默认的 JBoss 4.2 我只能用 localhost 访问,不能用 IP 地址访问,后来发现,需要修改 jboss-4.2.0.GA\server\default\deploy\jboss-web.deployer\server.xml 把 Connector 下面的 address 改成对应的 IP 或者 就可以用 IP 访问了。 

后面附上了 Release Note 中的一些内容。

This is the final release of JBoss Application Server v4.2.0. JBoss AS 4.2 is a stepping stone from JBoss 4.0 to JBoss 5.0. It combines a lot (but not all) of the exciting new features of JBoss 5, but based on the stable 4.x MicroKernel architecture.


    * JDK5 is *required* to run JBossAS 4.2.x. The decision was based on the fact that JDK1.4 is phased out and the reality that a lot of people like Java Annotations support and want to combine EJB3 and JBoss Seam components with JBossAS. JDK6 is not formally supported yet, although you may be able to start the server with it. JDK6 support will come with JBossAS 5.x.
    * JBoss EJB3 is now deployed *by default* in JBossAS 4.2.x The fact that we base on JDK5 makes our life easier in this regard, meaning we don't have to maintain jdk5 code retro-weaved for jdk1.4 runtimes, and we can include by default components that require jdk5 to run.
    * JBoss Web v2.x is the web container in JBossAS 4.2, an implementation based on Apache Tomcat that includes the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and Tomcat native technologies to achieve scalability and performance characteristics that match and exceed the Apache Http server. In the absence of the native libraries in the JBoss classpath, JBoss Web falls back to the standard non-native connector mode. The native libraries need to be downloaded and installed separately.
    * JBoss Transactions v4.2 is the default transaction manager for JBossAS 4.2. JBoss Transactions is founded on industry proven technology and 18 year history as a leader in distributed transactions, and is one of the most interoperable implementations available. The JTA version of JBoss Transactions included with the server provides for fully recoverable transactions. For distributed transaction support the JTS version of JBoss Transactions will need to be used. Furthermore, it is always possible to fall back to the legacy JBossTM fast in-memory transaction manager implementation, if necessary.
    * JBossWS is the web services stack for JBoss 4.2 providing Java EE compatible web services. It has been upgraded to v1.2.1.GA
    * JGroups/JBossCache were upgraded to the latest releases. The server is already configured to support channel multiplexing, when it becomes available.
    * JBoss Remoting was upgraded to the latest stable 2.2.x version. This was done in order to align dependencies with the thirdparty libraries required by the new JBoss Messaging, which means that, if you want, you can replace the default JBossMQ messaging provider with JBoss Messaging, without having to revert to a scoped deployment.

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