C++ vs. Java


C++ vs. Java

The following text has been reproduced from a wonderful computer reference chart with permission from the company that produced it, BarCharts, Inc.

For C++ Programmers

Java bears a strong (intentional) relationship to the widely used C++ programming language. There are, however, a number of significant differences, the most significant of which include:


Data Types: In C/C++ many data types (such as int) are hardware dependent. In Java, the size and manner of representation of data is specified, to facilitate machine independence of code.


References vs. Pointers: In C/C++, variables that contain addresses of data and functions, pointers, can be declared. In Java, no addresses are used. Instead, references are used to establish variable names for objects.


Automatic Variables: In C/C++, memory for variables declared within functions (i.e., local variables) will normally be allocated automatically, on the stack. In Java, all memory for non-intrinsic data objects must be acquired with the new operator.


Dynamic Memory Management: In C++, memory is dynamically assigned by the programmer (using the new operator) and must also explicitly be freed (using the delete operator). In Java, a garbage collection process automatically locates the memory associated with any object that is no longer referenced within the program, meaning no explicit deletion is required.



Global Data and Functions: In C++, data and functions can be declared outside of any class definition. (In C, all functions are declared that way). In Java, all data and functions must be declared within class definitions. Like C++, however, a static declaration may be used to make member data/functions object dependent.


Inheritance: Unlike C++, Java permits only one parent per class. Many benefits of multiple inheritance be achieved, however, using JavaInterfaces. Java class constructor functions can also explicitly invoke parent constructors with the super keyword.


Boolean Expressions: In C/C++, boolean (false/true) expressions translate to 0, nonzero integers. In Java, test are done with the boolean data type. As a result, expressions containing && and || stop evaluating an expression once its results are known to be true or false, referred to as a shortcircuit. The & and | operators, in contrast, evaluate both sides of their expressions even if the final result is already known (e.g., the left side of an & expression is false ).

布尔表达式:在C/C++中,布尔(false/true)表达式可以转译为0,非0整数。在Java中,只允许boolean数据类型来测试布尔值,不能通过整数转换为boolean值(即不存在 if(10) 这样的表达式作为布尔表达式).与C/C++中一样,一旦在一个包含&&和||的布尔表达式中提前得到ture或false值,表达式将被短路(即不再评估后面的结果).&和|操作符则相反,将评估表达式两边的结果即使最终的结果是已知的(左侧&表达式是false)。

注: & | 其实是按位操作符,而非严格的逻辑操作符,也就是按位操作以后作为逻辑判断。

The information above has been reproduced with permission from BarCharts, Inc.
