PMI(Performance MonitoringInfrastructure) uses a client and server architecture and it can collect the performance data from one or more  was platform and its components which can help to monitor the health of the application server,as well, process the data.such as the response time of the servlets, JSP component and enterprisebeans performance, JVM,etc.PMI service is a  server component and there r three clients which can retrieve data from the Server by the JMX API, a Web Client, a java Client, Java Management Extensions. Actually, the was platform contains Tivoli performance viewer , a java client which displays && monitors the performance data.

              Web client                                                             >                PerfServlet PerfMBeans AppServer
          JMX client Java           >                        >               <                        
                     PMI Client Wrapper  JMX ConnectorRMI/SOAP   PerfServlet PerfMBeans AppServer

             TivoliMViever    /^                   

What's more , we can create custom-made statistics to best meet our monitoring needs && displays and monitors in a portal. PMI  instrumentation is based on j2ee1.4 and the custom supports all the statistic types, countstatistic timestatistic,rangetatistic, boundedrangestatistic.but as a feature , it cannot support the uerdefined statistic types.
We can use Admin Client API to get the custom performance data. Was6.1.0,%WAS_HOME%AppServe\runtimes path includes two jar files, and they r all client related Jar files.,%WAS_HOME%AppServe\properties\ we can modify these configuration which will stand the corresponding ones of the Jar file, as following will give a simple sample about retrieving the custom interesting performance data and here just to get the server node.
 1 import  java.util.HashSet;
 2 import  java.util.Iterator;
 3 import  java.util.Set;
 5 import;
 6 import;
 8 import;
 9 import;
10 import;
12 /** */ /**
13 * @author QuQiang
14 * 
15 */

16 public   class  Test  {
18    public static void main(String[] args) {
19        AdminClient ad = null;
20        boolean failed = false;
21        java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
22        props.put(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_TYPE, "connector");
23        props.put(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_HOST, "host");
24        props.put(AdminClient.CONNECTOR_PORT, "port");
25        try {
26            ad = AdminClientFactory.createAdminClient(props);
27   on = new
28                    "WebSphere:*");
29            Set objectNameSet = ad.queryNames(on, null);
30            HashSet nodeSet = new HashSet();
31            for (Iterator i = objectNameSet.iterator(); i.hasNext(); on = (ObjectName) i
32                    .next()) {
33                String type = on.getKeyProperty("type");
34                if (type != null && type.equals("Server")) {
35                    System.out.println(on.getKeyProperty("name"));//node objectName     
36                }

37            }

39        }
 catch (MalformedObjectNameException me) {
40            failed = true;
41            new AdminException(me).printStackTrace();
42            System.out.println("ObjectName: exception");
43        }
 catch (Exception ex) {
44            failed = true;
45            new AdminException(ex).printStackTrace();
46            System.out.println("getAdminClient: exception");
47        }

48    }

