LoadRunner provides two different ways to monitor a WebLogic server depending upon the WebLogic version, i.e. SNMP-based monitor, or JMX monitor.
WebLogic monitor (SNMP- based) gathers measurement based on information returned by the WebLogic SNMP agent.
· Availability: LoadRunner 6.0
· Supported Server Version: WebLogic 5.x
· Supported Server Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000
WebLogic monitor (JMX) gathers measurement based on Java API. It uses the JMX interface, (which is a Sun extension to Java.
· Availability: LoadRunner7.02 or above
· Supported Server Version: WebLogic 6.x –7.x. For WebLogic8.x, please refer to the additional setup information below .
· Supported Server Platform: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Solaris 2.6, AIX 5.1, HP-UX 11
The WebLogic (SNMP) monitor uses SNMP to retrieve server statistics. To use this monitor, you must make sure that a version prior to WebLogic 6.0 is installed on your server, and that the SNMP agent is installed and activated on the server.
1. Go to the WebLogic directory.
2. Save the startWebLogic.cmd file as startWebLogic.bat.
3. Open startWebLogic.bat and set the JDK_HOME parameter to <JDK installation>.
1. Make sure that the standard SNMP agent is not running – to verify this, go to Control Panel ® Services and check the status of SNMP and SNMP Trap or consult the UNIX admin for the SNMP daemon on the Unix machine.
For the UNIX platform, the batch file is startSnmpAgent.sh.
3. In the same file (startSnmpAgent.bat or startSnmpAgent.sh), search for the following line (usually the last line in file):
“%JDK_HOME%\bin\java -classpath %JAVACLASSPATH% weblogic.SNMPAgent -password ServerSystemPassword -serverURLs t3://localhost:7001 -trapDestinations localhost:162”
· This is the command use to startup the WebLogic SNMP agent.
· It requires a Java Virtual Machine for execution.
· The classpath must contain weblogicaaux.jar and \weblogic\classes. For Weblogic 5.1 with SP, you would need to add the sp jar file (usually named weblogic510spxxx.jar)to the CLASSPATH of the agent startup scrīpt.
4. Replace ServerSystemPassword with the password defined during server installation.
5. If you do not know your password, it is in the “weblogic.properties” file under the property “weblogic.password.system=???.”
6. You will probably need to change “localhost” to the name of your machine.
7. Run startSnmpAgent.bat from the Command Prompt. If it starts OK, you will receive a “Agent Initialization Complete” message.
1. For detailed instructions on installing the WebLogic SNMP agent and the utilities to test the agent, see http://www.weblogic.com/docs51/admindocs/snmpagent.html.
2. If you intend to run the WebLogic Server SNMP agent as the only agent on the system, you may not be able to start it if any other agent is already running and is bound to the SNMP port (161).
1. Click the WebLogic (SNMP) graph in the graph tree, and drag it into the right pane of the Run view.
2. Right-click the graph and choose Add Measurement(s), or choose Monitors à Add Online Measurement.
3. In the Monitored Server Machines section of the WebLogic (SNMP) ( or WebLogic) dialog box, click Add to enter the server name or IP address of the machine you want to monitor. Select the platform on which the machine runs, and click OK.
4. In the Resource Measurements section of the WebLogic (SNMP) dialog box, click Add to select the measurements that you want to monitor. The WebLogic SNMP Resources dialog box displays the available measurements.
5. Browse the WebLogic SNMP Objects tree.
6. To measure an object, select it, and click Add. The following tables describe the measurements and server properties that can be monitored
1. The SNMP-based monitor can only monitor up to 25 measurements.
2. Some network devices between the LoadRunner Controller machine and the SNMP agent machine might be configured to block or reroute the SNMP traffic.
R. This is a known issue in LoadRunner 65 SP1. To resolve the issue, please download and apply Patch LR651P34 from Support’s Download à Patches à LoadRunner à 6.5 SP1 à LR651P34 - LoadRunner 6.51 Fixed Controller crashes caused by unavailability of the SNMP or WebLogic server
R. To do so, please modify the snmp.cfg located in <LoadRunnner >\dat\monitors:
1. Look for the appropriate monitor.
2. Uncomment the "SNMP_community_name=" line by removing the semi-colon (";").
3. Add the community string setup by the SNMP agent, to the end of “SNMP_community_name=;”. Please note that this is case-sensitive.
4. Save the snmp.cfg file and restart the LoadRunner Controller.
R. To do so, you need to modify the snmp.cfg file in <LoadRunner>\dat\monitors.
1. Look for the appropriate monitor.
2. Uncomment the "port=" line by removing the semi-colon (";").
3. Add the port number to the end of “port=”. For example, port=1234
For monitoring over firewall, please refer to Knowledge Base Article 3678
R. You receive this error because you are trying to access a private/ proprietary MIB file. LoadRunner does not recognize this file, as it is not in LoadRunner’s MIB definition file.
WebLogic Monitor (JMX monitor)
1. WebLogic 6.0 or above on the server
2. JDK 1.3.x or above installed on the Controller machine. For WebLogic8.x, you need JDK1.4.
3. Copy WebLogic.jar from <server installation>\lib folder to <LoadRunner>\classes
4. LoadRunner 7.02 or above:
a. No patches is required for LoadRunner 7.5 or above
b. For LoadRunner 7.02:
· Contact Mercury Customer Support for patch LR702P34 - LoadRunner 7.02 WebLogic JMX monitor for versions 6.0 & 6.1
· To install:
i. Exit LoadRunner Controller.
ii. Unzip weblogic60_702.zip in the LoadRunner installation directory.
iii. Terminate the Java Web server by entering the URL
http://localhost:1112/?id=exit&type=0 in a browser.
iv. Run patch_monitors_v702.bat in <LoadRunner>\bin
v. Install Java Runtime by executing j2re-1_3_1-win.exe.
1. Click the WebLogic (JMX) graph in the graph tree, and drag it into the right pane of the Run view.
2. Right-click the graph and choose Add Measurement(s), or choose Monitors à Add Online Measurement.
3. In the Monitored Server Machines section of the WebLogic (JMX) dialog box, click Add to enter the server name or IP address of the machine you want to monitor. Enter the server name or IP address according to the following format:
<server name>:<port number>
For example: mercury:8111. Select the platform on which the machine runs, and click OK.
4. Click Add in the Resource Measurements section of the WebLogic (JMX) dialog box. In the Enter Login Information dialog box, enter the username and password of a user with administrative privileges to the WebLogic server. The BEA WebLogic Monitor Configuration dialog box opens. For details on creating user permissions, see
5. Browse the Measured Components tree.
6. Check the required performance counters in the BEA WebLogic Monitor Configuration window's right pane.
7. Click OK in the BEA WebLogic Monitor Configuration dialog box, and in the WebLogic (JMX) dialog box, to activate the WebLogic (JMX) monitor.