[置顶] Not enough memory. Please load a smaller dataset or use larger heap size.

今天在win7下装weka发现运行不了,后来下载了jdk 1.6 64bit之后,正常安装了 weka 3.7 现在正常运行,但是载入基因表达数据集后运行filter跳出错误警告如下:


Error Message

Not enough memory. Please load a smaller dataset or use larger heap size.


This error message appears when a user attempts to load or process a dataset that WEKA can not handle with the used heap size.


The Java heap size can be specified with the -Xmx option.

Let the classpath that contains a JAR file (weka.jar) be:


E.g., to use 256MB as heap size, the command line looks like this:

C:/Matlab/weka-3-5-7>java -Xmx256m -jar weka.jar
