CSS Attributes: Index

This index lists all the supported Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) attributes by category, and indicates the version of Windows Internet Explorer in which the attributes were first available.

Version Keys
(5) Attribute available as of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 
(5.5) Attribute available as of Internet Explorer 5.5 
(6) Attribute available as of Internet Explorer 6 
(7) Attribute available as of Internet Explorer 7 
(8) Attribute available as of Internet Explorer 8 
Note  When an attribute has multiple version keys, later version keys indicate significant updates to the attribute.

  — Attributes that have been proposed to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) but are not part of any standard.

  — Microsoft extensions to the CSS standard.

behavior  (5)
list-style list-style-image list-style-position list-style-type
Color and Background
background background-attachment background-color background-image
background-position background-position-x  background-position-y  background-repeat
Font and Text
CONTENT (8) counter-increment (8) counter-reset (8) direction (5)
font font-family font-size font-style
font-variant font-weight ime-mode  (5) layout-flow 
layout-grid (5) layout-grid-char (5) layout-grid-line (5) layout-grid-mode (5)
layout-grid-type (5) letter-spacing line-break (5) line-height
ruby-align ruby-overhang ruby-position text-align
text-align-last  (5.5) text-autospace (5) text-decoration text-indent
text-justify (5) text-kashida-space (5.5) text-overflow  (6) text-transform
text-underline-position  (5.5) unicode-bidi vertical-align white-space (5.5)
word-break  (5) word-spacing (6) word-wrap (5.5) writing-mode  (5.5) (7)
border border-bottom border-bottom-color border-bottom-style
border-bottom-width border-collapse (5) border-color border-left
border-left-color border-left-style border-left-width border-right
border-right-color border-right-style border-right-width border-spacing (8)
border-style border-top border-top-color border-top-style
border-top-width border-width caption-side (8) clear
float margin margin-bottom margin-left
margin-right margin-top padding padding-bottom
padding-left padding-right padding-top table-layout (5)
bottom (5) clip display height
left max-height (7) max-width (7) min-height (6)
min-width (7) overflow overflow-x overflow-y
position right (5) top visibility
width z-index
orphans (8) page-break-after page-break-before page-break-inside (8)
widows (8)
User Interface
accelerator  (5) cursor -ms-interpolation-mode  (7) outline (8)
outline-color (8) outline-style (8) outline-width (8) scrollbar-3dlight-color  (5.5)
scrollbar-arrow-color  (5.5) scrollbar-base-color  (5.5) scrollbar-darkshadow-color  (5.5) scrollbar-face-color  (5.5)
scrollbar-highlight-color  (5.5) scrollbar-shadow-color  (5.5) zoom  (5.5)
