

What Is Ehcache

Ehcache is an open source, standards-based cache used to boost performance, offload the database and simplifyscalability. Ehcache is robust, proven and full-featured and this has made it the most widely-used Java-basedcache.

It can scale from in-process with one or more nodes through to a mixed in-process/out-of-process configurationwith terabyte-sized caches. For applications needing a coherent distributed cache, Ehcache uses the opensource Terracotta Sever Array.

Ehcache is actively developed, maintained and supported as a professional open source project by Terracotta,Inc. and is available under an Apache 2 license. In addition to the full-featured open source Ehcache edition,Terracotta offers enterprise editions of Ehcache with 24x7 Professional Support, Consulting, and Trainingservices worldwide.

Ehcache Search

Query, Search and Analyze In-Memory Data

Ehcache Search is an addition to the core Ehcache API that lets you query, search and analyze billions of cache entries in memory, with results to complex searches returned in less than a second. By querying the cache directly, you can avoid the time-consuming and expensive process of querying the database, then mapping query results to cache lookups.

Additional Modules

ehcache-core-2.5.0-distribution.tar.gz Caching engine, RMI replication and Hibernate plugins
ehcache-web-2.0.4-distribution.tar.gz Java Servlet Container caching, gzipping filters
ehcache-server-1.0.0-distribution.tar.gz RESTful cache server in a WAR
ehcache-standalone-server-1.0.0-distribution.tar.gz RESTful cache server in a standalone package
ehcache-openjpa-0.2.0-distribution.tar.gz Caching Plugin for OpenJPA
ehcache-jcache-1.2-distribution.tar.gz JSR107 JCACHE Implementation
ehcache-jgroupsreplication-1.4-distribution.tar.gz Replication via JGroups
ehcache-jmsreplication-0.3-distribution.tar.gz Replication via JMS
ehcache-nonstopcache-1.0.1-distribution.tar.gz Fine-grained control over timeouts and offline events
ehcache-explicitlocking-0.2-distribution.tar.gz Explicit locking control for standalone and Terracotta
ehcache-unlockedreadsview-1.0.0-distribution.tar.gz Unlocked reads view of a coherent Terracotta cache
ehcache-debugger-1.7.1-distribution.tar.gz Allows tracing of RMI distributed replication events
