Fibonacci Heap(简称F-Heap)是一种基于二项堆的非常灵活的数据结构。它与二项堆不同的地方在于:
1)root list和任何结点的child list使用双向循环链表,而且这些lists中的结点不再有先后次序(Binomial Heap中root list的根结点按degree从小到大顺序,child list的结点按degree从大到小顺序);
2)二项堆中任何一颗Binomial Tree中根结点的degree是最大的,而F-Heap中由于decrease-key操作(cut和cascading cut)的缘故,并不能保证根结点的degree最大;
3)二项堆中任何结点(degree等于k的)为根的子树中,结点总数为2^k;F-Heap中相应的结点总数下界为F{k+2},上界为2^k(如果没有Extract-Min和Delete两类操作的话)。其中F{k+2}表示Fibonacci数列(即0,1,1,2,3,5,8,11...)中第k+2个Fibonacci数,第0个Fibonacci数为0,第1个Fibonacci数为1。注意不像二项堆由二项树组成那样,F-Heap的root list中的每棵树并不是Fibonacci树(Fibonacci树属于AVL树),而F-Heap名称的由来只是因为Fibonacci数是结点个数的一个下界值。
4)基于上面的区别,若F-Heap中结点总数为n,那么其中任何结点(包括非根结点)的degree最大值不超过D(n) = floor(lgn/lg1.618),这里1.618表示黄金分割率(goldren ratio),即方程x^2=x+1的一个解。所以在Extract-Min的consolidate操作之后,root list中的结点最多有D(n)+1。而二项堆中degree最大值不超过floor(lgn),从而root list中最多有floor(lgn)+1颗二项树。
5)另外一个与二项堆的最大不同之处在于:F-Heap是一种具有平摊意义上的高性能数据结构。除了Extract-Min和Delete两类操作具有平摊复杂度O(lgn),其他的操作(insert,union,find-min,decrease-key)的平摊复杂度都是常数级。因此如果有一系列的操作,其中Extract-min和delete操作个数为p,其他操作个数为q,p<q,那么总的平摊复杂度为O(p + q.lgn)。达到这个复杂度的原因有以下几点,第一,root list和任何结点的child list中使用了双向循环链表;第二,union和insert操作的延迟合并,从而在所有的可合并堆中,F-heap的合并开销O(1)最小的;第三,decrease-key中cut和cascading cut的巧妙处理(即任何非根结点最多失去一个孩子)。
以下是基于CLRS第三版的伪代码的Fibonacci Heap的实现。以下几点值得注意一下:
1)Decrease-Key操作中通过添加变量cascade消除CLRS中Cascading Cut函数的tail recursion;
2)Extract-Min的consolidate函数中每处理一个root结点就将该结点从root list中删除,然后在寻找新的min结点时按照degree从小到大次序(实际上在F-Heap中不用关心节点之间的相对顺序)恢复root list;
3)consolidate函数中的link操作和二项堆中的操作类似,只不过这里不用考虑child list中结点的顺序;
4)Extract-Min中涉及mark属性的代码:在Extract-Min中将min的所有孩子结点添加到root list时不需要清除mark属性,等到consolidate的link操作以及寻找新的min结点时再分别设置:linked child的mark = false,root的mark=false。
/** * * Fibonacci Heap * * Copyright (c) 2011 ljs ( * Licensed under GPL ( * * @author ljs * 2011-09-05 * */ public class FibonacciHeap { static class Node{ private int key; private Node parent=null; private int degree=0; private Node child=null; private Node left; private Node sibling; private boolean mark=false; public Node(int key){ this.key = key; } public String toString(){ return this.key + "(degree=" + + ",mark=" + this.mark + ")"; } } //the head of root list private Node min; private int n; //insert a single node public void insert(Node node){ addToRootList(node); n++; } private void addToRootList(Node node){ if(min==null){ node.left=node.sibling=node; min = node; }else{ //insert node in root list as node's left neighbor Node prev = min.left; prev.sibling = node; node.sibling = min; min.left = node; node.left = prev; if(node.key<min.key) min = node; } } public Node findMin(){ return this.min; } //rhs is the min node of H' public void union(FibonacciHeap h){ Node rhs = h.min; if(rhs==null) return; //concatenate the root list of both heaps: insert rhs as the right neighbor of min if(this.min == null){ this.min = rhs; }else{ Node nextH1 = min.sibling; Node lastH2 = rhs.left; min.sibling = rhs; lastH2.sibling = nextH1; nextH1.left = lastH2; rhs.left = min; if(this.min.key>rhs.key){ min = rhs; } } n += h.n; } public Node extractMin(){ Node z = this.min; if(z!=null){ //insert z's children in the root list Node x = z.child; while(x!=null){ Node next = x.sibling; this.addToRootList(x); x.parent = null; //x.mark = false; //delay updating mark until linking and finding new min x = (next != z.child)?next:null; } //remove z from root list n--; Node prev = z.left; if(prev==z){ //z is the only node in root list min = null; }else{ Node next = z.sibling; prev.sibling = next; next.left = prev; //set min to a temporary value as an entry pointer of the heap, //later we will update it this.min = next; consolidate(); } } return z; } private void consolidate(){ double goldratio = (Math.sqrt(5)+1)/2.0; int maxdegree = (int)(Math.log(n) / Math.log(goldratio)); Node[] A = new Node[maxdegree+1]; //iterate all nodes in root list Node w = this.min; while(w!=null){ Node prev = w.left; Node next = w.sibling; Node x = w; int d =; while(A[d] != null){ Node y = A[d]; //link x and y if(x.key<y.key){ //y is added as a child of x x = link(x,y); }else{//x is added as a child of y x = link(y,x); } A[d] = null; d++; //when two trees with same degree are linked, the degree increases by 1. } A[d] = x; //remove w from root list if(prev == w){ //w is the only node in root list w = null; //set condition to exit while }else{ prev.sibling = next; next.left = prev; w = next; } } min = null; //reconstruct root list from A[] for(int d=0;d<=maxdegree;d++){ if(A[d] != null){ A[d].mark = false; //root node is unmarked addToRootList(A[d]); } } } private Node link(Node small,Node large){ Node child = small.child; if(child==null){ small.child = large; large.left = large.sibling = large; }else{ //make large node as a child of small node: insert large as a left neighbor of small.child Node childPrev = child.left; childPrev.sibling = large; large.sibling = child; child.left = large; large.left = childPrev; }; large.parent = small; large.mark = false; //large is a child of small, so its mark is reset return small; } public void decreaseKey(Node x,int k) throws Exception{ if(x.key<k) throw new Exception("key is not decreased!"); x.key = k; Node p = x.parent; boolean cascade = false; while(p!=null){ if(cascade || x.key<p.key){ cut(x,p); if(p.mark){ //cascading cut x = p; p = x.parent; cascade = true; }else{ if(p.parent != null){ //p is not root p.mark = true; } break; } } } //if p is null, then x is root. //Root node doesn't change when decreased key(thanks to the above exception checking). //update min: only x's key is changed, other's roots created via cascading cut has no effect on min if(k<this.min.key){ min = x; } } private void cut(Node x,Node parent){ if(x == x.sibling){ //x is the only child of parent parent.child=null; }else{ Node prev = x.left; Node next = x.sibling; //remove x from child list prev.sibling = next; next.left = prev; parent.child=next; }; x.parent = null; x.mark = false; //add x to root list addToRootList(x); } public void delete(Node x) throws Exception{ decreaseKey(x,Integer.MIN_VALUE); this.extractMin(); } public void print(){ System.out.format("F-Heap(n=%d):%n",this.n); Node h = this.min; while(h!=null){ this.print(0, h); h = (h.sibling!=min)?h.sibling:null; } } private void print(int level, Node node){ for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { System.out.format(" "); } System.out.format("|"); for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { System.out.format("-"); } //boolean isChildLink = (node.parent!=null && node.parent.child == node); System.out.format("%d%s%n", node.key,node.mark?"(x)":""); Node child = node.child; while(child!=null){ print(level + 1, child); child = (child.sibling!=node.child)?child.sibling:null; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //heap1 FibonacciHeap fheap1 = new FibonacciHeap(); Node node5=null,node14=null,node15=null; for(int i=0;i<17;i++){ Node node = new Node(i); fheap1.insert(node); if(i==5) node5=node; if(i==14) node14=node; if(i==15) node15=node; } fheap1.extractMin(); //fheap1.print(); fheap1.decreaseKey(node14, 9); fheap1.decreaseKey(node15, 8); //cascading cut //fheap1.print(); fheap1.delete(node5); fheap1.print(); Node min=fheap1.findMin(); System.out.format("min:%d%n", min.key); //heap2 System.out.println(""); FibonacciHeap fheap2 = new FibonacciHeap(); int[] B = new int[]{40,39,20,18,41,38,52,3}; Node node52=null,node41=null; for(int i=0;i<B.length;i++){ Node node = new Node(B[i]); fheap2.insert(node); if(i==6) node52 = node; if(i==4) node41 = node; } fheap2.insert(new Node(0)); fheap2.extractMin(); //fheap2.print(); fheap2.decreaseKey(node52, 7); //fheap2.print(); fheap2.decreaseKey(node41, 21); //fheap2.print(); fheap2.extractMin(); fheap2.print(); //union heap1 and heap2 fheap1.union(fheap2); fheap1.print(); min = fheap1.extractMin(); while(min!=null){ System.out.format("%d ",min.key); min = fheap1.extractMin(); } } }
1 2 3 4 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 16 18 20 21 38 39 40