
The winnow algorithm is a technique from machine learning for learning a linear classifier from labeled examples. It is very similar to the perceptron algorithm. However, the perceptron algorithm uses an additive weight-update scheme, but winnow uses a multiplicative weight-update scheme that allows it to perform much better when many dimensions are irrelevant (hence its name). It is not a sophisticated algorithm but it scales well to high-dimensional spaces. During training, winnow is shown a sequence of positive and negative examples. From these it learns a decision hyperplane. It can also be used in the online learning setting, where the learning and the classification phase are not clearly separated.

		15-859(B) Machine Learning Theory            01/20/10
Online learning contd
* The Winnow algorithm for disjunctions
* Winnow for k-of-r functions and general LTFs in terms of L_1 margin
* If time: Infinite-attribute model, string-valued features

If you think about the problem of learning an OR-function, we
saw an algorithm: "list all features and cross off bad ones on
negative examples" that makes at most n mistakes.  But, what if most
features are irrelevant?  E.g., if representing a document as vector
indicating which words appear in it and which don't, then n is pretty
large!  What if the target is an OR of r relevant features where r is
a lot smaller than n.  Can we get a better bound in that case?

What could we do if computation time were no object?  How many bits to
describe an OR of r variables, where r << n?  Ans: O(r log n).  So, in
principle, we'd like to obtain a bound like this.

Winnow will give us a bound of O(r log n) mistakes efficiently.

So, this means you only have a small penalty for "throwing lots of
features at the problem".  In general, will say that an algorithm with
only polylog dependence on n is "attribute-efficient".  

Winnow Algorithm: (basic version)

1. Initialize the weights w_1, ..., w_n of the variables to 1.

2. Given an example x = (x_1, ..., x_n), output + if
	w_1x_1 + w_2x_2 + ... + w_nx_n >= n,
   else output -.

3. If the algorithm makes a mistake:

  (a) If the algorithm predicts negative on a positive example, then
  for each x_i equal to 1, double the value of w_i.

  (b) If the algorithm predicts positive on a negative example, then
  for each x_i equal to 1, cut the value of w_i in half.

4. repeat (goto 2)

THEOREM: The Winnow Algorithm learns the class of disjunctions in the
Mistake Bound model, making at most 2 + 3r(1 + lg n) mistakes when the
target concept is an OR of r variables.

PROOF: Let us first bound the number of mistakes that will be made on
positive examples.  Any mistake made on a positive example must double
at least one of the weights in the target function (the *relevant*
weights), and a mistake made on a negative example will *not* halve
any of these weights, by definition of a disjunction.  Furthermore,
each of these weights can be doubled at most 1 + lg(n) times, since
only weights that are less than n can ever be doubled.  Therefore,
Winnow makes at most r(1 + lg(n)) mistakes on positive examples.

Now we bound the number of mistakes made on negative examples.  The
total weight summed over all the variables is initially n.  Each
mistake made on a positive example increases the total weight by at
most n (since before doubling, we must have had w_1x_1 + ... + w_nx_n
< n).  On the other hand, each mistake made on a negative example
decreases the total weight by at least n/2 (since before halving, we
must have had w_1x_1 + ... + w_nx_n >= n).  The total weight never
drops below zero.  Therefore, the number of mistakes made on negative
examples is at most twice the number of mistakes made on positive
examples, plus 2.  That is, 2 + 2r(1 + lg(n)).  Adding this to the
bound on the number of mistakes on positive examples yields the
theorem.  QED.

Open question: is there an attribute-efficient algorithm for Decision
Lists?  Want mistake bound poly(L, log n), where L is length of list.

Open question: There is no known poly-time algorithm for performing
nearly as well as the *best* OR-function when none is perfect.  Best
known guarantees are (1) sqrt(n) factor worse, or (2) # mistakes
proportional to the number of *attribute errors* of the best OR
function (# bits you'd need to flip in the examples to make them
consistent).  Alternatively, you can run RWM with one expert per OR
function but that's not poly-time...


Winnow for Majority Vote functions

How about learning a majority-vote (k of r) function:  n variables
total, r are relevant, and an example is positive iff at least k are
on.  (Classify as SPAM if at least k keywords are present).

Say we know k.  Let epsilon = 1/(2k).  Our algorithm will multiply by
1+epsilon for mistakes on positives, and divide by 1+epsilon for
mistakes on negatives. 

Think of multiplying by 1+epsilon as putting a poker chip on the weight,
and dividing as removing the chip (can have neg chips).

Max number of chips on relevant weights <= r*log_{1+epsilon}(n).

M.on pos.:put >= k chips on rel weights. Total weight up by at most epsilon*n
M.on neg.:take <=k-1 off rel weights. total wt down by at least n(eps/(1+eps))

Use to create two inequalities in two unknowns:

k*(M_pos) - (k-1)*(M_neg) <= r*log_{1+epsilon}(n)

total weight >= 0.  Or,
n + (M_pos)*n*epsilon >= (M_neg)*n*(epsilon/(1+epsilon))

Solve: Rewrite 2nd inequality as: M_neg <= (1+eps)M_pos + (1+eps)/eps.
Plug into first, and use log_{1+eps}(n) ~ (1/eps)*ln(n) to get:

  k*M_pos - (k-1)(1+eps)M_pos <= (r/eps)*ln(n) + (k-1)(1+eps)/eps

Now we have set eps = 1/2k so that (k-1)(1+eps) < k - 1/2, so we get:

                   (1/2)M_pos <= (r/eps)*ln(n) + (k-1)(1+eps)/eps

So M_pos = O(rk*log(n)), and same with M_neg.

What if don't know k??

If know r, then can guess and double.  If dont, can guess and double r
too, but then cost is O(r^2*log(n)).  So we have:

THEOREM: Winnow learns the class of "k of r functions" with at most
O(r^2 log n) mistakes.


Using Winnow for general LTFs
What if the target is a general linear threshold function of the form
w*_1 x_1 + ... + w*_n x_n >= w*_0?

Let's scale so that all weights are integers, and assume all are
non-negative (can do that by introducing new variables y_i = 1-x_i).

Let W = w*_1 + ... + w*_n.

If we know W (or say W is just an upper bound on true value) then we
can solve the problem like this:  just repeat each variable W times.
We then have a "k=w*_0 out of r=W" problem, so we get a mistake-bound
of O(W^2 log(nW)).

Now, here's a cute thing: the above algorithm --- repeating each variable
W times --- does *exactly* the same thing if we had run the algorithm
without repeating each variable! (it's equivalent to initializing each
weight to W instead of 1 and using a threshold of nW instead of n,
which is the same as initializing weights to 1 and a threshold of n)
So, we really didn't have to do anything!

So, we get a good bound as a function of the L_1-size of the
solution.  Can in fact remove W from log as well.

More generally can directly argue using the same basic analysis that
if the target vector w* is a general LTF such that w* \cdot x > c on
positives and w* \cdot x < c - alpha on negatives, then the mistake
bound is O((L_1(w*)/alpha)^2 log(n)).  I.e., don't have to assume
integer weights.  Can extend also to the case where features x_i aren't
just {0,1}.  In that case, need to multiply L_1(w*) by L_\infty(X),
the maximum magnitude of any feature in the instance space.

[Will this on hwk 2]

The quantity gamma = alpha/[L_1(w^*)L_infty(X)] is called the "L_1
margin" of the separator, and our bound is O((1/gamma^2)*log(n))

The perceptron algorithm, which we'll look at next time, has a mistake
bound of O(1/gamma^2) where gamma = alpha/[L_2(w*)L_2(X)].  If "n" is
large but most are irrelevant (i.e. target is sparse but examples are
dense), then Winnow is better because adding irrelevant features
increases L_2(X) but not L_infty(X).  On the other hand, if the target
is dense and examples are sparse, then perceptron is better.

[probably won't have time for this]

String-valued features and the IA model
The discussion so far has focused on learning over the instance space
{0,1}^n. I.e., examples have n Boolean-valued attributes.
Another common setting is one in which the attributes are
string-valued; that is, X = (\Sigma^*)^n.  For instance, one
attribute might represent an object's color, another its texture, etc.
If the number of choices for each attribute is small, we can just
convert this to the Boolean case, for instance by letting ``x_1 =
red'' be a Boolean variable that is either true or false in any
given example.  However, if the number of choices for an attribute is
large or is unknown apriori, this conversion may blow up the number of

Question: how does this change the learning problem?

This setting is a version of the Infinite Attribute model.  Here, we
have an infinite number of boolean features but each example has at
most n that are "on".  Example described as the set of the
on-features.  Goal is to be polynomial in n.  E.g., if we think of
representing email messages by the set of words in them, then here n
is the maximum number of words in a given email message, which might
be much smaller than the total size of the dictionary.

These two models (n string-valued features, or just an example is a
list of at most n strings) are basically equivalent.

Claim: can use Winnow to do well in this model.  Idea:

   Say we know r.  solve for smallest N >= n*(MB of Winnow)
                                         = n*(3r(log N + 1) + 2).
        (e.g., N = n*r^2 is sufficient if r and n are large, since RHS
         gives us O(nrlog(nr)) < rn^2)

   Define y_1, ..., y_N as N boolean features.  What we'll do is
   assign these to strings as they come up in examples that winnow
   makes a mistake on. 

   Say we see example: (buy xanax real cheap).  Then we'll
   *temporarily* assign y_1 = "buy", etc.  Give winnow the
   example:  1 1 1 1 0 0 ... 0

   If we make a mistake, we make this assignment permanent.  Otherwise
   we undo it (we forget we ever saw the example).

   Claim: What winnow sees is consistent with an OR of r boolean features.

   So, by its mistake bound and the defn of N, we won't ever run out
   of y's to assign.

   # mistakes at most 3r(log N + 1) + 2, which is O(rlog(nr)).

In general: any algorithm that is Attribute-Efficient (or even has up to
an n^{1-epsilon} dependence on the total number of variables) can be
translated to this model.

Note: decision list alg (from your hwk) fails.  Not known if it is
possible to learn DLs in this setting mistake bound poly(n,L).

