1012. The Best Rank (25)


using namespace std;
int n;//student
int m;//query
typedef struct Node
	string name;
	int grade[4];
	int bestRank;
	int bestGrade;
typedef struct SortNode
	int g, idx, rank;
	bool operator>(const SortNode& orh)const
		return g>orh.g;
char CharTable[4]={'A','C','M','E'};
#define INF 0x6FFFFFFF
int main()
	vector<Node> stu(n);//student
	map<string, int> stuMap;//for query
	for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		scanf("%d%d%d", &stu[i].grade[1], &stu[i].grade[2], &stu[i].grade[3]);
		stu[i].grade[0] = stu[i].grade[1]+stu[i].grade[2]+stu[i].grade[3];
		stu[i].bestRank = INF;
		stuMap[stu[i].name] = i;
	for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)//for every record
		vector<SortNode> sortNode(n);
		for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
			sortNode[j].g = stu[j].grade[i];
			sortNode[j].idx = j;
		sort(sortNode.begin(), sortNode.end(), greater<SortNode>());
		//process the same grade case
		int nowGrade = INF;
		int nowRank = 0;
		for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
			if(sortNode[j].g == nowGrade)
				sortNode[j].rank = nowRank;
				sortNode[j].rank = j;
				nowRank = j;
				nowGrade = sortNode[j].g;
		//then compare to select the best rank
		for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
			int idx = sortNode[j].idx;
			int rank = sortNode[j].rank;
			if(stu[idx].bestRank > rank)
				stu[idx].bestRank = rank, stu[idx].bestGrade = i;

	for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
		string name;
		map<string, int>::iterator it = stuMap.find(name);
			int idx = it->second;
			printf("%d %c\n", stu[idx].bestRank+1, CharTable[stu[idx].bestGrade]);
		else printf("N/A\n");
	return 0;

